
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Why Does this Complaint from May Still Have No Resolution for the Employee?

The below report was completed and submitted on June 24th of this year.  But the employee who made the claim has had to push to get any movement on his complaint.   Why?


Anonymous said...

Those are many of the same names being called via depositions and subpoenas with the Edler vs Pino lawsuit. Public record on Escambia Clerk site.

Anonymous said...

Look You can go and see where under oath Edler said that the HR report was un founded and here it is black and white it was not. So are you going to allow Edler to keep harassing a citizen (Pino) under litigation by trying to bring this to your attention at the BOCC and County. Edler has brought it to an appeal about her address and Pino is NOT the one that posted her address. Call a spade a spade.

On the transcript from the last hearing it says "Sulliver" but that is the person she is talking about.. This blog right here.
Bergosh tell Admin Gilley..She can;t lie nor sweep this under the rug.

What The hell..

More people are watching and being quiet..cause damn we don't have 5K or 50K sitting around to push litigation to tell the damn truth.

This is an outrage and the truth needs to be TOLD!!

Does PNJ even understand this?

Roxanna said...

It is quite understandable as to why any of this has not reached resolution. perhaps difficult to accept. But, the fact remains that most politicians have a problem with the truth. and on how to deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Please remove A 12 22 comment and not post this one.