
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Instant Feedback From Citizens on a Variety of Topics

Audience members actively participated in our town hall meeting in Beulah last night, July 15, 2019 at Beulah Middle School

At last night's District 1 Town Hall in Beulah, I tried something new.  Instant feedback questions from the audience present.  On a lot of different topics.

I had no idea how it would be received, nor how it would work.

As it turns out, the audience really got into it and I was able to go through 23 questions very quickly and get a good idea of where a cross-section of my constituency stands on a lot of important topics.  My aide, Debbie Kenney, and I tabulated how the audience scored each question, on a percentage basis, below----very non-scientific---well yes, maybe------but very informative nonetheless!

Some of the answers were REALLY surprising.

My particular favorites were the ones about the Pensacola News Journal(#17 and #18---minute 1:36:20 of this video)----WOW!  Here is the complete list:


Anonymous said...

LOVED it. Well done.
I hope the escambia clan hate group on facebook doesn't try to ruin this for the folks in D1 and the rest of the county.

Anonymous said...

I have no ideas as to who or what the hate group is or happens to be. I thought that the Town hall was impressive. I commend the Commissioner for taking the time to inform the people in his district and to do it in such a professional manner, I was impressed by the amount of information that I heard about D1 and what he has tried to do for his area
I wish that yes he has more of these Town Halls and even if I do not live in D1 will attend with pleasure. Thank you Jeff Bergosh.

Anonymous said...

I feel very proud of you, I recognized good things bout you and am very pleased the truth about you and your character is becoming more apparent and recognized by the public.

Either some people with a strong public voice either do not have the ability to discern competent public servants or they are maliciously politically aligned for all the wrong reasons.

But yes it is also disconcerting how many people there were uninformed, they were unaware of the road swap. Everyone obviously doesn't take the time to read between the lines, connect the dots nor think for themselves.

steve said...

I just watched the Town Hall meeting. Great job Mr. Bergosh. It was very informative.

Michael A. Lowery said...

Commissioner Bergosh,

Respectfully - First, how many actually attended the town hall?

Next - obviously I would ask the question on the .04 gas tax question. Did you explain that if the gas tax was abolish what then would have to fund the service? Did you explain that the County’s General Fund which used to Fund ECAT years ago would be responsible to fund the bus service and that there is not 4+ million dollars available in the General Fund to pick up the lost funding of the .04 gas tax? I look forward to your response Sir.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bergosh, so there’s a little more clarity, exactly how many people were in attendance and how many people submitted answers to each question?