
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Isabella Subdivision-Perdido Key

This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak before an HOA group from a condominium complex on Perdido Key in District 1.  

There were lots of issues to work through and we discussed a lot of initiatives that are in the works for that area.

But one area of concern expressed by the residents was the soon to be constructed subdivision on Johnson's Beach road near the intersection of Johnson's Beach Road and Perdido Key Drive--an area of much consternation post-roundabout construction.  

I was asked about it, specifically which roads would be used for ingress/egress for that subdivision.

I told the folks in the room I would ask staff about it and then publish what I learned here on this blog, which I am doing.

The subdivision has not yet been approved, it is under review.  Initial applications were made a few years back that have subsequently expired.  Recently, new drawings and plans were submitted.  These are currently under review.

At this stage, what is being requested is a 41 lot subdivision on the north and south portion of Johnson's Beach Road--as indicated on the drawing above.

Nothing has been approved yet, but this is the current state of the project


Mel Pino said...

Part 1

God, how much I don't ever want to comment on Perdido Key issues ever again. That place made such a mess with their Doug worship and now they bitch about what they bootlicked. But I will keep putting this down because who knows, maybe one more person will read it and get it this time.

In 2018, Kevin and I busted what was going on with planned development with Isabella, the proposed mixed use area to the west of Herron's Walk, and with the fact that there were County roads running north south through Herron's Walk and the cul de sacs to the east along that those roads could become ingress/egress for the development.

We talked to a bunch of the people in the neighborhood, in person, put the puzzle pieces together, and at that point realized that Doug was trying to use the beach mouse habitat on Beach Access 4 for mitigation for some development--potentially this development, or perhaps the condo tower that had, at that time, been proposed for near the national seashore. How was that marvel going to be accomplished? By floating a bridge over the wetlands.

Problem: developer needed the Sports Bar to sell.

Problem: Margaret Hostetter exposed that some in the County had been running a game with the need for 2 ingress/egress being satisfied by having an "emergency" entrance/exit that would be closed except in case of emergency.

We PRR'd the Isabella pre app, posted it on Facebook, and tried to warn the neighborhoods down there that their quiet cul de sacs were getting ready to become feeders for a shit ton of development.

Most people didn't pay any attention--cause, ya know, we were those evil Doug haters. One road of houses did, though. And guess what? Not long after we put that out publicly, they quietly slipped a vacation onto the county agenda and took over their county road. BUH BYE eastern ingress/egress to the national seashore condo!

Mel Pino said...

Part 2

Flash forward to the roundabout. What a great idea! Gee, it didn't come out so well on the ground. "Um, yeah, because the past special traffic projects person was batting team Doug and squished the roundabout to leave plenty of room for mouse houses for Isabella.

See what they did there?

You're seeing this again right now, Commissioner Bergosh, because they're going to try to seal up that roundabout before it could possibly take some of their precious mouse house space. As it was, they had to coup all of the remaining mouse houses for the fiscal year by one of their agents moving into a nearby neighborhood and taking over the HOA so they could come in with proxy votes and bulldoze the people fighting the development. Snapped up all the remaining mouse houses right quick.

This all happened, and more. When Isabella first went through pre app, a staff member told me that there was no way they had enough mouse space for the initial design. Now they do?


Eric Sharplin said...

Before everybody gets their feathers ruffled take time and relax. I have total confidence In Commissioner Jeff Bergosh I am sure he will make the right decision. Lets try an stay positive we are making progress I can see Pensacola Escambia County as the great city sitting on a hill a beacon of light.

Anonymous said...

What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?

1. Sense of self-importance
2. Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
3. Entitled
4. Can only be around people who are important or special
5. Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
6. Arrogant
7. Lacks empathy
8. Must be admired
9. Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them

Eric Sharplin said...

Let remember folks you got what you voted FOR with Doug Underhill The main reason Gene Valentino was defeated was the Issue about the jail. The county commission was told by the sheriff give them 6 or 7 million dollars or we are giving you the jail to run. Vicki Campbell Lois Benson Dale Perkins Julian Macqueen all lined and stabbed Gene Valentino in the back by endorsing Doug Underhill The good was one Lady took on Doug Underhill for over 3 years. I know she enjoyed her showdowns with Doug UNderhill if not why go goto public forum at BOCC.