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Friday, October 21, 2022

Ethics Commission Recommends $35K fine for Doug Underhill---- and His Removal from Office


The final disposition in the multiple ethics complaint(s) against Escambia Commissioner Doug Underhill wrapped up this morning.  And I would encourage folks that have not seen the proceedings this morning to watch the entire meeting here.  Underhill's case is first up on the video----and the discussion among the panel upon hearing the evidence presented is very compelling.  After reviewing the records and hearing the case presented by the state's advocate--the ethics commission moved to increase Underhill's fine from $12,500.00 to $35,000.00.  They also followed the recommendation of the state's advocate (attorney/prosecutor) to also recommend to the governor that Underhill be removed from office.  This is profound.

This has been a situation that has brewed for several years.  Censures, lawsuits, federal lawsuits, and ethics charges.  It has been a clown show in the D2 office for a long time.  But those days are coming to an end.  Thankfully.

In an interesting and fascinating exercise--Doug and his minion watercarriers are already vigorously rebuking this decision--saying it was all "politics and all about money and certain families' political ties!" (paraphrased).   But the fact of the matter is this is the culmination of years of complaints, lawsuits, and ethics charges lodged against Underhill by multiple persons and entities for valid reasons.  To my knowledge, no other sitting commissioner has had any (ZERO) complaints leveld against him.

Still, the mindless Doug sycophants exclaim "It is the other commissioners' fault" as they dutifully attempt feckless defenses of Underhill on various facebook sites this evening.  It is truly fascinating to watch them leap into action, lathered, to defend their guy Underhill---despite all the evidence of Doug's various machinations.

He (Doug) has had multiple folks register complaints with the ethics commission, he has lawsuits from multiple plaintiffs, and his loss today came via a 6-1 vote from a bi-partisan, objective and neutral group on the Ethics Commission--most of whom would not know Doug Underhill if he walked in front of them because they are from other parts of Florida.  The evidence was compiled by attorneys that work for the state, based upon evidence they independently compiled over dozens of months from people they did not know.  To say they all "had it in" for Doug is ridiculous, delusional, and outlandish rubbish.  And I suspect Doug's loyalist know that deep down.  No, it is all about the evidence and the record and karma.  Look, Doug has attacked, libeled, slandered and "character assasinated" citizens and constituents, fellow commissioners, community leaders---and yes---even the family members of his perceived enemies.  Lies, lies, lies.  The lies are cathching up to Doug now.  That's my assessment. 

The Governor, ultimately, will decide whether or not this punishment will happen before Doug leaves office.  Some have intimated that any action on this will not happen within the 31 days left in Commissioner Underhill's term.  

I guess we will see.  I hope action comes immediately.  It is deserved and earned.  Justice served.

Local media is already all over it.  See the coverage here, here, here, and here.

When the revised final order with the recommendation for removal from office and a $35K fine is published, I will post it here.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The ethics commission hasn't even published the press release. I wonder how many regular people, in addition to local media were cued into the agenda today and made it a point to watch it live already.
Enemies accumulate.

He and his wife were total jerks to me and I saw what he was with in a few weeks/months. My first clue was when he called the special meeting trying to get the round abouts pushed through May 2017 Memorial weekend and watched ECW cover for him.

2018, they kicked off anyone connected into local politics that saw through him and taking the cake was the fund raiser to have the medical director sue Pino with Mrs. Underhill, Jacqueline Rogers and Teresa Blackwell contributing.
Hemmer being involved with OLF8 tied up in this is noted.

He spilled the beans on economic development Fisher Project.

Supported Morgan and Haines and that disaster 2017.

He deserves this.

Claims he doesn't think public officials should get retirement.

Well make his day.

He must be a special kind of con to have people take him for what he says rather than what is in plain site. Just proves a person trained in progandist warfare turned politician has a little sway for a little lazy while.

You can fool some of the people someone the time, but not all of the people all the time.

One member of the board is a cog in the wheel.

Anonymous said...

Here a little background on who made the motion to remove Underhill. I think DU is done.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:54 sounds alot like Pino trying to hide under a different writing style. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

849, 😄 No, just the "like" button while eating dinner and watching TV. Not Pino.

Sorta like the like buttons hit all over facebook on the various news articles published about this.

👍 👌 👍 👌 👍 👌 👍

Also taking the writing to the Govoner requesting him to honor the ethics commissions recommendations, no need to get purple in the face at this point trying to explain it to those who can't see it.

We see you though.

Anonymous said...

I think the shots fired in Navy Point this morning indicate the need for anonymous comments. Thx.

This isn't pretty.

Anonymous said...

I think as Chairman this may be a good time to be more security minded.

Maybe I am a little extra cautious but I have been watching this for a long time. Perhaps the ECSO and the mental health unit being set up needs to be aware of this situation proactively.

Check the family social media profiles. This must certainly be affecting them all.

I see you all using free speech to try to educate some of the commenters on WEAR facebook and of course it has been a long time coming but use a little empathy and caution because this IS profound.

If a true narcissist has true injury, they can go into a rage and often the family dynamic is golden child, scape goat. You just don't know what is happening privately.

I just have a bad feeling, especially after the shots fired at Navy Point.

Just a hunch. I know drama and toxicity can feed on and on and lead to rash actions.

One can polarize and personalize, when they feel powerless and publicly shamed, even if they brought it upon themselves and things may be rooted from a troubled past.

Just be Cautious.

Anonymous said...

"All three shots came through (under) the trees, went over his head, and landed out in the water behind him."

The shots came from under the trees, went past Wade, and splashed behind him? That doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

Beware of the cult followers.

Melissa Pino said...

9:39 AM, it makes perfect sense to anyone familiar with the embankments and inclines of Gibbs Point. Nobody who knows the Navy Point shoreline and understands ballistics is confused about the trajectory or ignorant of the implications.

Of course, just to back it up to the level of elementary reading comprehension, came under does not mean came from under.

Having just typed that--why did I even bother.

Anonymous said...

There is actually an beer for sale named "Don't poke the Bear." Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Yet like naraccist clockwork Underhill,releases a youtube video claiming three commissioner are mad at him because he was a whistle blower on the 401a. At first he didn't want to let it be known he was stirring that up.

I have been watching videos about surviving naracissts on youtube, really enlightening. The therapist says the best thing to do is just say...whatever.

I would think if the board is in the lawsuit, he shouldnt make a comment.

It is an annuity, a one time pay out without lifetime benefits for spouses etc.

What a psychopath and watch his enablers. He is a real study.

He is claiming the ethics commission was unethical to give the opinion it was ok to talk about it in the sunshine. He is again mentioning the attorney and Barry by name.

Obviously, since he announced he wouldn't run, he would not be able to change over to it.

He is looney, his face and failure are all over the news and he ran and made this video.


Naraccists will never give up, usually. They have no self reflection that their own behavior is the cause of the dysfunction.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's narcissist. Even his time line is wrong on the latest video, he started trying to get flames fired up about the retirement a year ago. The ethic commisoners said that was going on 2 years and was being dragged out.The lawsuits have been on going for years.

We all know that.

These are actually pretty interesting. Surviving Naracissism.