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Sunday, February 24, 2019

American Dream Stolen Part III: Can We All Achieve the American Dream?

In the wake of the terrible tragedy in Beulah this week, where three individuals allegedly conspired to rob a local shop owner and in the process murdered this man--thereby shattering his family's American Dream--some might ask the following question:

Is the American Dream still a reality that all can achieve?

I believe the answer is a resounding YES.  But it takes lots of hard work and lots of sacrifice.  It is there for the taking--more so here than in any other country in the world.

That's why people are clamoring to get here, by any and all means including sneaking in illegally, overstaying  student or visitor's visa (s),  and/or following the process to come here legally.

Point is, everyone knows America is the land of opportunity, and that's why so many are coming here by the thousands.  I mean, just look at the caravans of thousands of people coming up through Mexico from Central America, one after another,  trying to get here.  People know that this is the place where a person can succeed if he/she works hard.

And that is what is so depressing about some folks that are born here, raised here, and still haven't figured out what the rest of us all know about how great this country is.....

Why some people choose not to participate in society like normal, law-abiding and upstanding citizens--I will never understand.

America offers opportunity for ALL!

How do we know?

---When we see families from the orient coming to America not even speaking the language and within one generation owning their own businesses and sending their children to our finest schools.

---When we see immigrants from around the world come here to work and these folks find their slice of the American Dream by starting businesses and purchasing homes, and becoming naturalized citizens

---When we see record unemployment and record earnings gain by virtually every demographic category in the USA over the last several years.

Sadly, there are some citizens among us that still feel that America is not a great country and that America is not a place where they can succeed.  Many of these folks choose not to work or work as little as possible.  Many use drugs, abuse alcohol, have children they cannot afford, blame others for their failures and lead lifestyles that are completely dysfunctional.

Often these folks end up engaged in criminal activity.  Often these folks blame others for their lives that are disasters--or worse blame their dysfunction on the Country in Which they live--the USA---even though they were blessed to be born here where anyone, I mean ANYONE who works can achieve the American dream.

And so we get back to Pensacola, Beulah, and the robbery attempt and murder that tragically took the life of a minority business owner who was just trying to make his version of the American Dream a reality.  This guy came to America legally from India, he invested in a business, and served a community with products and services the community needed--and for this he is murdered by folks that were born here and could not, apparently, figure out how to lead a normal and productive life and not prey on upon others.

What a sad commentary on some folks and the levels to which they will stoop to get over on folks and victimize others to take "short-cuts" in life.

Luckily, most of these types--the non-workers and excuse makers--will sooner or later end up in jail when they cross the line from dysfunction into criminality.  And the rest of society will be better for it.

It's just sad and tragic that so many good people, like Mr. Reddy in Beulah, have to be victimized in the process....


Anonymous said...

Seems the trouble is they don't keep them in jail nor put them to death.

Anonymous said...

Well said..many want to play the blame game and if some won't buy into it, they label them.
No more.
People are responsible for their lives and their choices.
No excuses.