
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Deer Run Owners, County Staff, and DR Horton Representative Meet

Residents address their County Commissioner, me (left) and Mr. Crain Rogers (right) of D.R. Horton, at a meeting of the homeowners of the Preserve at Deer Run on Thursday, September 29, 2019 in Beulah

The Preserve at Deer Run homeowners, a representative from DR Horton, myself, and county staff met last night in Beulah.  

The residents, several of whom were frustrated for various reasons, requested this meeting.

 The issue of most concern among those with whom I spoke before the meeting was the uncertainty of whether or not a second accessible road would be provided for the residents of the subdivision to use.  

Several residents told me they were assured there would be a second accessible entrance/exit for residents.  But Crain Rogers from D.R. Horton quickly dispelled that rumor.  "The plan from the beginning was to build the boulevard exit in the front, and have an emergency access only in the rear, for use by ambulances and emergency vehicles--as is stipulated in the county's code" Mr. Rogers stated clearly.

Then one couple spoke up and supported the concept of the single in and out access point.  "We lived in a D.R. Horton Subdivision in Santa Rosa county for many years that had one entrance--and that development had 590 homes in it.  The one entrance and exit worked out very well, we liked it" stated the husband.  "If you want a truly gated community, then one exit works the best, otherwise others will use our roads as a cut-through and have access to our subdivision" he continued.

Several residents were visibly unhappy about the realization that the neighborhood would, in fact, have only one entrance. 

"If we're not getting the second entrance, and it sounds like we're not--then we have to get control of these roads and prevent the speeding and the residents' parking on the street!" one man stated.

One woman stated that the solution there was a strong HOA:  "At the last neighborhood we were owners in, the HOA was aggressive about controlling speed by using speed bumps, stop signs, and other methods."  

I mentioned several large subdivisions that have only one entrance and that function well--including
 Marcus Pointe in D1 that has 569 houses and one entrance.  And then I mentioned Nature Trail-a huge subdivision that has 650 homes and two entrances.  "Even with two entrances, there are many Nature Trail residents that DO NOT like the second, back entrance for security reasons" I stated.

It is hard to get a policy on the books that pleases everyone.

I told the residents that we could look at amending the Land Development Code going forward so that large subdivisions would be required to have more than one entrance.  I told the residents I would float that idea at a meeting of my peers and have it looked at by the planning board.  Several residents requested that I do just that--even knowing it would have no bearing on construction in Deer Run.  So I will be doing this.

Residents address their County Commissioner, me (right), Asst. County Engineer Colby Brown (center) and Mr. Crain Rogers (left) of D.R. Horton, at a meeting of the homeowners of the Preserve at Deer Run on Thursday, September 29, 2019 in Beulah

The next issues were about deficiencies with the construction.  Several couples complained about not getting responsive action on serious issues within their individual homes.

"My house has no insulation in it---zero!" complained one man loudly.  "We have called and nobody comes out--why is that" the gentleman asked Crain Rogers.

Another man complained about loose wiring in his front yard that nobody can identify, and nobody is addressing "There is wiring in my front yard sticking out--I've called and nobody says it is theirs.  Cox blames Gulf Power, Gulf Power Blames AT&T--but nobody fixes it and my yard is torn up" Complained this gentleman.

Another woman complained about construction activities associated with the remediation/repair of a storm pond near her house  "It is banging, loud crashing sounds out there starting at the break of dawn every day---and the smell is overwhelming!" she stated.

The D.R. Horton representative, Crain Rogers, explained that the noise is and was associated with the retention pond repairs--which he stated were being wrapped up soon.

Residents address their County Commissioner, me (left) and Mr. Crain Rogers (right) of D.R. Horton, at a meeting of the homeowners of the Preserve at Deer Run on Thursday, September 29, 2019 in Beulah

"I have the contact information for the folks in my organization that can handle these issues" stated Rogers.  Leave me your information here in this binder and I will get you with the folks that can address these issues." he stated.

The meeting lasted for about an hour and a half, and I believe it was a constructive meeting and that most of the residents were glad we held.  I look forward to that neighborhood forming their HOA and getting a handle on some of the issues within its control--and I believe this meeting will be the catalyst to form a strong HOA with strong covenants going forward.

My thanks to all who attended:  residents, staff, and DR Horton representative Crain Rogers..

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