
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, October 24, 2022

27 Questions

One common need when folks are gathering information and speaking in large and small groups (even one on one) is feedback.  Sometimes a speaker can hazard a guess on how someone or some group is thinking by looking at facial expressions and body language. 

But it isn't exact--not even precise.  Someone may be agreeing with what is said but may be frowning about something alltogether unrelated.

In a one on one conversation you can ask the question:  Do you agree?  Do you disagree?  Or as Pablo Escobar's character in "Narcos" famously (and frequently) asks after stating a course of action "Si or No?"

So what I like to do at my county town hall meetings is to ask the audience agree/disagree questions.  It is an interesting and useful form of immediate feedback for me and staff.  No, it isn't scientific but it does give a really good sense of where the audience is on various ideas and topics.  So these 27 questions, below, are what I will ask the audience at the townhall tomorrow.  And just so everyone knows, and I will repeat this again at the townhall---this is 100% purely voluntary on the part of the attendees, whether or not they will participate.  I find that most do, though.



Alice Hurst Neal said...

1 and 2. Let's see how this one goes.

3 and 4? Porque no los dos?

5 Yes, unless it's coastal property. The lines are way too blurred these days and coastal property owners need to reign in their attitude.

6 Yes

7 Absolutely!

8 Yes.

9 No.

10 Undecided.

11 I support enforcing the speed limits we have currently. (Something that is not happening.)

12 No.

13 Yes!

14 That's corporate welfare. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!

15 This question has NOTHING to do with what's best for Escambia County and the citizens. You don't like the PNJ and the PNJ doesn't like you. We get it. Let's move on.

16 See #15 above.

17 Not that it's pertinent to the matters at hand, but no.

18 Fait accompli, so why ask?

19 It depends on who the "requestee" and "requester" are. I have been a priority and I have been ignored.

20 Highly subjective.

21 YES!


23 No. I suggest our elected officials do a better job of spending the tax money they already take in. I also support doing away with discretionary funds for Commissioners.

24 No.

25 Yes. They look trashy.

26 I support term limits for ALL elected officials.

27 I support term limits for ALL elected officials.

Alice Hurst Neal said...

I can't edit my comment but #5 should be "rein", not "reign".

Anonymous said...

I don't want to go to a town hall, that's a relic from yesteryear. I can learn more sitting in my recliner. I can email, I can watch a meeting live or on video.
I can phone or comment here.

I know you are expected to do this and these cards are a way to get participation with out hearing the public drone on and on. Which is fantastic.

The PNJ is better now that Andy is gone and perhaps Studer who pretends he has no influence there doesn't let them publish ECW and Underhill now Owens propaganda it is better. Little seems better at that now.

Of course it took Under Owens and the other cult members all of one day to start their non sense again and the guy who reminds me of the banyo player in deliverance posting laugh emoticons posts your blogs over there, other than that.

Time to go to work.

If people really wanted to learn they could get the questions ahead of time.

A sales tax for fire would be good. Maybe if you could actually implement some of the ideas in a timely matter rather than just sling it like El dente, that would be good.

Yes impact fees
No edates.

I don't necessarily support term limits really. You would think voters would be smarter, unfortunately they aren't.

Of course remove the no trespassing signs on Perdido. That was all a scam anyway as berms were built post Ivan.

Then you won't need to buy more access.

People can probably evaluate on time, except who knows, if they were stupid enough to build on a barrier island they may think it won't happen to them, like Underhill exclaimed but Karma bit him.

Anonymous said...

**Evacuate** not evaluate --- for the proof reader

we all know Derek is the actual clown also.

Anonymous said...

Clown show. Lead clown little Jeff

Jeff Bergosh said...

8:50--Quite interesting you go straight to the ad hominem instead of addressing the topic of the post--which simply illustrates you are an intellectual lightweight. Probably one of the 11 or 12 on the facebook chat site that have no lives and just sit behind the keyboard all day banging away at those of us that get things done and move projects forward. Or maybe you are the D2 secretary Jonathan Owens, who is also an intellectual lightweight who barely mustered a little over 20% in the last election where I crushed him by 16 points. Instead of talking trash he should just do what he did last time, move from D2 into D1 to run against me. Thing is, he will get the same result as last time and he knows it. I'm told he's going around to various groups already asking for support for another run. I'm told an influential official who he asked told him point blank: "We're supporting Jeff. You should do something different, Jonathan, because his resume is better, he is better, and whether or not you are in the race, or you and someone else, he is going to win. We like him, he does what he says he will do, and he is a good commissioner" I know that really stung Jonathan. So, instead of talking trash about me on a facebook chat site nobody sees, he ought to just jump in and run against me. And if he wins (unlikely) maybe he can get back in the FRS and get his Blue Cross insurance again in two years, the perks he is about to lose as he goes out the door of 221 Palafox Place. His platform can be " I was the legislative aide, head secretary, and valet for D2 Doug Underhill--the single most devisive commissioner in the history of Escambia County Politics--with more censures, ethics complaints, federal and state lawsuits than any other commissioner in the history of Escambia County----Vote for Me!" Good luck running on that record and the clown show of the D2 office over the last 8 yeaars LOL.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Here's Jonathan's campaign platform, part II: "......And I ran the office for my lifelong best friend Doug Underhill in D2 from 2014 to 2022, when at that point my boss and best friend Doug was found responsible for violating 5 sections of statutes related to ethics, and actually recommended for immediate removal from office by the Florida Ethics Commission, after also fighting multiple lawsuits for violating constituents' civil rights and failing to follow the Florida Open Records law" Vote Jonathan Owens to continue the leadership in 2024 in a ne district!!! Interesting he calls me a "Joke" whith a resume like his, LOL

Anonymous said...

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Tied with over-development
4. No
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10 Yes
11. How about enforcing the CURRENT speed limit and not just on POKY Drive!
12. Not enough info
13. Yes
14. No
15. A trash fish wrapper
16. No
17. Are you kidding?!?!? NO!
18. No accidents are already happening there and it's not even built out yet...
19. No
20. Depends
21. Not enough info
22. How about spelling out the acronyms so everyone knows what it stands for.
23. Yes
24. Unknown
25. Yes
26. YES
27. YES

Chuck said...

Residents of Innerarity and Perdido Key spoke at the commission meeting six plus weeks ago asking how the county could approve a development such as those apartments in an area where the roads are horrific. The intersection of Sorrento, Gulf Beach Hwy, and Innerarity Point Rd are a nightmare. Sorrento is a death trap years away from any meaningful improvements. Water, sewer, and electrical haven’t kept up with demand. Those residents want answers about how this could be approved. A townhall was firmly suggested and you jumped. I suspect you had enough of that fire. Since that meeting you have made five blog posts explain the development approval process and making it clear you had no knowledge of this development. You have taken this requested townhall and turned it into your personal event. Now that the fire has calmed you feel comfortable asking questions about the PNJ, EDATES, economic development, and term limits. Tonight’s townhall has little to do with answering direct questions and more to do with your campaign kickoff for reelection. This is nothing more than an expanded edition of “Coffee With The Commissioner” live on the road with your special guest taped in front of a studio audience.

Anonymous said...

Your coffee vith commissioner is informative, especially to watch the video,usually after noon when I have my first coffee. You run a good meeting, town hall and out reach overall.

Alice Hurst Neal said...

Will this be live-streamed? I know several people that want to watch but cannot attend.

Anonymous said...

Hint, 22 is not a Tinder swipe right.

It's corporate welfare.

Google is your friend.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Alice Hurst Neal---Unfortunately no, it was not. It was recorded and will be on the County's You Tube Channel later this morning though.