
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Adding the Missing Pieces to the Puzzle for Context

Here's the context and the missing puzzle pieces to Thursday's  political stunt that turned what should have been a congenial, Christmas themed final BCC meeting of the year  into one of the worst spectacles any of us have seen in decades on a public dais.

Since the absolutely cringeworthy disaster of a BCC meeting last Thursday "happened"--I have been inundated with well wishes and curious questions from friends, supporters, and family alike--the jist of which has been "What the heck was that all about."  

The public is genuinely puzzled by that embarrasing, unprofessional, rustic, inartful, and utterly bush-league display at public forum and subsequently at the commissioner's forum at the follow-on regular meeting.  In answering an intelligent, reasoned comment to an earlier blog post--I felt it might be instructive to put a stand-alone post up with my answer to that poster's comment and request for the basis for that attack----in order to add some real, factual context that today's front-page hit piece conveniently left out.  

And to add the missing pieces to the puzzle.

Thursday's meeting spectacle was a calculated, coordinated hit on me by one commissioner, his secretary (who's currently running a shadow campaign for my seat), and one citizen (who himself is a rabid acolyte of disgraced formercounty commissioner Doug Underhill and ally of Stroberger and Kohler). 

Three people.  

Out of 340,000 citizens in Escambia County.  

Ho hum. 

Meanwhile the D2 commissioner, Mike Kohler, is very well aware (as is most of the 4th floor) that County Employee Steve Stroberger is running for my seat,  because Steve Stroberger himself (Kohler's Secretary) has widely made it known he intends to run against me for the D1 commission seat; he's been making the rounds on the fourth floor, he's asked attorneys in the County Attorney's office if he "really has to resign to sign up to run against Jeff Bergosh", to which he was told, "Yes."  I'm also told Stroberger has made inquiries of local campaign check writers downtown about their level of potential support for his candidacy, to which I'm told he received a tepid, flaccid response.  

I've heard anecdotally Stroberger had a lunch in the IPC with Clerk of the Court Pam Childers who was encouraging Steve to run against me.  "You can do it, Steve!" was the flavor I'm told.  Good for him!  He should immediately sign up and run against me.  I welcome that!

So yes, he's currently making feeble attempts at running a shadow campaign for D1 commissioner--Encouraged, condoned, and with complete support from his boss "Pious" Mike Kohler.  Perhaps Kohler should demand an investigation of that?? Last time I checked---- you must register at the SOE's office to start fundraising and campaigning for office?  I wonder if the new "paragon of virtue," "Pious" Mike Kohler will be so discriminating, demanding, and hypercritical about what's happening in his own office currently?  Probably not.  

Meanwhile, "Pious" Mike speaks for himself only, not for the board, with his outrageous, embarrassing spectacle of a "demand" for an investigation.  

One administrative employee said to me, after that spectacle, that he was personally embarrassed for the county and had never seen such a disgusting stunt pulled in a public meeting by a sitting board member or a board employee in decades.  Decades.   Others have expressed the same disgust. 

So here are the FACTS that are the missing "puzzle pieces":  

First off:  D2 Secretary Steve Stroberger speaks for himself only, not for the county and not for the Republican Executive Committee or the Republican Party--when for his personal political expediency only he blabbers and stammers at the podium with outlandish allegations which are baseless followed by calls for my removal from office.  It's all an attempt at a political hit, designed to gin up a hatchet piece in the PNJ which they knew would follow, to potentially score a right cross to my face politically, metaphorically speaking, in the court of public opinion.  (Interesting only PNJ did a piece on this, no WEAR story as of today, no NorthEscambia story,  and No Rick's Blog story.  It seems to me these other, legitimate local news sources--- by their not covering this mess--- are telling the PNJ, overtly, "Quiet, the adults are talking")

So it's an orchestrated attack by Kohler, Stroberger, one citizen and the PNJ.  Nothing more.   

That's what this is, was, and will probably be up until August 20th.  So be it.  

Meanwhile, I continue to find it fascinating that suddenly "pious" Mike Kohler (Has a ring to it, "Pious"

Mike) says he's "obligated"? to ask for an investigation into this PNJ hatchet piece "alleging" an out of the sunshine meeting?  This hit job--- by the Liberal Media, Gannett garbage factory known as PNJ---- was built utilizing unverified, manipulated files that were stolen from the county, theft of which is currently being examined by multiple agencies to include the FBI. This fetid, rotting garbage-stack of an "article" is built on non-contextualized snippets containing no direct evidence of any crime happening--- let alone anything else.  And even in the highly-unlikely event what they allege could be substantiated and found to be true, (which it can't be because what they allege did not happen) such meeting would likely, per the statute, be non-criminal or potentially, possibly a misdemeanor at worst.  

So Kohler wants that investigated immediately?!? LOL  

But just a few short weeks back, I requested county action the right way, via a unified  board vote, to seek to retrieve stolen county files unlawfully detained by multiple people that contain personal identification information on 12 county citizens in contravention to state laws-----where unauthorized possession of such files is a Felony!  

Several individuals, to include former D2 Secretary Jonathan Owens and the PNJ, have already admitted possessing these files publicly in the press.  

The county is going to depose multiple individuals under oath in that case to determine who else is holding these stolen county files unlawfully  so we can seek their return. We are also seeking conversion and other remedies  from the Judge in that case.  

Inexplicably, however, when the vote to authorize this legitimate, responsible action described above was called, after compelling reasons were presented, Mike Kohler protested and set about with some gibberish gobbledygook soliloquy about "the court action being a lack of government transparency!!!" as he prompely lost another 4-1 vote and the board rightly voted to seek retrieval of the stolen county property from those who possess it unauthorized and unlawfully.  

What happened, "Pious" Mike?  What are you afraid such a court action might uncover?  Do you have a copy of these stolen county files you are not authorized to possess?  Stroberger?  Pam Childers? Doug Underhill, Rayme Edler?   Others?  Where you at, Pious Mike? Have you or someone you know already violated the law and committed a FELONY by unlawfully, without authorization and under Fl. Stat. 817.5685  possessing these files?  Don't worry, we'll find out when the depositions start and folks have to speak under oath.  Hope nobody lied to the FBI.....that's be bad.  Real bad. As Joe Kenda might say.

So yes, anonymous 2:20 from the other post, you are right.  "Pious" Mike Kohler has not only apparently lost control of  his only employee, but apparently also his ability to discern a clear Felony issue which should be addressed with immediate action------------- from a no-evidence, no proof insinuation of a non-criminal allegation that neither needed nor required his piling-on, sophomoric display of nonsensical, irrational bloviating.  

Much more to come on this as the Old Bull continues to walk down the hill to the pasture, metaphrically speaking.


Anonymous said...

Well, he should be asked to resign then.

Anonymous said...

I know, like Stoberger thinks anyone will be impressed he called the Governor and asked for your removal, I guess because he is on some republican committee he has hot line. HAHA.

I thought he was running for D2 because he was mad at Underhill, the Innerararity debacle if I recall. He had no chance of winning and was simply a casualty of redistricting.

Even after the Ethics Committee recommended Underhill to be removed it didn't happen.

Does he even know that.

So yes what a bunch of bluster from an employee.

I don't think Stroberger is an employee of Kohler, I think he is an employee of the county and administration doesn't need to condone this behavior.

Maybe Kohler is just ignorant. Not defending him, IDK. But utterly ridiculous.

The federal lawsuit may be stressing him out. Or he is swayed by the psychopaths.

But yes, what a stunt for saying Kohler considers the BCC a team. He may have thought he was doing a CYA for himself but what he demonstrated was he doesn't understand the sunshine law, gerrymandering, nor vexatious litigation.

By the way, of course ECW is spinning it as usual. There are a few new people that buy into it though.

For them. Public gets 2 to 3 minutes to say what they want to say. Chairman recognizes the other commissioner if they want to speak.

No one can call out from the audience nor either interrupt each other.

Who was yelling out, Stoberger or Conrad?

Yes it was political theater on taxpayer's commissioner's and staff's dime and time.

Anonymous said...

I guess they can be asked under oath if they received the hacked messages. 🤷

It's probably a little payback from Bear getting all those DM on facebook from Underhill, his wife using his account, and the political pundit Admin of ECW.
However that was court ordered and released.

Does every county have this much drama? And lawsuits?

Oh, BTW. Northescambia is garbage also. He gets permission from Barry of what to say and is like PNJ to Century.

The 4th and 5th estate.

Anonymous said...

Mel, I thought Scott Trotter AKA Ben Adams was supposed to be watching D2 antics.

Mel Pino said...

(con. public record email) At some point, they'll probably crack under the cognitive dissonance, just like Doug did, and just as most people trying to hold together two mutually exclusive beliefs about themselves typically do. But in the meantime, hopefully the County will not be slow to put up safeguards this time, and take their threat of instability seriously. Doug was the lesson that the high road doesn't work against these types; ignoring their perfidy and scheming only emboldens them. While nobody--least of all myself--would have wanted to deal with another inept, destructive set of opportunists in the D2 office, unfortunately that's exactly what we've got.

I'm sorry I feel it's imperative to speak that candidly about these bums coming up on Christmas. It was a mistake not coming down for the meeting and allowing Kohler to trash Ms. Kenney unanswered, and I won't make that mistake again. BTW, please consider that a symbol of just how low he's willing to go out of sheer retribution and running the Clerk's playbook for her, as he has been well aware, for many months, that the paramedics were railroaded and admitted it to me during a private call. So don't think that there's anything that these two won't do, and *please* do everything possible to secure the Fourth Floor from access to sensitive information that they shouldn't have access to, especially as Stroberger is clearly working with Jonathan in some sort of frenemy pact leading up to the D1 race. Just as Steve plotted with Kohler a year and a half ago, in a pact to orchestrate *exactly* what they are doing right now. This is not an organic accident. This is what they've been up to all along.

Below is a sample of what we've all got to look forward to in the coming year. If it looks familiar, that's because we've all seen this movie before. Like most sequels, the plot and acting are subpar, but don't let that fool you into thinking that no part of the public is going to like or enjoy it.


Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Yes, Once Greg decides its not an offense. And does nothing. There will be no story. We see how that works.

D2 clowns are playing to the types take the words "government transparency" and equates it to thinking they need to know when you go to the bathroom.

Mel Pino said...

12:08, Kevin ran into Scott Trotter walking in Navy Point a couple of weeks ago, and Scott was still playing the apologist for Kohler. "He's still new" blah blah. Kevin didn't pull any punches in letting him know exactly what kind of person he had supported. That was before this stunt on Thursday, however. I have no idea what Trotter has to say about this turn of events, if anything. He seems to be mostly focused on his move. I truly and sincerely wish him the very best results from it, am sorry he feels like he has no other choice, and understand why. His supporting the type of trash that is chasing good people out of the state is something that I will never understand.

Eric Sharplin said...

I think right we need to show our support for Commissioner Bergosh by attending pubic forum and the BOCC meeting

Anonymous said...

3 people! Lol - seriously - you think only 3 people want you removed from office? Delusional Jeff, you need to keep on drinking the Pino punch and keep on living up to your name Bully Bergosh. Your behavior and inability to admit wrongdoing is just plain sad. When are you going to do some real work instead of acting like a temperamental sycophant?

Mel Pino said...

8:53, there were only 3 people down there publicly calling for a State's Attorney's investigation of text messages that the SAO has already had for months (apparently they think Ginger Rogers needs prompting from ECW to conduct her business), and a single person boasting about writing the governor directly--although not long after Stroberger's BIG REVEAL that he KNOWS HOW TO WRITE A LETTER, I was aware that Kohler has been running around bragging that he's going to get DeSantis to remove Commissioner Bergosh because they're Navy pals. (There will always be Gitmo.)

What we'll see coalesce next is an odd band of political wannabes and misfits coalescing between Perdido Key and Warrington to propel Steve into D1 office. The leader of the Perdido effort will be that dude who took over the grass roots "Stop Perdido City" efforts and turned it into such a horribly embarrassing display (the last meeting being one of the worst meetings a couple of people who were there told me they've ever attended). That will work out cohesively with the bizarro Building Meaningful Communities cultish church in Beach Haven--where people testify their allegiance against Hillary's emails on stage and Kohler like's to karaoke on stage for his adoring acolytes-- because the guy who co-opted Stop Perdido City is Michael Jones's son. (Yes, the founder of the cult community organizing church in Beach Haven who tacked an extension onto his house to hold his meetings is really named Michael Jones.)

If they get that going, it will be like a sad WEAC on steroids. Once you recognize that Stroberger is really running that D2 show rather than Kohler, and Steve's got the playbook from Doug, who is of course really running Jonathan's text message show, it's not hard to figure out what they're going to do next.

It will be interesting to see if Krupnick/PKA and the developer overlord and his real estate agent out there stoop to trucking with the likes of Keith Bowe and the Beach Haven band. The long-time real estate bag woman has already been singing the praises of one of the micro-local chaos makers over on JAR's site. So they'd cleared fanned out and locked in some of the usual suspects and malcontents already. I really hope that Chris Curb has the good sense to steer Flood Defenders clear of a disastrously bad choice confusing their goals with the motivations of this tribe, which is about nothing more than a hysterical mania for aggregating populist power. Whatever the case, it's a *very* strange conglomeration of people up and down the flagpole supporting this effort to oust Commissioner Bergosh before his tenure is up. It will be good entertainment watching to see who outs themselves (or gets outed) as being behind it.

Eric Sharplin said...

We must rely on the facts until this has gone to court. I can assure the other side is watching and taking screen shots of every post.

If they get that going, it will be like a sad WEAC on steroids. Once you recognize that Stroberger is really running that D2 show rather than Kohler, and Steve's got the playbook from Doug, who is of course really running Jonathan's text message show, it's not hard to figure out what they're going to do next.

I hope and pray to God you have 100 percent of what your saying Mel all you need is Doug Underhill filing a lawsuit on you. Loose lips sink ships.

Remember be careful on what you post

Mel Pino said...

A final drop for this morning, added on to the public record email I sent County readership this morning.
---[public record email below]

One last drop for this round, Stroberger and Kohler, to make sure you're aware that we probably understand what your social media "strategist," Keith aka "Papa Q" B-O-W with an -E for effort, is up to better than he does. and are making sure that thousands of other people on his area-wide strings understand it, as well. The below is in response to a woman who didn't understand what Keith was up giving people the idea that Larry was down at the meeting as part of their cabal against Commissioner Bergosh. (As anyone watching or attending the meeting would be aware, he was not.) -Mel

---[Nextdoor comments copied into the public record email.]

Melissa Pino
I'm done responding to Keith's sea lioning here, and he's not going to drag me into tacitly appearing as if I agree his motivations and tactics are honorable, but your comment deserves a response. Roll back through the string and check out Keith's "image insert" game. He keeps a cache of "association" photos at his fingertips to constantly slide into strings like chits as he merrily goes about his business of micro local chaos generator (I've seen every photo on here plugged into Keith's jingo-prop political weavings dozens of times). Some of them are photos that he's taken, and some of them are images he has pulled down while he's doing his daily bread crumb trails.

Most of the time he's dropping standard PR photos of Kohler with another elected rep or some other mucky muck as "evidence" of not only Kohler's celebrity but also, implicitly, a claim to his own proximity to power.

It's funny that while you're chiding me for pointing out what Keith is up to--immediately evident to me not because of some superior intelligence, but because I spent 5 years daily fighting local social media disinformation wars and know most of these tactics like a book--you seemed to have missed how odd it is that Keith dropped the photo of Larry and him at all. Don't you think that's strange? I notice that when you commented on knowing Larry and your respect for him, you didn't feel the need to drop some photographic proof of his knowledge of you that cemented a connection in people's minds.

He'd also like to leave people with the impression that the photo he was just itching to lay down for the umpteenth time of us celebrating Doug's last night on the dais was some special "evidence" he pulled out of his cache. I posted that photo as the last banner on my Facebook in the couple of weeks before I *really* celebrated Doug being gone, and killed my Facebook account, which I opened in spring of 2018 to fight his following's social media disinformation, harassment, and stalking.

Social media allows static images to become subliminal because of the ephemeral manner in which they hit a mobile device and then are gone in the next click. Keith understands that, and pummels people with constant photos he knows have a good chance of leading the human brain into an associative fallacy. When I let Larry know what he was up to, it had nothing to do with your mention of Larry being down at the meeting--whether you understood he wasn't down there to support this effort to oust Bergosh before his term is up (it wasn't clear from your comment, but I didn't read that as intentional)--and everything to do with Keith's opportunism in capitalizing on it.

Anonymous said...

Mel, I doubt Chief Blow and Co are that smart. They just enjoy posting pretty pics for attention and perceived relevance. IMO.

So Kohler thinks he can call ole Navy bud DeSantis. Perhaps Mr. Toilet should take the time to read the ethics case about his predecessor and even then he didn't get removed in time.

Alright D2. What's in the water?

I don't think retired militery are cut out for this job.

It will be a tough election D1 because some don't like the redistricting and you do have to admit you do insult people.

However, they had it coming.

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

“(Interesting only PNJ did a piece on this, no WEAR story as of today, no NorthEscambia story, and No Rick's Blog story.”

WEAR ran the story on Friday Dec 8 4pm news hour.

Eric Sharplin said...

Dr Mel Pino invite Commissioner over to your and have a Psychiatry session with him. Then you will understand how his minds. Just take it slow with him you might confuse him

Eric Sharplin said...

Rumor has it Keith Bowie and friends are lining up more speakers for Public Forum all we meed is for them to get 15 speakers or more it could make it to so you get one minute to speak

Paying Attention said...

Greg. Strange name to drop. Do you mean Mr. Marcille? “We see how that works.” Indeed.

Mel Pino said...

12:55, agree with entirely about Bowe. I know that writeup of some of the biases was too long and dense, and that most people will have skimmed it if that. But your point is spot-on and why I included the following:

"The point isn't whether he knows about these particular biases and is pointedly targeting them with his social media tactics. On one end of the continuum, he may be consciously aware of these different logic processing fallacies and purposely deploying communications to activate them. On the other, hundreds of thousands of social media users have now been trained, in differing degrees of awareness of the training, to employ these tactics by foreign and domestic agents running social media warfare and psy ops strategy against our country.

That's one of the most frightening things about it: the degree of awareness on the part of the person deploying the communication doesn't impact the efficacy as long as the strategy has been mimicked properly."

Hopefully now that the State's Attorney's Office has moved the fact that there is an investigation happening to the public eye, there will be a speedy resolution and it won't drag on endlessly. I suppose it will rely in part on how political it all becomes, and how well Kohlberger and their QEAC are able to keep the media chaos engine running with the help of the PNJ.

But I'm glad the SAO came out and stated the obvious--of course they're investigating, and probably a heck of a lot more than the bogus Sunshine allegations we've all seen that office pummeled with. I wonder if it has occurred to ECW yet that this investigation could clear the decks of all of their insinuations and illegalities against the commission once for all.

Wouldn't it be nice if Ginger Rogers would throw the previous State's Attorney's failure to do anything about Doug's public records crimes into the mix and get that loose end tied up as well? Judge Rogers will be issuing her final ruling on David Bear's federal public records case any time now, although it hardly seems like the final ruling should be necessary for a criminal looksie given what the judge has already ruled. What a Christmas gift THAT long overdue slice of justice served would be.

Anonymous said...

Greg Marcelle typically investigate these low level sunburn cases, 741.

I think the press release really said. "Stop bombarding my office with this political hit job bull shyte."

Mel, where is Fred Astair in this dance?

Anonymous said...

Eric that what public forum is for, let them get on camera and bleat for a few minutes.

If you really want something accomplished go to the org chart and connect with the appropriate department.

Or call and talk to a commissioner, if you aren't one of the disgruntled jerks on ECW, they'll probably be happy to converse.

It's not that hard.

Don't be an ass to them, they won't be an ass to you. Pretty simple.

Anonymous said...

Mel, I doubt it, she will hand it off to a lower subordinate and they will do nothing. They see what this is.

Greg usually picks on people like an ignorant citizen advisory committee in Century after a tornado or easy pickings like that, folk trying to do a good job to help, A hole like NE trying to churn something up for clicks.

I mean think about it, Don't you think they have more important things to prosecute.

Especially since it's not even a sunshine violation AT ALL.

This will fade into the background.

Like a fart in a room.

Except for the political local machinations to try to unseat the incumbants. 2024.

They may have a rough go of it.

Enemies accumulate.

Mel Pino said...

I was surprised to see Mr. Marcille quoted in the PNJ article, 10:56. I thought he had retired permanently. Was also surprised to see Russ Edgar back on the contractor cases.

Larry and I started out with Mr. Marcille on our complaint against Doug for not fulfilling public records. (Our complaints were separate but went in around the same time, so we were interviewed together.) Then around the time that Mr. Marcille would have been getting ready to run for State Attorney (which he didn't end up doing, if I'm remembering correctly because of health reasons), the complaint got switched to Tom Williams and we got to start all over from scratch on everything.

It just went on and on endlessly with them asking for me to put stuff in different form, can you do this, how about if you arrange it all like this, etc. My last meeting on it with them, which I did apart from Larry, I brought JJ with me, as I was starting to get a bad feeling with all of it. (Remember, this is under the previous state's attorney, not Ginger Bowden.) I finally just came right out and asked what the hell the hold up was...I mean, they had the evidence cold from what we presented them without even having to further investigate anything. Why didn't they just subpoena his computer like they did to Gene? Etc.

The answer I got was that they had to be very careful about how they proceeded, for my sake, because if I had gotten even the slightest thing wrong "Underhill could come back on me for filing a false complaint." Of course, Underhill couldn't come back on me for anything--it would have been the SAO who would have been charging me with that. Between that and me being encouraged to file a civil suit instead by the investigator who called one day to try to put things in that direction, I said no masse. It wasn't long after that David Bear thankfully brought things into civil court, and to the best of my knowledge he never received any recourse from the previous State's Attorney on his complaint against Doug's clear violations on not fulfilling record, either.

There were never three wiser words penned than Rick Outzen's "City of Grudges." Really, really hoping this juncture will herald a new era for our community. Lord knows it has been a long time coming.

Anonymous said...

1254. After they got the press release. SAO wanted them to publish that. WEAR was clueless.
Hopefully it stopped the email campaign instigated by JAR.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so Chief Blow was posting the pic of you celebrating DD 's last day. He really thinks he was on to something. I moved the video over LD Jr getting up this past PF. I can't stand to listen to him. He probably had to say how smart he was not to wear a mask. I guess he thinks we forgot he was on the CCB. He may be likable to some but he talks like he got dropped on his head.

And you were pointing out how Chief Bowe rolls. Yes he seems to think he is something -- coming on the scene late and brown nosing. Man crush.

And trying to make it look Larry was on the D2 team. I hear you. LDJ probably just wanted his face on camera to boost his youtube channel and hear himself talk.

Let the games begin.

Out here.

Anonymous said...

Yes I saw the name Greg in the article.

Looks like Sherlock on 741 thinks they are on to something haha.

Scott Trotter said...

Jeff, I’ve always appreciated your candor and willingness to stand up for what is right. However, the angry, petty and overly defensive nature of this post comes off as something Doug Underhill would have written. Suggesting that Kohler and Underhill are allies is laughable. You spent more time trying to use Stroberger as a distraction than addressing the issue. I don’t know if the text messages were stolen, but that doesn’t change their content. Frankly, I expect a certain amount of secret deals and backroom politicking on redistricting. I mean this is Florida. Ethics in politics is more of a suggestion than a rule. But, if you’re going to spend the rest of your time in office trying to out Underhill, Underhill, maybe you’ve been a county commissioner long enough.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Hey Scott-thanks for weighing-in or piling on or both. Haven't heard much from you in a while, glad your're still around. Okay, you don't like what I posted, but let me ask you this: If someone stole your phone's files from a 3-year period and manipulated them and then sent them around unredacted including all personal files that are not public records--wouldn't you be pissed off? And here's another thing, I will ALWAYS defend myself from baseless political attacks. Always. Because I know this: If I am not for me, who is? And also, the PNJ will ALWAYS take the low road--that's their nature so I expect no better from them. But when they take snippets out of proper context to insinuate wrongdoing on my part, I will always respond with facts. Now, for your edification, I'll tell you this. I have text messages between myself and Stroberger that a court order in a different case prevents me from releasing that clearly illustrate that Strogerger lined up with Doug as an ally, on the redistricting. So be careful about what you proclaim to be true when you are glib and do not apprehend the facts. Also, understand this: Stroberger has told multiple people he is running for D1 in this election. Curiously, he and his Boss Pious Mike Kohler both know full well that there is a County policy mandating an employee resign to run. So if Stroberger is out soliciting support from check writers, telling everyone in his roatary he is running, and even asking for the legal office opinion on whether or not he really has to resign to run---doesn't that seem like an intentional effort to skirt the board's policy by Pious Mike and Steve? Might be a bit too much of a truth bomb for you Scott, but it is all factualy. Meanwhile, you need to also know this. I have not ever polled another board member utilizing a conduit, I have never violated the open meeting law, and I have nothing to hide. PNJ can twist and distort anything they want, but at the end of the day I have done no wrong. In fact, I'm so confident there is no wrongdoing that I pushed the County Attorney to investigate the theft of the records and in that process I signed a waiver allowing law enforcement carte blanche access to my whole thumb drive backup unredacted and unaltered because I know there is no there there. I did this back on June 14th and so did the county. So these latest machinations from Pious Mike and Stroberger and a few Bergosh haters from one facebook chat site are simply another attempt at affecting my election this time with ominous pronouncements and baseless allegations. Do some homework Scott, connect the dots, and try to use some common sense before you just obediently start chugging the D2 Kool Aid.

Anonymous said...

Now on ECW seeing the error of their ways. She is posting the anto slapp motion filled by Gannet like it's a ruling. Seems to conveniently forget she was instrumental in using Edler on a SLAPP to Pino.

Hypocrisy know no bounds.

She IS approaching vexatious litigant status with her DOAH hearings.

People should be wary piling on in there.

Look forward to reading the depositions Feb 5 to see if my observations are correct.

Is they lie to the FBI the story the thumb drive "Magically appeared in his office, it just SHOWED up? " Paraphrased

Seems unlikely.

Who had a key?

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

I think the PNJ has more protections under the constitution than a past employee or cohort to take privileged files and publish them, then brag about it to others.

Mel Pino said...

Scott, you've been making excuses and tossing out red herrings for Kohler and Stroberger's dishonesty and lack of ethics since you were on the campaign trail with them.

If you actually paid any real attention to what goes on, at all, you'd be well aware that Stroberger is getting his playbook from Doug's camp. Whether he's talking with Doug or Jonathan directly, or he's taking cues from the Douggite holdovers in their camp, this is an Underhill playbook and you should damn well know it. But you're too concerned with having egg on your face in having backed these nimrods.

I've repeatedly stated publicly that I wish Commissioner Bergosh would have handled some things differently per the text messages. That has *zero* to do with what Kohler and Stroberger have done in the wake of it, nor the fact that they've *clearly* had this pact about Steve running for D1 from the beginning.

Kohler is a liar, a fraud, a blowhard, a status-seeker, and at bottom a coward, and Stroberger is far worse, starting with being an angry man with an emotional screw loose. Why don't you answer to that, specifically, without having to pull in other people's character traits with your weak Whataboutisms? They are *exactly* who I had them pegged for a month out from the primary, but they have surprised even me in the speed at which they're sinking to the depths of their dishonor and opportunism. You ought to be publicly apologizing for your horrible lack of judgment and the mess you helped usher into our district.

Eric Sharplin said...

Mel Pino invite Steve Stroberger to your house have Psychiatry session with him I know you have several screw drivers to repair him with

Anonymous said...

The blog seems to be all about attacking those who spoke out against you and about the issue of stolen texts. What I don’t see is an explanation of why those attacking you are wrong. You accuse them of being afraid of an investigation into the stolen texts, are you afraid of an investigation into potential Sunshine Law violations? Maybe the PNJ did a hack job, but can you please explain what was “hacky” about it? It was pretty convincing.

Eric Sharplin said...

Mel Pino why is that everybody who disagrees with you has a Psychiatric problem . I dont think rushing to judgement helps. These people are human being after all. Please lets be careful with our words. You seem to think these guys are like Adolf Hitler . Learn the artform of being nice stop living in negative land a week ago you was all over Jeff Bergosh saying he was acting like a lil brat and throwing temper tantrum. We must learn hoqw to get along agree to disagree in a nice productive manner.

Mel Pino said...

Hey Trotter, here's your campaign comrade Keith B-o-w-E for effort getting down to business spreading a little sugar around on the idea of Stroberger and Owens working together.

What a shock:

"What appears obvious to me [that I've been spoon fed from the D2 office to run propaganda on] is for both factions of We Are Perdido and Stop Perdido to join together [that's the sad WEAC on steroids I was pointing to] to define what would otherwise be the Charter with growth [whatever the hell that gibberish means], infrastructure and preservation of the identity [of what, I'm not sure so I won't identify anything] to move forward with a District One Candidate [I like all caps because I'm a simple man who thinks in abstract jingoisms]. Because Steven Stroberger was gerrymandered into District One, and Jonathan Owens for Escambia was gerrymandered out, start by including them in the discussion [whoever in the hell I'm dictating this fantasy to]. Both are open minded [hahahahaha], resourceful [that's one word for theft and not feeling constrained by one's word] and familiar with navigating around the County workings."

There's the playbook--as if it wasn't obvious enough already.

Scott Trotter said...

Commissioner Bergosh, based on the texts that have been released it seems like there is probable cause to believe there may have been a violation of the Sunshine law. I don’t think it’s 100% clear there was a violation, and if there was, it seems like a minor violation compared to a lot of the back room deals I’m confident get made in this county. However, your response isn’t helping your case.

Most of your response has been distraction rather than addressing the issue at hand. Attacking Steve Stroberger for potentially running for office or Kohler for calling for an investigation are both irrelevant to the truth of the charges. I’m personally neutral on Steve running, I really don’t know him. It seems to me his running would be good news to you, the more Republican candidates the better so you can win with a third of the vote again. If the text were stolen, then calling for a criminal investigation is fine, but again doesn’t address the issue of the potential Sunshine violation. You say the published texts were taken out of context, that could be a valid defense, but you don’t show how they were taken out of context.

I don’t have all the facts, but it seems likely you committed a technical violation and should get a slap on the wrist. I highly doubt voters are going to care that you sent a few texts to Bear about redistricting. Your continued immature name calling of a fellow commissioner and his aide is probably doing more damage to your reputation than the charges against you.

Scott Trotter said...

Mel Pino, you want me to apologize for opposing your corporate backed Kevin Brown, not going to happen. I would still vote the same with the same options. We both know if Brown was the commissioner you would be hating on him as well. You’re incapable of liking any politician other than yourself, if you can’t be the commissioner, you’re going to try and burn the whole place down. You want to link me with that bonehead Keith Bowie because he also supported Kohler, then you get to be tied to fellow Brownie Alex Arduini.

I have mixed opinions on Kohler so far, he’s given the AeroVista and Lakewood areas more attention in the last year than they’ve received in the previous eight. It seems to me he’s doing his best to weigh various factions and to do what he thinks is best. I don’t think he has any secret agenda he’s trying to advance. I’m however disappointed in how he’s handled the parking for the Navy Point park and he’s been a lot less transparent than I would like to see.

However, as long as I feel he’s working to make D2 a better place, I’ll continue to work with him. I could never say that about Underhill. I don’t understand your strategy of making enemies out of natural allies, but keep doing what you think is right.

Mel Pino said...

I don't "naturally ally" myself with liars or fools, Scott, which is why I'm no longer allied with you. It wasn't because you supported Kohler; I've got plenty of friends who supported him, a number of whom regret it now. People are susceptible to his kind of schtick, and I don't blame any good people who were fooled by his act initially.

The problem comes when somebody both intelligent and plugged in politically like you, who can--or should be able to--see right through that populist cant, represents it as integrity and forthrightness. So sadly, you've become a fool or a liar--it's one or the other. I used to admire you for your candor and honesty, even when I didn't agree with particular opinions. At some point, however, living your whole life online with apparently nothing else much to do broke your brain to the point that you actually supported another jingoistic, conspiracy-supporting, blow-harding medicine man for office. Everything that you had been tirelessly exposing for years on end, you turned around and embraced and swallowed, because they saw you coming and recognized you needed somebody to give you the time of day. At this point, you've become like Jacqueline, in that I honestly can't tell what parts of the drivel you lay down you believe and what parts you know isn't true. You're also similar to her in that you can't even keep track of things any more, you've got yourself so scrambled up with cognitive dissonance.

Arduini, for example, of course supported Chance Walsh, because that's who Doug apparently got paid to throw in for (I was told he was shopping his support around for 10 thousand bucks), and he was in multiple waving photos with that campaign. "My" Kevin Brown--how cute, when you're well aware that I stayed completely mum on the D2 race until I watched that WRC debate in horror and realized exactly what Kohler was about. My assessment of him after that debate, and seeing the dishonest and unethical way they were conducting themselves on the campaign trail, is that he was *SO* dangerous that I had to swallow my pride and ask to meet a candidate I had never even spoken with and whom I believe was backed by Broxson to pull wealthy republican donors away from me. That's how bad I believed Kohler and his cult following were--I supported the person I believed was hand-selected to peel donors off of me. Because I cared about our district more than I cared about my pride.

Many of those donors still planned to support me in the general, BTW, and even told Kevin that when they donated to him in the republican primary. But I got off the ticket because (1) I don't want to be a commissioner; and (2) because even if I had won, I recognized the district would get boxed out of funding by the delegation and by Broxson. I also recognized that if Kevin Brown were commissioner, they would have *rained* money on our district. Do I like that's the way things work? Of course not. But I'm a realpolitick person, and unlike Stroberger, rather than cry about it and throw childish tantrums, I make decisions based on reality.

Mel Pino said...

(con.) Even though my gut about people typically bears out, we put our misgivings aside and truly tried to help Kohler and work with him. You don't fool us with your claim that you're working with him. Nobody works with him, because there is no working with him. He has two operational functions: he exerts authority, and he submits to authority. He has zero ability to listen--none--and is a dangerous mix of arrogance and inferiority complex. Moreover, it's working out about as well for a fighter pilot to work for a nurse as a lot of people thought it would, and Steve is clearly running that show while working with Owens and, indirectly, Doug.

Thankfully, who you vote for isn't going to be a concern around here for much longer, in terms of the small influence you still hold with a percentage of dems who still give you the time of day, more out of their own kindness than anything else. When I heard you were moving, my first response was "Good for him," and I applaud your moral fortitude in getting your sons the hell away from this state and educational system. That must have been a really difficult decision, and you have my respect on making the tough call. But my second reaction was "THANK GOD." Because that makes one less onanistic social media influencer we have to worry about per District 2.

We are so absolutely screwed the next three years as in this district that all we can hope for is that these idiots, to borrow your expression, don't burn the place to the ground in their zeal to create enough chaos that they're welcomed down into the GOP rings of hell. So no, just as I've told people I've remained friends with who supported Kohler, because they honestly bought the crap he was shoveling, I of course don't expect anybody to apologize for not supporting Kevin Brown, and had *many* phone calls begging people to not support anyone if they felt they couldn't support Kevin for whatever reason. What I would wish from you, if you were still the old Scott, is that you honestly admit that you made a mistake in supporting Kohler to the degree that you did. That ain't gonna happen, because you're not capable of that kind of humility any more. You caught the republican disease of never admitting you're wrong or saying you're sorry--which is exactly what you're charging Commissioner Bergosh with. While I agree that a little humility would go a long way in this scenario, seeing you charge someson with a character flaw that has come to be one of your dominant traits is too much hypocrisy to stomach.

I probably should have realized that you have a pathological stubbornnes at your core when I couldn't get you to fix your addiction to comma splices (there are 3 of them in your above comment). In the end, it's probably a good thing that you didn't become a teacher; the last thing we need is one more adult who is fond of their own mistakes in the room, or someone who markets Kohler's strategy of bringing band aids to dog park goers and people in senior living "doing a lot" for neighborhoods. I'm sure the people who will have to live under that cell tower after he got the height restrictions blown away will beg to differ, long after you've headed for the hills towards significant, positive change when those of us stuck underneath this commission don't have a chance of seeing any for at least three more years, while that D2 office panders to the bullies and the Beach Haven disinformation club. No doubt you'll have as much time on your hands in Virginia as you have here assuming your house comes with new blinds, so enjoy watching what they--and you--have wrought from the far-flung dem sanctuary you're escaping to. You just better hope that Youngkin and co get voted out before they destroy the public school system up there as well as the Republic Executive Committee types down here have accomplished. Godspeed.

Mel Pino said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Get a room.

Eric Sharplin said...

Someone has a obsession disorder. They cant go 24 hours with mentioning Doug Underhill an Mike Kohler an Steven Stroberger an Johnathan Owens and Alex Arduini.

I must assume this has become the escambia whine and cry and complain blog all this negative posting is so none productive They make it sound like a Russian invasion.

Ill ask Wes Moreno to setup a political round table and have friendly exchange of ideas lets work together on what we agree on.

One former democratic candidate for County Commissioner has said the one complaining is off they medications.

Plus be careful With Mike Kohler if you start complain at BOCC meeting he will take his magic wand an turn you into a frog.

Im sorry that would be funny a ribbiting they will go.

Scott Trotter said...

Mel, first I was mistaken about who Arduini supported, but you did support the corporate stooge who would have been a rubber stamp for developers. It's interesting that you consider yourself a realpolitik person. I guess you backed the worst candidate because you thought he would win. However, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what that word means. You constantly attack the very people who could help you get the things you want done. Your name is so toxic in Navy Point that if someone wants to kill a project, the best thing they can do is say Mel Pino supports it. I disagree with Mike Kohler on a lot of things, but he's a decent guy, and if we can find areas of mutual agreement then I'll support him on those items. With Underhill it became apparent pretty quickly that he had a very specific agenda that did not align with the interest of the people he represented. Based on that understanding it was clear attempting to work with him was a dead-end road, so I opposed him as strongly as I could. Kohler is no Underhill. I can't say for sure at this point if he'll ultimately be an effective commissioner or not, but it seems he wants the best for the district. That's an improvement over what we had for the previous 8 years. Going out of your way to make him your enemy is self-defeating, the opposite of realpolitik.