
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Blocking Citizens from a Public Official's Official Site---I Don't Do It

Come one, come all. 

Everyone is welcome to comment here on my blog or on my official Commissioner's Facebook site.

And they always have been!

I have been aware, for a while now, that allowing citizens to access and interact with my Commissioner's social media sites is not only a good practice--it is required!

So I don't block ANYONE from accessing and/or commenting on these sites--with the caveat that threats or obscenities are not permitted and that comments to my blog go through moderation for language/spam etc prior to appearance on the site..

So it comes as an odd surprise that today I am being accused of blocking people from my public commissioner sites--which is a lie.

The ironic thing is......the person that is making the claim visits and comments frequently.  See below screenshots or go to my facebook site and look at his comments in real time

It is odd and peculiar for folks to lie about something like this, I wonder what the motivation for this is???  look at the screen shots below and see for yourselves!!


Anonymous said...

Jimmie Staley's blog is

The reason some of those people lie is they want to put in their own people, it's politics.

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows these sycophants wanted another to be commissioner for D1. They liked Karen, Jesse and JO. When all those left the race, they were mad. They will never like you no matter how sane you are or how insane they become. These people got their house, their government job, their government disability and now they don't want anyone else to own a home, have a non government job (Navy Fed), and they are just angry at the world. These folks are selfish and have thick amyloid in their brains. I'm glad you have your blog open and allow for comments. I'll try not to cuss or threaten. There is Good news for the haters, your election is just two years away. I hear Jesse Casey is going to run for a third time. I hear D2's aid JO has moved to a shack in D1 to run too. I hear others are going to run as well. Great! I like having choices. I know you will work hard as you always do. I appreciate your output of information to your constituents. I know you will have the conservative voters in D1. The others, Rinos in my opinion, will divide the haters, who are Rinos and whiners, so you know what the outcome will be.

Anonymous said...

Introduce an action to make it a policy that no member of the BOCC post from a group that has blocked members.

Anonymous said...

Who's complaining? Black (as in her heart being black as midnight, black as pitch) J'Aimee Rogers. Theresa Blackheart? Other munchkins from Oz?

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous--folks that are already utilizing my official facebook commissioner's page are the ones that blasted my name out there stating that I "block" people which is not true and the screen shots prove this out. Apparently they are upset that my personal facebook, with the high security protocols I have in settings, do not allow them to see my posts. But I'm not sure I have to "friend" these folks on my personal page--not intending to do this. They know they can interact with me on my official page, and the way they inferred that I blocked them, on the same article where apparently the ECSO blocks pages and pages of people from the ECSO official page, intimated that I intentinally, proactively "Block" citizens from my official page---which is a lie. I block nobody from my official page and I won't. It was a cheap shot at me, but I'm used to that with a certain dozen folks or so.......

Anonymous said...

I find this all sort of odd that this is even addressed in this manner with screenshots..etc. I find it best not to even refute claims that I feel are not accurate, especially by engaging in this type of defense. In other words, it seems childish...unless there is an underlying sense of being guilty or feeling insufficient, those feelings often manifest in emotional reactions. I think if any portion is to be shared, it should all be shared. Full-disclosure without pointing fingers... Especially considering actions through personal and public accounts alike.