
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Saturday, February 10, 2024

'24 Forward Escambia

We are in an election year and as a candidate for re-election I will, from time to time, post campaign related information to my blog site here.  This is one of these occasions.

A candidate for office should have a platform, a reason for running,  and a list of priorities that will be sought.  In every race I have run, I have always had such plans.

In my first election to the BCC I had a first 100 day plan which I implemented.

In 2020-I wrote Next4Escambia and made it my platform.  And I was able to implement many of the goals enunciated within that plan--a fact I am proud of.

For  the 2024 election year and the years to follow, I have completed my action plan for implementation if I am so humbled to be re-elected again by the voters of Escambia County.  5 main categories, 24 specific action items, and 3 big ideas-- I've built 24Forward Escambia on the input I have received by voters throughout the district with whom I have interacted for the last 7 years.  We have completed a lot, but we have a lot more to do.  Click here to read the plan!

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1


Eric Sharplin said...

I see Steven Stroberger has decided run for County Commissioner, District 1

I wonder who his campaign manager

It will be fun seeing him soundly defeated.

Anonymous said...

Put forward on the ballot to unincorporate Century. The state prison is there and the municipality provides services, even though it is in the unincorporated area.

What's going to happen when the DEP doesn't allow a consent order. Or staecuts off funds for improves and maintenance to infrastructure because of malfeasance.

Not rocket science.

Current D5 doesn't want to be bothered with it. He says it's the state responsibility, Broxson says it the county. See how that works?

ECUA D5 needs to be on board and no debacle like with Innerarity and MSBU. A stitch in time saves nine. So far water is still running in and out. For now.

Mike Hill would never have JLAC do an audit. Saltzman think asking OIG is the answer, however Century should have self reported years ago. All JLAC does is email and have meetings.They don't solve problems. She's probably just reacting to news media and working on her reelection too. OK. Fine.

The leadership is so dumb that they don't even know how to turn in an annual audit. They have a chief financial office on staff that can't even ensure an audit is done after getting state funds. They also contract an accountant. And yet still don't attempt accountability.

Gomez,is clearly racist and ignorant but Broxson seems afraid to touch it saying the state isn't the one to make a decision but by statute, yes they can. A special act of legislature can do it. He says it not leadership but money but, no its leadership. There is none.

The county can put it on the ballot though and see if the voters want that. The town council won't do it. They get free medical,insurance and a small amount of money. Any everyone think it is some else's job.

Eddy and Prather came in and told them how to get revenue, however they don't want to raise taxes. Truly there are a few section 8 housing areas and the voters as well as the staff, and people who step up to serve are incompetent and ignorant.

The Grand Jury report has been largely ignored.

The state will simply circle jerk from JLAC, emails and meetings essentially doing nothing and even withholding funds but the issue is clean running drinking water and wastewater disposal and the prison is the largest contributor of the waste stream and it is in the county, not within the municipality border.

After the millions of dollars of misappropriated funds came to light no one in their right mind wants to be a part of that from with in.

Seriously, after Boutwell was run off by the "community" you know what the code word for that means, things are still going downhill. Don't let that be a deterrent for doing the right thing. He's an idiot. He also ran off Prather and wants all blacks hired. He said it in a publ8c meeting. Prather was turning the utilities around but dip shit interfered and ran him off. Also jeopardized the CTA funding for what that was worth.

Put it on the ballot please, get ECUA involved and get it done. Cottage Hill water works can supply the water. The RESTORE funds can be used for clean water regarding waste water into the Escambia River. Triump funds can be used for the drinking water

Your counterpart on the board D5 wants to ignore it also. He did in the past. Passes the buck.

You are the mover and shaker for the county at large and have the most even keeled ability and knowledge to rise above and do the right thing.

The water towers haven't been inspected in a timely manner.

Don't wait til it's an emergency and pretend you all are not

I know you are running for D1 but clearly you have a knowledge of the entire county and connections and a clear head on your shoulder.

Get it on the agenda and get it on the ballot immediately.


Stop kicking the can.

All you have to do is ask Wes to get it on the agenda. Start the ball rolling.

Everyone else just CYA and pass the buck and does nothing.

How about you?

You have the ability and responsibility by law to act.

Bergosh for County Commissioner. The buck stops here.

Anonymous said...

Re: Century

Pensacola Energy could take over the natural gas dept. Note the municipality provides gas to the state prison as well as schools outside the boundaries of the town. It is a county problem as well as state. Prather was able to turn the gas dept around, prior to the dip shits running him off far as right now it is not losing revenue. It is viable.

Have you all consulted the Grand Jury recommendations? Any follow up?

I would suggest you all do and act accordingly.

There is no excuse for failure to be aware nor to taking steps in the right direction.

Thank you for your attention to this.

Will check the agenda and watch the vote to put in on the ballot for the appropriate precinct. Let's see if Robert can figure that one out.

Don't let Salzman play the circle back games until elected then do nothing. She did work with Boutwell in good faith and is apparently aware of the machinations of the current so called Mayor. Coup. And stupid. He wasn't elected.

Broxson was disingenuous or partly uninformed in his statements to WEAR. More pass the buck until term ends.

The entire constituency voters of Escambia don't decide.

It's all in the statutes.

You can watch Steven in past ECTV and videos when asked if he wanted to approach the leaders in Century about Triumph Inc. He didn't.

He say it's the state who has oversite. True but the county has to take over the municipal functions. Can't just turn them off.

He might not say much.

Audi Vide Tace

Youre gonna have to do this "Iron Balls" (reference the intercepted text in chambers)

Steven might not want to lose a vote.

That's how it works, in my observation.

Bring on the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Stroberger is just an angry man running.

He didn't understand the complexity of the Innerarity sewer conversion and the relationship with ECUA and the lawsuit that was occurring. Although the huge MSBU was wrong. ECUA dropped the ball on that one.

ECUA shouldn't have had the county put such a huge MSBU on the residents. True that. Don't do it again. Make ECUA do their job. Reference Century next. Glad you are aware.

Stroberger reminds me of the old network movie where the guy loses it and screams, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"

Kinda of like Dosev.

People will see if they can piss him off just to watch him react.

No thanks. Don't need a repeat of that kind of mentality on the board. His spouting off at the podium and in atown hall was enough to gage his personality. No way.

Hope your election goes well, Commissioner Bergosh.

Also hope the culprits get punished for stealing personal information from the county server. Thanks for keeping us abreast of the situation. It's criminal.

Everything is not a public record and truthfully, some of the things released from there have been appalling and chaos making. Staff and past admin did that as well as Underhill.

Obviously the admin of ECW has a distorted ability to process information. She is not a kingmaker.

Anonymous said...

The senator did publicly direct the BCC to place the item on the ballot regarding Century. He published it on WEAR.

What if you do and the vote fails?

The 200 or so voters may not understand the complexity and wish to hold on to power or their comrades or have a sentimental mindset.

Why doesn't Broxson just simply enact the legislature himself?

Anonymous said...

The senator must not think there is enough documentation. If you read over some of the reports on the JLAC and FL Auditor General site they just keep issuing reports and emails. If you try to contact them they just direct you back to the municipality.

They let these little towns limp on for years.

Salzman saying she was going to contact OIG was just blowing smoke. It costs too much to have a real audit done by JLAC. Bear pulled it off with Pam because he has friends, lawyers in Tallahasse.

I have a well drilling outfit on speed dial for my running water and the means to get a permit for running potable water. The sewage can back up,in the streets because FDEP won't issue a septic tank permit.

Dept of Corrections can figure their own problem out. So can the school board when they can't provide meals, heat or hot water.

Because there is no accountability.

That's why that past consultant made off with millions in federal dollars because even the auditing firms didn't include the grants on the reports to the state.

The SAO came back no true bill ..

And the beat goes on.

Eric Sharplin said...

I see Gene Valentino is supporting Steve Stroberger I asked Gene if he was and he said yes.
I wonder if Doug Underhill gets involved I know he was never a fan of Jeff Bergosh.

Anonymous said...

Good pdf. Thanks for laying it out like that. I hope you are reelected.

I've been following you, and yes, you did negotiate raises for ECSO, got the 5th cent passed and more. Good job.

As far as the off-topic comments about Century, I do think your ideas about at large commissioners support allowing that discussion here.

It would seem to me, if the Grand Jury recommendations have not been implemented, the SAO could revist the case and it be deemed that we are dealing with derelection of duty to continue the current trajectory unchecked.

I would think simply Century's failure to self-report the finacial emergency in 2019 to JLAC, which by law should have been done is telling. It wasn't.

All elected officials allowing them to rock on unchecked is a dereliction of duty all the way up the chain. In my opinion

The Governor's office was supposed to be in a position of oversite since 2019 and your counterpart on the board D5 should not be allowed to ignore it. It is a county concern especially because of the municipal services reaching out to state prison and schools outside of the boundaries of the town.

Like you said in the pdf linked above about at large commissioners --It is your concern.

We have a new SAO. What do they have to say about it?

Here is the Grand Jury findings linked above.

After the Senator Broxson calls for the BCC to wake up -- I believe you will.

I understand second chances and home rule and really thought with them hiring Mr. Prather and electing Boutwell there was a chance for it to turn around however, that didn't work out.

At least get it on the ballot, yet don't be surprised if it fails.

I have never witnessed such abject failure in my life, and it is unfortunate and sad. However, the only true constant is change.

I don't think they have the ability to manage wastewater, potable water, natural gas, and more. They don't even know what they don't know.

Thanks for listening.

Anonymous said...


The info stolen and released from the county server came from the D2 office when Underhill was there. I would think that would answer your question 🤔 is he involved. That was his MO for years back. It's a pattern.

Valentino is irrelevant.

Jon-Michael Jones said...

After reading your plan and noting page 5 concerning public beach access. As a district 2 resident, thank you for your efforts and commitment to keep the rest of the counties residents in mind for being able to access Perdido Key. It has been long felt by many that Perdido Key was being limited to a handful of residents and tourist. The “No trespassing” signs have always been a very difficult thing to stomach. The idea of parks or public land only being accessible to a handful of people takes away from the type of inclusive community that I care about. Keep up the fight!!!

Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1