
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Ten Big Escambia County Commission Stories to Watch in the New Year!

2020 is upon us--Happy New Year to Everyone.....(and here are some issues to watch from the BCC in the new year)

It's New Year's Eve--Happy New Year to everyone!

The new year will provide lots to look for from the BCC--lots of issues, items, and even an election...

Here are ten items I believe will be newsworthy in the upcoming year that folks will want to watch....

1.  New Jail will be completed:  This is slated for mid-summer.  At a cost of more than $130 Million this will be the BCC's largest building project to date.  More importantly--it will save the taxpayers as much as $5 Million yearly in expenditures we are currently making to house inmates elsewhere.

2.  Electronic Beach Tolls:  We have voted to go "all electronic."  I believe this will be a tremendous improvement in flow of traffic to the Beach.  Our utilization of the panic switch last summer to flush traffic during the summer, combined with Commissioner Bender's excellent data presentation, point to this as a huge help to reducing beach traffic gridlock.  We will see, in 2020.

3.  Bob Sikes Bridge repairs:  These will happen over the winter.  Will these repairs get us another 15 years out of the current bridge?  Will the board vote to start a sinking fund for this structure's eventual replacement?  I think we will.

4.  Civic Center Replacement:  The existing Civic Center is paid for as of 2019.  Will we get a triumph grant to allow for a new events center--or will we instead spend the monies necessary via bonding against currently available bed-tax revenue to modernize the existing facility?

5.  Beach Roundabouts:  The issue has been studied to death, it has been planned, and it has been presented to the public.  Hotel operators want it, and are convinced it will help keep beach traffic flowing.  Beach residents don't seem to be keen on the idea, and a lot of the general public is polarized for or against.  The SRIA seems to be torn on the issue. Will it even come before the board of County Commissioners for a vote?

6.  Modernized Fire Station for Beulah/NFCU Master Plan for OLF 8/ NW District 1 Master Plan:  The fastest growing area of Escambia County, Beulah, also has one of the oldest, most outdated fire houses in the county.  The property has been purchased by the county, and $2.5 Million in LOST Funds have been identified to modernize this facility for the firefighters of station 2 in Beulah.  What will the new facility look like?  We will find out in 2020.  NFCU will pay for the Master Plan of OLF 8--this will happen in 2020.  The NW District 1 Advisory Committee will finish their work and precincts 5, 43, and 68 will get a master plan or an overlay district that will more intelligently plan for growth.  What will this look like?  We will find out in 2020.

7.  Completion of 9-Mile Road 4-Lane Project:  A large part of this project will be completed in 2020--particularly the portion from Exit 5 to Beulah Road where the majority of the gridlock from NFCU happens daily.  This portion is slated for completion in March of 2020--just three months away.  But will it be?  And more importantly--will it put a dent in the commute time gridlock on 9-Mile Road in Beulah?

8.  More Beach Access for the Public: Lots of folks are clamoring for more free, public beach access.  Escambia County is moving forward with plans to open Perdido Key Beach Access #4--a 300' pristine gulf front lot on the west side of Perdido Key.  It has been the subject of much consternation...and litigation.  Will it open by July 4th for the public at large to enjoy?

9.  Administrator Gilley's Assistant and Fire Chief:  Our new administrator has been working huge days and long hours.  She has filled several key positions--two that will be filled in the coming year will be Fire Chief and Assistant Administrator.  Who will get these jobs, and how soon will they be filled?

10.  BCC Primary Election on August 18th:  Three of us are up for election, three of us are on the ballot.  Will there be a new Board Member elected?  More than one?  Or, will the three incumbents keep their seats?  It all goes down in the primary--for this position and given the political realities for these three districts, the election that matters will be the primary election on August 18th.  I predict all incumbents will keep their seats, based upon a number of factors and polls that have been conducted----------- but we will all know for sure in August 2020.

Happy New Year to All!


Anonymous said...

Totally against the new beach toll. Why should I have to pay an extra fee for something we don't even want? You want it so bad you pay the extra money.

Anonymous said...

I think the $12 parking fee for the front of the Bay Center is ridiculous. I am in a wheelchair and for that I pay $2 extra to get front lot parking. I feel I'm being penalized for being handicapped through no fault of my own. Hockey is my one enjoyment in life, and now I have to pay extra to park where it's convenient. The sign at the front of the lot states "ADA" Parking. It's not ADA compliant if you charge extra for being handicapped.

Margie Mauer said...

I think the $12 parking fee for front lot parking at the Bay Center is ridiculous. I am in a wheelchair and feel I'm being punished for being handicapped. All other lots charge $10 for parking. The sign at the entrance states "ADA" parking. I don't think the ADA would approve of charging more to park in a handicapped spot. I attend the hockey games, my one entertainment in life, but have to pay extra for being in a wheelchair.

Anonymous said...

Happy New year to you also Commissioner Bergosh
I hope you will be reelected.

The bias messaging on ECW has lost ground even if the peanut gallery still grumbles, hopefully others see what a great leader you are.

1) The only one brave enough to tackle the sheriff LETF. Everyone else on the board seemed to be afraid of him, Haines and the public for some reason except you. You cut through the chase. It was fun to watch.

2) You came up with the Blue Penney idea and pushed that the TDT would be raised and it eventually was.

3) You had to make some tough decision but did the trade to get a state designation on roads in D1, but you were forthcoming and transparent.

4) You had the courage to say no several times to development in your district.

5) Brave enough to keep the board on track on the beach parcel purchased in D2, and not allow it to be used for personal uses by a member of your board.

6)You provide clear transparent info complete with links on you blog for anyone who desires to be informed. The first I noticed was about the bond for the jail, no one seemed to want to own up to it.

7)You have voted consistently to keep taxes low and are not afraid to look into the issues, particularly with public safety now.

8)You have a transparent coffee with commissioner.

9) Helped get OLF8 over the line and were able to compromise with the master plan.

10) Helped form a committee when the debate was getting hot about the bridge name.

11) Formed a citizen advisory committee so citizens could get involved and put their money where their mouth is if they only would.

That's just a few of the top 10 off the top of my head.

I honestly can't understand the grumbling people on escambia Citizen Watch who place blame on you for things out of your control. The groupthink there is real. People who disagree get ostracized

Job creation
Getting ST signed on the dotted line.

Bergosh 2020

To me to have the Bear's back you shows that professional business and effective respected leaders and long time generational families have faith in you. I can't see what they have to gain except hopefully bringing Escambia forward as much as one can, in concert with the rest of the board and community.

Looking into the IP took some effort, I think you were reasonable and balanced from what I could tell.

But yes please get more conservation minded, all of you. We don't want to pave paradise and put up a parking lot.

I'm rambling, I saw you were teachable about the jail situation and were able to find common ground with Lumon May on that.

I've watched you grow and am impressed and hope you stay another term and thank you for your service, I don't care what Andy says about you.

Anonymous said...

I guess Nathan Edler can't read about the new fire station you mention in this article and is passing spin on ECW and Derek Cosson joins in. They could search this Blog with the term ISO rating and read this or just post and look uninformed. If they hadn't systematically kicked off so many that weren't Doug bootlickers they may could do more then wallow in disinformation. FYI

Anonymous said...

The uninformed one seems to be yourself. Mr. Bergosh mentions the new fire station in Beulah not the one that was closed down, causing homeowners in the paradise beach area to either lose insurance coverage all together or have it skyrocket.

Anonymous said...

Don't negotiate with terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Looks like #4 is on the COW agenda perhaps.