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I'll be speaking live tomorrow at 7:00 AM on the kickoff-morning show on the fastest-growing audience cultivating station--of all formats AM or FM--in the Pensacola-area market. 1370 WCOA. |
I've once again been asked to start the week as the lead off guest on the area's fastest-growing, best, most-relevant, highest-rated, most entertaining, and most widely-trusted morning drive news talk radio program, "Real News with Rick Outzen" on the area's best talk station AM 1370 WCOA.
I'll be on at 7:00 AM Monday morning.
There were a flurry of important, newsworthy issues bubbling up late last week as we all head into a notoriously slow news climate ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday........ This could make for some good, entertaining and illuminating discussion tomorrow morning; I will be fully prepared to discuss any of it or all of it--- if Rick wishes to do so.
One interesting aspect of coming on Rick's program, as compared to others I have been asked to be on in the past--is that Rick rarely previews what issues he wants to discuss. There are no pre-prepared topics sent out in advance, so the discussion can be real, raw, honest and spontaneous. So, some serious issues might very well be on tap for tomorrow morning's show.
Or---- we might just talk Turkey.
Who knows? After all, the news cycle takes a 7 day hiatus starting tomorrow....
Listen live at 7:00 AM and find out.
1. OLF*!! Makes me so happy to see this possibility come forward--it must do your heart good, Commissioner Bergosh.
Obviously a lot of people have been wondering if Mr. Hemmer would be putting it together to come back around with a superior idea. His developments are better than most, even when let loose with the County's horrible land development code (that the BCC can change at any time). It's really too bad that he got himself mired up with Doug and Jonathan on OLF8 and that monstrosity of a Sector Plan.
Wish even more that he'd work with the County to set aside a bunch of that Sector Plan land in forest conservation. You guys could do a massive green belt in perpetual set-aside there with some forward thinking. (Tax incentives for Low Impact Development anyone? It's not rocket science how other places have preserved their trees and fixed their flooding--same problem, with the different outcome being because the policy makers cared to fix it.)
With ECW machinations out of the picture, along with Doug's unethical years-long attempt to downgrade the value of that land for a developer who saved his butt with PAC money in the primary of 2018 (and that's on Doug, not Mr. Hemmer), perhaps after all these years Hemmer's involvement with OLF8 has come full and more perfect circle--from that back of the envelope, ham-fisted drop onto ECW, to a potential home run for everyone, at a fair price and fantastic profit to the taxpayers of the County.
2a JOHN BOY'S TEXTS. Per the action filed by the County on the stolen text messages, copying and pasting what I posted to Rick's Blog yesterday. I do want to underline in your space, Commissioner Bergosh, that you guys have very real problems in EMS that have never been solved, despite the song and dance you've gotten since Edler and her supporting higher-ups were removed. I've said this from day one when you guys let Janice plug that position with another poisonous yes man, and I pulled myself out of any further advocacy the day that Torsell told people anyone speaking to me would be fired on the spot, with his cretin sidekick snatching the phone out of a medic's hands to search it for messages from/to me. That was nearly 2 1/2 years ago, and I washed my hands of it that day--not just for my own sanity, but to keep any staff from further harassment. You need an entire wave of clean-up among administration and the brutes and brats that have been rewarded for their bullying into supervisor positions under Torsell and Stephens' tenure--the sooner, the better.
[Per the court action, The County needs to do this and a whole lot more to finally bring the Underhill-Rogers cohort into accountability for their years of destructive and dangerous damage wrought on this community.
During Arduini’s deposition, hopefully they will ask him how he actually got those documents with Commissioner Barry’s sensitive information, including social security. There could very well be some interesting through-lines.
This past week JAR hit an all-time low when she orchestrated an “anonymous” garbage misinformation string on Commissioner May and got the old band back together to perform their typical pre-orchestrated version of The Aristocrats. My favorite part was when she or whoever else was working the “Anonymous Participant” account lost track of which account they were using and tagged “Anonymous Participant” with that same account–a little slow on the uptake as usual, Jacqueline finally went in and “fixed” it by tagged AP and directing them to check PM. It blows my mind she really seems to not get that nobody is fooled. We’ve all been onto her tactics for years.
She, Owens, Arduini, and Doug all got a super special unexpected bonus, though–a real life person coming on to make multiple, explicit threats of violence directly on Commissioner May and the other commissioners, stating twice that “violence is the only answer” and that the commissioners wouldn’t understand until they were made to feel “pain.” Jacqueline–who had already bragged about her administrative capacity and prowess in setting up the anonymous dump earlier in the string–answered every single call to violence in her typical “who me? not me” fashion, apparently believing that absolved her of leaving the calls for violence stand. And so they did, for two days, until the string disappeared in the very moment I was reading it over with a friend to make sure we had it all documented properly.
I hope the County Attorney’s office and the BCC is ready to follow this thing where ever it leads and not stop until the entire network of people who were and/or still are in possession of those stolen documents without rendering them to the proper authorities is exposed. And that includes Pam Childers, who is commonly acknowledged to have bragged to various corners about having a copy of them, necessitating Commissioner Kohler’s fake fit of “government transparency” in his attempt to shield her during the BCC vote.
Who knows, maybe Pam can get Jonathan on her payroll now if she hasn’t already. Not gonna lie, it is satisfying to see two people who helped disinformation Edler’s suit against me now on the defending end of civil action themselves that, unlike the results of Edler’s frivolous, Doug-inspired action on me, will–if the attorneys have a stomach for accountability and protecting the taxpayer–not just demonstrate civil culpability but will also underline their criminal behavior. No doubt whatever agencies have been investigating the actual crimes will be watching this action with interest.
Jonathan, how many times were you warned over the years, from the very beginning. I warned you myself; you messed with the voicemail recording and posted it on ECW (which I figured you might do when I left it.) Countless opportunities to uncouple yourself from Doug’s program, and at every turn you doubled down instead. The sad thing is, for *years* those of us fighting your corrupt D2 office have known that, whenever it finally did hit the fan, Doug would have you stuck holding the bag.
(ps. the “Anonymous Participant” account laying out the BS disinformation on debris is not to be confused with some of the anonymous posters from EMS who clearly seem to be speaking the real deal. It breaks my heart that we got that viper’s den cleaned out once, only to let the previous administration restock the pool with another thug in command with a rat dumper as his heavy. I wish the good employees still laboring under that horrendous toxic workplace–here comes the new boss; same as the old boss–had a better venue to air their justifiable grievances than a disinformation site that has no credibility whatever with ethical and intelligent people.)
I appreciate that the good commissioner is a supporter of free speech but what all your followers need to know is MP is a narcissist who writes fantasy about all the conspiracy theories bouncing around in her head taking the time to put them all out for the world to see. No matter the discussion she can always inject how her activism, different from advocacy, has been involved seeking praise from others.
"Narcissistic - a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration."
12:40 PM/Stephens/one of his lackeys--surprise surprise. And out of the woodwork the anonymous EMS posting comes.
Commissioner Bergosh, hopefully you're noting that all this is same crap bosses, different day. Nothing has changed a bit, except the names and faces. Same rotten core in EMS administration producing the same toxic workplace. Same horrible environment for staff to work in. With the Board being told a very similar load of hooey.
And ps...while 12:40 sure can Talk Good (like most narcissistic toxic bosses), he spills those specks in the grey matter and waves he's EMS Team Stephens like a banner out of the gate with his comment sucking up to free speech on this blog.
That's because a recent anonymous EMS post on ECW began with the irony that while free speech is touted here, Escambia staff are under a gag order per social media and feel they have no recourse to airing their grievances.
I agree with that, and can't imagine how difficult it is to watch everybody wave free speech around like a banner knowing that if you say anything negative about your County working conditions online--or in some cases even post anything at all, and *especially* about EMS--it could cost you your job.
Or, sadly, worse--they could keep you on and make your life hell. 6 of one half dozen of the other.
Swing and a miss, MP. This is why everyone recognizes your rhetoric is dangerous.
Oh wow...okay, 1:57 AM. Now that you let me know anonymously it was swing and a miss--well that changes everything. Thank you so much for visiting me with the epiphany that you're not a member of EMS Thug Life. I'm gonna get off here and rethink everything I've ever believed as a result of that revelation, and then take better stock of my goals and how I go about things. What a mercy.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both. People with OCD have time-consuming symptoms that can cause significant distress or interfere with daily life.
It seems some people think we have both
If you are dealing with a narcissist, try the following tips:
Try To Avoid Direct Confrontation. ...
Reiterate Your Need For Action Over Promises. ...
Maintain Boundaries. ...
Remind Yourself That You Are Not To Blame. ...
Don't Accept Their Behavior. ...
Acknowledge When You Need Professional Help. ...
Know When You Need To Leave A Relationship.
Instead of using labels let try to get along with each christian love is a great thing no need in being bitter all the time
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