
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Could a HistoricChurch be a Prominent Component of the Beulah Town Center on OLF 8

 Late last week I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with the Pastor of the First United Methodist Church of Pensacola, Mr. Geoffrey Lentz.  

We had a pleasant conversation about multiple topics, one of which was the pastor's desire to bring an historic church, brick by brick, out to Beulah.  

I love the idea, and he even expressed an interest in rebuilding the historic property on OLF 8 in the town center section of the development which will occur one day.  

Although that would have to be worked out with the eventual buyer of OLF 8--I nevertheless love the idea.  "Some developments go to great lengths to re-create historic looking structures--I actually want to bring an actual historic building, more than 100 years old, to Beulah" said the pastor.  

While he is looking at multiple properties in Beulah, he would certainly consider OLF 8 if the opportunity presented itself.

We talk a lot about the sorts of amenities residents want out here in Beulah; restaurants, retail, parks, green space, a post office, etc.  But every community needs an assortment of places to worship.  Thankfully we already have a number of excellent churches in Beulah.  But there is always room for more.  

So we will see what happens.  In the midst of so much drama, strife, and uncertainty this week, In Escambia County and the nation and world, too------- having a conversation with Pastor Lentz added just the right amount of balance and perspective to level-out this week.

We will see what happens with his proposal.

Read more about it, below.


Anonymous said...

I think the real question is how much are they offering? In my opinion they would need pay a hefty premium for town center location rights.

Anonymous said...

Commissioner Bergosh — any new updates on OLF 8 ? Would like to know the status on Fred Hemmer and the county vote to proceed. Thank you !

Anonymous said...

I would love to see our commissioners finally do something about OLF 8. Seems like they are dragging their feet on this. Not your fault Bergosh, as I know you want Hemmer to move forward. What can we do to push the ball forward? Seems like we should sell the land to Hemmer. I might need a church first yes to pray that OLF 8 gets developed!

Anonymous said...

I just want tennis courts at OLF 8. Not sure what happen to navy fed only doing picklesballs