
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Spending Priorities: What Message Do We Want to Send to the Taxpayers?

If we say we need additional revenue and a tax increase on one hand, but then in the next breath approve $2 Million in Discretionary spending for local unaffiliated non-profit entities--what message are we really sending to the taxpayers that fund our operations?

I have said a number of times over my three years on the board that we need to phase-out the expenditures from our general fund to non-profit entities that request funding yearly.

I attempted last year to cut some significant funding from several entities that would have survived the cuts and generated the revenue elsewhere.  I was not successful in getting my peers to see the wisdom in doing that.

So this year we are being asked to consider raising the fire MSBU on all property owners in Escambia County--because we supposedly do not have enough revenue for the fire service--while simultaneously we are being asked to consider funding nearly $2 Million for several dozen local nonprofit entities.

What message does that send to the citizens that expect us to be wise fiscal stewards of their limited resources?

And to be clear----I support the work of these nonprofits and the need to get to a reduced level of funding for these groups from our general fund should in no way be construed as an assault on the value of these organizations.  They are great and they do great things for our community.  And several of them save us money by serving as mechanisms of cost avoidance.

So I will say again what I believe we need to do.  Cut 25% from the allocations this year, 50% next year, and year three onward let the chips fall where they may. 

This will give these groups at least a glideslope they can navigate as they strategize ways to fill in the funding gaps with other sources (crowdfunding, grants, additional fundraisers, etc.).

It is time we do what most other counties already do in this arena.


Anonymous said...

Well some of those non profits look like scammers. I came across an article about how African Americans need to all get 501 c so they can get taxpayer money like the white boys. (Pensacola voice/gulf coast voice) now out of business

That publication went off line, it was the most racist propaganda I had ever seen but there is a network of them in the area.

However looking at the the budget, some of those traffic engineers and road crews seemed to be milking the taxpayers also.

I saw Lumon message the it's not fair BS but yes if you really say what I know we all saw then Marlette will draw another cartoon with a Confederate flag.

The Lady running for D5 that axed for money and stuff is FB friends with a lot of these players..

The ACTS group was the one who wanted the Century building for no rent for three months and less $ while some on the town council turned down a profitable long standing company who wanted to rent to own. They claimed it's about jobs, they want to open a CDL school supposedly. Cant one get the book at study at home?

They are using racism to pay themselves and thinking people won't call them out.

I mean the Shirley Stone bit...she turned in something different than what she claimed at the podium.

It's a shame because some of the non profits may be providing a good service but once It's in the hands of the LLCs then there is no accountability.

It's a shame..a mom wanting something because she has a nine year old..pfft

Do you go all or none, risk some crying discrimination or fade them all out.

Glad I don't have to make that decision publicly.

It's getting out of hand.

Does FL West really deserve all the $? Maybe not.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous: I'm not quite as cynical as you seem to be from your comment, and I don't think this is an issue of race---however I will say what you stated was published would be shocking. I have not seen anything like that locally. I believe that for entities that provide a service that helps us avoid costs, or for those entities that carry out governmental functions, or for those entities that can be funded from TDT, LOST, or other sources and have a bona fide, good and beneficial mission--I can be supportive to an extent. But for all others that want general fund dollars, it will be tough for me to support that this year (Especially given the fact we are being told we don't have sufficient money for the fire service and that we ought to raise taxes). I think we need to gradually wean these outside entities off of the money they get from us. Remember--there are many local nonprofits that do amazing things locally that get no government assistance but rather rely upon other sources of funding. It can be done. And again--this is not a shot at these groups or some sort of criticism of what they do--most are wonderful. This is just economic reality coming home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...$2 million dollars. Isn’t that about half of the additional amount that the fire department requested to fully fund the first year of their 5 year plan? I can agree with the first commenter in that I don’t envy any of the five of you and your decisions you must make daily. You walk a fine line, please one group and upset another. I think it would be more important to give the fire department, that is a benefit to the entire population, what they need rather than any outside nonprofit agency. I realize I’m somewhat echoing what you already stated in your blog above just figured i’d agree that it’s time to stop funding outside agencies if we can’t find internal agencies.