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Someone has to clean up the disgusting mess of spilled jars of sauce on aisle 6 when they are dumped all over the place -----and the ones that dumped them and made the mess have left the store...... |
A bad apple employee was running roughshot over subordinate employee due process rights. Vindictive, jealous, caustic, and tribal.
Folks were accused of things they didn't do, and the county has been playing "clean up on aisle 6" ever since. To the tune of $Hundreds of thousands of dollars and counting.
All because the supervisors who were supposed to be in charge of the rogue bull in the china shop bad apple employee--------to prevent garbage like this from continuing-------- did not do their collective jobs. Those now former employees who did not do their jobs then have all moved on, and we are holding the bag trying to fix the lives that were broken.
6 subordinate employees were targeted with a host of ridiculous assertions, accusations, and complaints to the state by one bad actor. Lives were ruined, and of the 6 employees accused and deprived of due process and run out of the county--5 were never even prosecuted, never convicted of anything.
We're fixing these past wrongs, just as we did for a former paramedic who was put through hell, one by one. Tonight on the agenda we will have another one we will make right.
This one to the tune of $90 Grand.
I'm going to support it because I know what happened, how it happened, and how employees of the county in leadership, HR, and public safety FAILED MISERABLY to do right by the employees here in question at that time. Glad those former supervisors are gone. They stood watching a slow motion train wreck and did nothing.
Now come ill-informed citizens in the peanut gallery sending garbage emails out telling us not to pay tonight to make this employee whole.
It is so ridiculous, I cannot believe someone would actually send it and sign their name to it.
It is rank ignorance, arrogance and a lack of compassion for the "little guy" employees who had NOBODY standing up for them when they were having their careers ruined by a rogue employee supervised by a bunch of feckless do-nothings in HR, public safety, and the administrators office at the time.
Now it is up to us, those of us still around who know what really happened, to clean up the mess these former supervisory HR, Administrative, and Public Safety employees should have owned--regardless of a few voices of dissent piping up out of the woodwork today.
Folks bloviating today just don't have a clue about what happened in the first place a few years back.
We'll clean up their mess and move on.
I've been up staring at the ceiling much of the night angry, sad, frustrated, and most of all sick--sick to my stomach, sick at heart--that after all those years fighting to get rid of the evil that was Doug Underhill, Jonathan Owens, and Doug's motley entourage, we are now dealing with a combination in Mike Kohler, Steve Stroberger, and Doug's leftover rotting rabble that could shape up to be worse--dependent upon how much latitude the board gives them to get away with it.
But after finally accepting the hard reality that, yep, Mike and Steve are every bit as bad as we initially sized them up to be, it's actually a relief that they stripped themselves naked of any pretense to honor or integrity last night, and just got down to the nasty business they've been planning all along.
Anybody left with many doubts that Stroberger is working with Jonathan Owens? As was my gut seeing him orchestrate that initial divisive Tiger Team on Navy Point parking and cockroaching around the back of chambers, Jonathan style. Steve's not smart enough to figure out how to do that sort of thing without being handed a map on how to be the biggest ass in the room, however naturally he comes by the personality part.
It's really difficult for me to put into words what it does to me to hear the names of past County EMS who were framed for things they didn't do in Kohler's scum mouth. "The Nurse." Give me a break. Of all the people to be lecturing *anyone* on the Hippocratic oath, let alone smearing innocent people he doesn't know from Adam, people who have more goodness and life-saving ability in their little finger than that guy could muster on his best day. The military doesn't pick certain people for certain missions randomly. That leadership is keenly insightful into people's character and how to match it to missions. Enough said.
Commissioner Bergosh, I'm sorry, and deeply regret, that I miscalculated on not coming down to support you and Ms. Kenney last night, feeling, as I stated in my email to the BCC yesterday afternoon, that neither the Christmas meeting nor the item was the time to bring combativeness to the podium. We simply misgauged just how low Kohler would go, how quickly. Now that it's clear, we won't make that mistake again. He has clearly been left far too much room to go uncontested from the podium in what sadly has turned out to be our misguided attempt to appeal to his better angels. At the very least, the silver lining is he has now exposed he doesn't have any. It's all a ruse, and he is exactly what we determined him to be in the last three weeks leading up to the primary: a faithless, lying, cowardly, preening, empty shell of a man. That gnawing hollow in his gut is born of some pretty serious demons of insecurity and self-doubt, which is why he has to find ways to stuff it, with his two favorite compensatory strategies being (a) jingoistic and narcissistic self-adulation, and (b) desperately seeking status from anyone that will make him feel worth something, if only for a fleeting moment. You see how well the two fit together for a perfect buffoonery of a just man.
The sickening display that went down last night only underlines my anxiety that you needed to stop focusing on the PNJ printing public record, whatever the provenance, and not waste energy bickering with Tom Jardine (who clearly has it bad for Pam Childers as part of his driving force in all this--hey, Tom, Kevin used to have a crush on Pam also, til he saw what was on the inside...she's a pretty lady, all right, with some very ugly insides). And don't let that strange band of the D2 hangers-on distract you with their delusions of having the understanding and intelligence necessary for political relevance. Because the real forces of evil that are driving this scenario are still on that dais, up on the Fourth Floor, and licking their chops from their Downtown perches. Gird your loins, because some of them are no doubt closer than you've imagined.
This i saw on ECW I knows its a lie I know they trying give Commissioner Jeff Bergosh a bad image
Escambia County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh asked one of the county's top political donors to send other commissioners redistricting plans during the county's redrawing of its political boundaries in 2021.
Buried in the spreadsheet of more than 50,000 text messages from a backup of Bergosh's phone made in February 2022 are exchanges between Bergosh and The Lewis Bear Company CEO David Bear, where Bergosh asked Bear to send a proposal for new county districts to two other commissioners while telling Bear not to let him know what they said.
Jeff Bergosh;"10/1/2021 7:49:48 AM";"It would really be helpful if you could speak with Lumon about that of course don't tell me what he says LOL";""Jeff Bergosh;"10/1/2021 7:50:01 AM";"And if you could speak with Steven that would be greatly appreciated but absolutely don't tell me what he says LOL";""Jeff Bergosh;"10/1/2021 7:50:44 AM";"";""Jeff Bergosh;"10/1/2021 7:50:52 AM";"Although it is tough to see on this picture this is my proposed new district 1 I pick up perdido key Innerarity and I give away half of precinct 61 all of precinct 99 1/2 of precinct 75";""
* In a video recording of a deposition in the lawsuit between former Commissioner Doug Underhill and Bear that was posted in July on social media, Bear said he does not "carry the message" when texting commissioners.
** The Florida Sunshine Law prohibits officials serving on the same board from communicating about board business outside of public meetings. It also prohibits board members from using others not on the board to "carry the message" to fellow board members.
I think we would be better with Doug Underhill on the BOCC Steven Stroberger is a like a rattle snake you never when he will strike.
For those who say they support Commissioner Jeff Bergosh it prove be his friend dont tell the man how to act I can assure you he knows what has to be done
Its bad enough having Stroberger then Kohler attacking him
I thought she railroaded them because the guy she stole from someone else's wife and herself formed a LLC called tactical something or other wanted to pay them themselves to provide the CEUs. Or she wanted her buddies at rescue 1 to bring in a dead body like weekend at bernies.
Now she is trying to use vexatious litigation for a paycheck.
Win it.
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