
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Saturday, September 5, 2020

What is Next for OLF 8 in Beulah?

We had our latest update from the design team that is working on a master plan for OLF 8 this past Thursday.  And it was excruciating.  It ran long, and they droned on and on and went too long and it was too detailed.  It reminded me of a lecture in Astronomy class when I was in college.  Too much talking on stuff that did not matter.

Importantly---the presenters were totally and completely out of step with what we were looking for.

They brought ideas and concepts that appear to be more well suited to a large metropolitan city--not a rural, bucolic suburb struggling to maintain the last vestiges of a country atmosphere.

These "consultants" were talking about building a hotel and up to 1900 residential units on OLF 8.  This idea had all of us on the dais shaking our heads side to side---so much so even the News Journal noticed the cognitive dissonance coming from the zoom screen....

In a decade's long effort and $18 Million dollars later----we want JOBS not a low-wage retail mall, high-rise hotel, and 1900 residential units in a walkable TOWN!  That is not what we acquired this property for!

I have been steadfast and consistent on this project since day one when I inherited it upon taking office--even as I live right across the street.  We need high-tech, clean tech jobs in nicely designed buildings with SOME amenities for nearby residents.  That was the compromise.  Yes, I represent this area, and YES I live right across the street.  

Would I LOVE it if the field was packed with nice retail amenities, restaurants, grocery stores and retail and a park and a soccer field and a clock tower and cobblestone streets and a cultural arts museum and an agricultural display, and a large kite-flying field, and pickle ball courts, and outdoor yoga, and outdoor art displays,  etc. etc. etc.  Yes, of course I would--selfishly as a resident nearby--who wouldn't?  That would be fantastic----even if I KNOW the land was not purchased for my enrichment and entertainment--sure I'd like that.  Selfishly--YES--I'd love it!

But that is not why we worked so hard and spent so much time and effort on acquiring this key real estate situated right on the freeway in a growing, booming area of commerce.

We need to create good jobs, for residents of the ENTIRE COUNTY and get some value added to the property through a Triumph Gulf Coast grant for infrastructure enhancements to the bare land which will help us offset the costs of acquisition, and then we need to maximize the value of this land and turn it over to folks who will create GOOD JOBS with it.  Good jobs, some amenities for nearby residents, but JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!


Mel Pino said...

Commissioner Bergosh, do you remember back in the day when I read quotes at the podium from the founder of DPZ, who stated, in print, that the biggest challenge to the sort of development his firm likes to plan for is the American people's stubbornness concerning private property rights?

This is publicly owned property, of course—with the catnip of public-private still being bandied about (“partnerships” in this area that have thus far resulted in privatish property owners making a killing while the citizens absorb, for the most part, the outsized costs of bonds and taxes). Government owned property or no, what has happened thus far with the blatant back-dooring on OLF8 has all those indicators, to a tee.

I've stayed out of discussions on what in particular goes onto OLF8. The two personal desires I had per that property I recognized were probably futile. Still, I had hoped, just on principle, that the County

(1) wouldn’t gift off multiple rounds of more EDATES (and, of course, that wish commenced blowing away at the last meeting, with the vote to give Navy Federal yet another round of taxpayer money); and

(2) wouldn’t orchestrate more clear cutting of wetlands (which was one of the first things the BOCC orchestrated—even before property had changed hands—by getting a percentage of the wetlands erased to increase the property value, so that when the clear cutting happens it will occur in the typical fashion, with the owners just doing it and County planning and environmental and state regulatory agencies looking the other way).

So my remarks aren’t arguing for or against any particular outcome. Other than the general hope that we get the Triumph jobs within a relatively small footprint, and that at the same time the area is stacked with cool and useful amenities—including LOTS of green space--for the surrounding residents, who deserve it.

What drives me bonkers is how obvious all of this is.

At one point during DPZ’s presentation of “data,” I texted friends who were watching the meeting and asked, “Are they f***ing out of their minds?”

Here’s what I said on Rick’s Blog about it:

“Tech stocks dropped by 800 points yesterday and are expected to continue the decline today. Experts are projecting a 45% increase in homelessness by the end of the year. Wells Fargo is looking at laying off 25% of its work force. On a day that United announced they will furlough thousands of people in October, and Marriot announced they are laying off over 600 people at their headquarters, DPZ & co yammered rosy expectations about an upturn in the hotel industry. I guess they recognized their audience; they wouldn’t have dared present those figures to an executive committee of a corporation, who know better.”

That’s not even getting into the fact that *nobody* can predict exactly what’s going to happen in the real estate market in the next few months, given the fact that the government now backs 2/3 of our mortgages (great transparency there), and as early as June we were already at a 10.5 delinquency rate here in Florida.

[Part 1]

Mel Pino said...

[Part 2]

Perhaps we're witnessing a juggernaut that has met a Waterloo with this project. There will probably still be some very pretty poster boards during the charettes that coincidentally lead the public to demand what has already been on the books per The Great OLF8 Takeover for a long time, and evidenced for at least two years.

You can attest to the fact that when Fred Hemmer dropped his schema for OLF-8 Mixed Use onto a string that the wE-scamu’all Citizens Watch moderators and Doug had pre-orchestrated, in typical ham-fisted fashion, that I predicted the following:

--Whether knowing or not, Mr. Hemmer and Doug were providing a smokescreen red herring for whatever was really planned;

--Downtown had run out of new worlds to conquer and was headed NW;

--The powers that be would convince CivicCon devotees that they were an integral part of the decisions and make them the matronly face of the Church of Mixed Use;

--Even if Doug was getting played, and hadn’t been informed of the real end game, for a pat on the head he’d pivot to whatever course he was told at any point, and ultimately secure DPZ as the master planner by crookedly tanking his scores for whatever other firms were competing;


--It probably didn’t matter in the end, as Navy Federal was hell-bent on getting DPZ to plan them a bedroom community across the street, and combating them on it might only result in a pyrrhic victory.

That prediction was made two years ago. Don’t you dare try to say I didn’t call it. 😊 I even politely expressed all that to three Navy Federal executives in the lobby after the scoring fiasco. Interesting, none of them corrected my observations.

Well, Navy Fed got their prized chunk of land, they’ve gotten it upzoned, and they’ve been handed the requisite EDATES. Except for the third thing, they deserve the first two for the jobs and boost to the economy for what they have brought here. (Enough with the EDATES for them already.)

However the rest plays out, I really hope that, in addition to the jobs, you will champion a huge part of that property to be dedicated—in perpetuum—to public use of all varieties. You couldn’t leave any greater legacy to look back on as the commissioner of District 1 than that. And perhaps now that Navy Federal got its parking lot, Beulah can finally get the bus routes that, for some mysterious reason, have been held off during this process.

Anything’s still possible.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

How about a factory for producing edible marijuana and a winery for muscadines -- all organically grown on site and a portion dedicated for a you pick farm? That should please everyone, I think.

Anonymous said...

Well if the Democrats get control they can reinstate that Obama/Booker HUD plan that would take local control of planning out of your, the BOCC and the residents of the county as well as Beulah's control and put it under big government and the Feds. in the guise of "equality"

Why don't you blog about national politics now that the local election is over. You don't usually back down from controversy. Did you see the rioters that plan to riot for 23 days to remove Trump and Pence They started the day after the election in 2016?
I think of it as sedition myself.

I understand -- so far as we are peaceful here locally and don't need to awaken discord but my, goodness, the Refuse Fascism say that capitalism equals racism. Portland has been in riots for 100 days. They are radical communists that back Biden.

"On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, (July 1, 2020) The Left wants to abolish ice, borders, and now, the American suburbs by ending single-family zoning and replacing it with mini downtown areas. Stanley Kurtz joins the program and explains that this would create opportunities for federal funding for these new cities and eliminate local control. This was first considered by the Obama Administration via Senator Cory Booker. This plan, now adopted by Joe Biden, would hold hostage any federal grants or HUD money to achieve its goal of ending single-family zoning and densifying suburban neighborhoods. Then, you the American Citizen, are the enemy of the Marxists. We The People get in the way of the left doing what they want. The Democrat Party embraces the German philosophers Hegel and Marx and play people using emotion, gender, race, and income. Using race or climate to cause strife and division is quintessential Marxism. Marxists don’t create, they destroy. Later, being an activist, working on campaigns, handing out leaflets, and doing whatever each of us can, is critical to winning in November. Activism is not something that can be done by someone else, it must be done by oneself"

Look at that video and check the Influence watch for "Refusing Fascism"-- They are the fascists, the socialist and the communists.

Trump, as imperfect as he is, does not support communism.

He really is spot on with the message to refus to fund the project 1619 for schools and also critical race theory.

It is anti American intentional to create discord and Mark-ism.

As far as the HUD program..again "Stanley Kurtz joins the program and explains that this would create opportunities for federal funding for these new cities and eliminate local control"

Vote Republican. For Home Rule.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It's the AFFH rule added to the fair housing act of 1968 by the worst president in the history of the USA, that hates America-- Affirmatively furthering fair housing act which purpose is to expand the federal government's influence over suburbia, but you can't say anything or you will be called a "racist" --so what.. The "dollar store-- not in my neighborhood crowd" might want to listen well as Beulah residents.

I personally would rather see jobs on OLF 8 also like what was initially intended. I think it took a lot of foresight to make the swap myself... and for the BOCC to get a move on with the Triumph money. What is the hold up there? Maybe Matt Gaetz can ask his Daddy?

Planners are just another entity in line trying to make money off the milk teat of government. Too many chef's spoil the broth. I know you were compromising with the mob.They do have merit.

More studies anyone..cha ching..

Of course to see the reality for a pipe dream for jobs we have to actually have someone willing to invest. Perhaps if we don't have jerks here tearing up their own towns, some will be ready to relocate from the democrat run places under siege in our country wanting social workers maintaining the peace instead of trained law enforcement officers.

The Bluffs is also being built as well as other Industrial parks standing empty, so there is that also.

Hope Springs eternal.

Anonymous said...

I read a comment on a public facebook site from a person in Louisville KY wanted to know if Pensacola was Trump country and that they were looking to relocate. Our area may benefit from some migrations of law abiding, common sense type US citizens and businesses that still believe in the American dream and refuse to coexist with the leftist democratic failures and riots that are continuing in other parts of the country.

"The escalation of division by the Democratic party has set off a chain reaction, which has caused cities to break down and inspired hardworking taxpayers to start new lives in more rural areas of the country."

"There's a great line from the movie Breaker Morant, 'When one side violates the rules of engagement you would expect the same type of conduct from the other,'" he explained. "This has to be stopped, otherwise you're going to see things just deteriorate. Cities will become uninhabitable. The cities are the center of western civilization. You have commerce and you have culture. The Democrats are making it such that it's difficult to have either one. That means technology, commerce, and culture will decamp and move out of the city, which means they'll become like ghost towns."
D'Souza (whose new documentary film "Trump Card" is set to come out next month)

Perhaps this will be an opportunity for Escambia. We plan to fund our sheriff department and not succumb to the radical agenda hopefully. They should have kept the confederate war memorial --- so there is a little rot there in P'cola though.

Anonymous said...

Mel Pino said...

Various Anonymous Above,

The question of the impact of local politics on local economies is moot as long as Trump's tariffs continue to poison American industry and transport on the vine, while he threatens more (absurd, potentially non-implementable) tariffs if he gets re-elected:

"Finance and Economics Discussion Series Divisions of Research & Statistics and Monetary Affairs Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C"

A few days ago, both our dishwasher and our washing machine gave up the ghost. Totally bummed but looking for a silver lining, I went online to check the Labor Day Sales.

They were crap. Nothing happening at all, and I was getting ship times of mid October, early November on the specific models/makes I was shopping.

I said to my husband "this economic downturn must have them stacked with inventory they want to get rid of--they don't want to ship. They want to sell what's in the stores."

What I couldn't figure out is why there weren't deeper discounts to get the job done, but we headed out to purchase whatever the stores had, as we can't go that long without a washing machine.

What we learned was really chilling: they have no stock. The floor models are just window dressing for empty stock rooms in back, and what stock they can get in right now is slowed down to a trickle.

One of the big box's answer to this was to offer deep discounts on credit cards for pre-sales of appliances they didn't even know when they would get in. I listened to one lady on the phone excitedly telling a friend "You've got to get down here just get a card and it's twenty percent off!" My heart just sank for what is looming.

We spoke with a really knowledgeable clerk who was wearing an Army badge on his vest. Super smart, wordly, was military engineer and just graduated from UWF this past spring.

I pulled him aside out of earshot and asked him, "What in the hell is going on? Is it Trump's tariffs?"

Without hesitation, he said, "Yes, that's a big part of it. That's forcing down imports and raw materials, there aren't as many ships out, and add to that we've got so many truckers out due to covid we're having trouble transporting what we have."

There was some version of this everywhere we went. I walked into another big box and simply asked the greeters, "Do you guys have any appliances in back, or just store models on display?" On a dime, one of the guys responds "It depends what you're looking for. We've got dryers but not many washers. If you're looking for a freezer, forget about it."

We came home and I started calling around to all the different locations of all the stores. When I could get somebody on the line (they are understaffed and overwhelmed), the answer was "we've got things due. You can pre-order on the internet for when they come in."

Tellingly, the only place with some stock available to choose from--not nearly what it was, pre pandemic, but better than other places--was an outlet selling discontinued and dinged-up machines.

True story, and everybody shopping for appliances this weekend will have experienced the same thing. Slim pickings, staff courteous and wanting to help but visibly strained, can't sell store models, nothing but the trappings of industry and commerce proceeding on the hope that things will somehow right themselves next week, in a couple of weeks, next month, in November.

You know, whenever we get to the point where all of this just magically rights itself.

Mel Pino said...

ps. I had zero idea that Trump had singled out large residential washing machines for the tariff. Just brilliant:

_President Trump slaps tariffs on foreign solar panels and washing machines_

"Tariffs will begin at 20% on large residential washing machines, according to the announcement Monday from U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer."

Guess he figures vacation rental owners deserve to pay through the nose for being able to run comforters on premises.

Here's a doozy:

"Trump announces adjustments to tariff quotas for washing machines
President says domestic producers have done better against foreign competition, but there is more work to do"

It's getting difficult to even be able to see the humor in the chaos, incompetence, and lunatic obstructionism any more.

And we're lucky, of course, to have the ability to purchase a replacement machine, if there were any to be had. That's certainly a first-world problem. The real importance of this scenario is obviously not our inconvenience, but the real-time, real-world economic indicator of Trump's disastrous global policies.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Look on You tube and figure out how to repair your appliances. It helps the environment and your pocketbook. USA needs to start manufacturing it's own good again.

We are waiting on an oven element. The stove was made in the 1950's. Adapt. It may be awhile. personal responsibility is tantamount. Self sufficiency is driving the train.

Think how the people in Louisiana are managing.

The tariffs are meant to force a hand. It worked with Mexico on the Southern border, to a point.

Anonymous said...

Socialism never works because a dictator always arises in the one party. I'm reading about Stalin. What ever happens with OLF 8 is interesting. But private property rights are important. This is public property and should benefit the public good, not just one neighborhood. The only reasons we have districts is because of an affirmative action ideal but people are free to succeed and move. It's on them.

The lack of respect for the office of POTUS and other representatives has been unamerican and seditious and dangerous.

Mel Pino said...

Anonymous September 7, 2020 at 12:02 PM,

Gee, thanks, you just changed my world. Never before had I considered repairing something that requires a 280 dollar part that costs half as much as a new machine. Typically I like to just throw things out on a whim so I can squander hundreds of dollars for something bright and shiny.

Please. Congrats on having a 1950s stove. News flash: they don't make em like they used to. Recent appliances are purposely manufactured to have the motherboards short out and the plastics disintegrate not long after the 18 month warranty expires. To quote a Maytag repairman I know: "If you want a dishwasher that won't die in a couple of years, buy a Bosch. You might get more than three years."

Given that Kevin can fix anything on earth that has a chance of being fixed, I'm pretty sure that we need new machines. Especially given that he has already fixed our washing machine multiple times in the last few months, and I'm sick of throwing good money after bad on overpriced, junk parts at this point.

But thanks for your condescending, out of touch concern. I'm done chasing down appliances from the four corners of this MAGA wonderland now, and glad to be getting off the computer, having blown the better part of the holiday weekend on all this economic "Winning!" So enjoy the rest of the day researching alt-right sites.

And a last thought: respect for Donald Trump? I wouldn't throw a bucket of piss on him if he were on fire. And if he keeps ripping through Secret Servicemen by subjecting them to covid exposure on his idiotic gambles, Pence better be ready to carry his bed pans soon.

--Melissa Pino

Mel Pino said...

Anonymous September 7, 2020 at 12:02 PM,

Gee, thanks, you just changed my world. Never before had I considered repairing something that requires a 280 dollar part that costs half as much as a new machine. Typically I like to just throw things out on a whim so I can squander hundreds of dollars for something bright and shiny.

Please. Congrats on having a 1950s stove. News flash: they don't make em like they used to. Recent appliances are purposely manufactured to have the motherboards short out and the plastics disintegrate not long after the 18 month warranty expires. To quote a Maytag repairman I know: "If you want a dishwasher that won't die in a couple of years, buy a Bosch. You might get more than three years."

Given that Kevin can fix anything on earth that has a chance of being fixed, I'm pretty sure that we need new machines. Especially given that he has already fixed our washing machine multiple times in the last few months, and I'm sick of throwing good money after bad on overpriced, junk parts at this point.

But thanks for your condescending, out of touch concern. I'm done chasing down appliances from the four corners of this MAGA wonderland now, and glad to be getting off the computer, having blown the better part of the holiday weekend on all this economic "Winning!" So enjoy the rest of the day researching alt-right sites.

And a last thought: respect for Donald Trump? I wouldn't throw a bucket of piss on him if he were on fire. And if he keeps ripping through Secret Servicemen by subjecting them to covid exposure on his idiotic gambols, Pence better be ready to carry his bed pans soon.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Go out by the oyster beds and wash your clothes. Nobody cares.

Karen said...

To Melissa Pino
Why don't you make you're own blog or Facebook site and see how many people will follow you. You can control who you boot off your page. The entire responsibility and response will be on you. Then you can have a great critique of your importance and relevance. You can feed your ego and really get a great idea of the number of people who want to read and hear your opinion and thoughts and emotions about anything. You will have complete control and can grade yourself accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Under communism you will stand in line for more than a brand new washing machine. People need to somehow look in a mirror and know how absolutely whiney and out of touch you sound. Try Occupy democrats logic Facebook page. Even listen to Elders and Military veterans. Why am I even responding to drama queen. You need your own outlet. There are plenty of other spoiled toxic wannabes... It is worse than covid.

Anonymous said...

Jeff.. Sorry/ not sorry. A blog on OLF devolved but I can not abide one who seems to support what Stalin released upon his people. For a liberal well educated white elite with a strong proliferation of vocabulary and penchant for politics trying to assert upon the country and county their poison and opinions -- it is a sickness. There is no doubt that if you do not support Trump. You support communism for the USA and you signed your name to it. On this public blog Pino. Do you deny it? Are you a communist? Do you want to do away with the constitution of the republic of the United States of America? Do you support George Soros and the ideals he supports? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

The term "alt right" is hilarious. I think it means "normal" and "common sense" and "American" Anyone using that term shows their true colors.

Mel Pino said...

Various Anonymous Above,

I underlined above that being inconvenienced by not being able to buy a new washing machine is a first-world problem. It goes like this: America is a first-world country. I should be able to buy products, if I can gratefully afford them. If I lived in the second world, zero selection would come as no shock, nor would long wait times for products I needed/wanted. If I lived in the third world, I'd be lucky to be able to obtain a lot of things except on the black market. (That's assuming I could afford them to begin with in any of those three scenarios.)

The point is, this country's economy is--right now, at this moment--devolving rapidly, not just due to the pandemic but due to Trump's ruinous pandering to special interest. He's the only self-entitled moron I've ever witnesses who can't even get crony capitalism right. He just gives it all away on a silver platter.

Apparently, the US is in the process of sliding down the slippery slope from first world status. I guess we could indeed all make a willing cultural leap to being forced to eek the life out of everything that we own past its point of profitable functionality--in terms of time, money, safety, etc--and then consider it a point of pride to keep products beyond their use running, like they do in Cuba with old cars because they can't get their hands on anything else. Old cars are *great*. Unless you're trying to transport appliances. Or anything else, for that matter.

Guess Trump hasn't been kidding now that he has twice called for the United States to be changed to "Developing Nation" status. Wannabe dictators of banana republics like that sort of thing.

The point to the blog post: it was DPZ's unrealistic economic projections I was responding to. This country can't obtain and transport goods right now and can't acquire enough aluminum to keep our canned goods fully stocked, but hey, on the bright side, OLF8 needs a high rise hotel for the coming uptick in the hotel industry!

Karen/"Karen," I don't care how many people are reading my comments, and what they think of them. I put down what I consider the unvarnished, stone-cold truth, because the percentage of people who are willing to speak against the powers that be these days is diminishing, and people should find that terrifying. If my comments ruffle your feathers to the point that you feel obligated to demonstrate their relevance through a process of engaging with them to claim they don't have any, I would suggest not reading them.

On Trump and the military he disgraces: Oh, believe me, there are *many* people watching retired military. A great deal of those military are speaking out and organizing a armed forces vote for Biden--against Trump--for his continual dishonor of our troops and our fallen heroes. They mean business, and they are fueled by tireless disgust and anger to impact the vote of our past and present service people, who comprise about 12% of the total vote. That movement may even drag some of our Defense who have sadly fallen prey to QAnon conspiracy theories back into their common sense quicker than anything else will.

The following is definition of what communism isn't: seeing Donald Trump for the crook, pathological liar, malignant narcissist, lunatic obstructionist, homicidal megalomaniac, racist, misogynist, absolute imbecile, greatest threat to democracy this country has ever seen, and all around low-life general scumbag that he is.

Do I want Joe Biden as president? Nope. Will I be voting for him? Of course. And I hope if Biden wins, Trump, and his entire nepotistic and felonious network with him, are prosecuted and sentenced for their full panoply of crimes and lawlessness. Maybe they should start with treason, for letting our troops be picked off with Russian bounties, and go from there.

If that makes me a communist or socialist, better get to reporting it over your big black phone. Quick like a running rabbit.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

From 2018

The Communist Party USA explained plans on May 23 to subvert the Democratic Party, alongside socialist and communist organizations including Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, LeftRoots, and others. In some U.S. states, communist party members are barred from becoming elected officials, yet through this latest effort, democrats may unwittingly vote communists into office.

***Follow us on Social Media!

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***Story Info!

Original story title: How 57,000 Socialists and Communists Are Planning to Take Over the Democratic Party

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Credits: Written by Trevor Loudon, hosted by Gina Shakespeare

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Black lives matter, but the #BLM Movement has been completely hijacked. We saw evidence of that right here in Frisco a few weeks ago, as participants chanted “Hands up, don’t shoot”, which is a completely fabricated catch phrase that has no basis in the truth (this came out in the trial for the Ferguson cop who was acquitted). BLM co-founders have made no secret of their intentions and ideology. BLM Cofounders, Patrisse Cullors and Alicia Garza embrace their alignment with the U.S. Communist Party and terrorist organizations like the Black Panther Party. Just last week, Hawk Newson, head of #BLM in New York said, “if we don’t get what we want, we’ll burn down this system and replace it.” See their own words in their platform:

Supporting radical Communist and Socialist agendas and anarchists IS NOT GLAMOROUS! It’s terrifying! Ask your grandparents or watch some of the Netflix shows. Explore the horrors of rogue Socialists like Hitler, Communists Stalin and Lenin, or Karl Marx, the revolutionist that inspired them. We are losing sight of what it means to be a Republic, one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. "

Anonymous said...

Not going to feed into the into the grievance and envy ideology. CRT and 1619.

Anonymous said...

WEAR finally ran the correct messaging on the unrest in the country

"Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf ranked the civil unrest in downtown Portland as among the top threats facing the United States, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, election interference and drug trafficking along the southern border.

“Let me be clear. those who seek to undermine our democratic institutions, indiscriminately destroy businesses, and attack law enforcement officers and fellow citizens are a threat to the Homeland," Wolf said in a “State of the Homeland" speech that spelled out the department's priorities."

"Trump last month nominated Wolf to be the secretary of the department "

He noted that 240 federal officers have been injured in protests and disputed that the demonstrations have been largely peaceful.

“There is no constitutional right to burn cities to the ground and assault the men and women of law enforcement,” he said.

He also tallied what he viewed as other successes by DHS, including efforts by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to protect the 2020 election from interference by Russia and other nations, and the work of CBP to secure the border.

Also notable was what he called the threat from extremists, singling out “lone offenders and small cells of individuals” without characterizing their possible affiliation. “DHS stands in absolute opposition to any form of violent extremism whether by white supremacist extremists or anarchist extremists," he said. “We will continue our daily efforts to combat all forms of domestic terror.”

Trump 2020

The world wide socialist party supported the riots, as well as powerful democrats, the media and BLM. The line is clearly drawn. Biden didn't speak out until he saw his poll numbers dropping.

Citizens want law and order and most are smart enough to see what is going on.

Mel Pino said...

I am anti rioting and anti violence, and believe that anybody participating in violence from anywhere on the spectrum needs to be arrested and charged. Any person from any faction or no faction. There is no place for violence or rioting to my mind.

And that INCLUDES Chad Wolf, who is not only a fascist thug disappearing American citizens with his ill-trained goon squads, but is also the sick sadist who authored Trump's "zero tolerance" family separation tolerance.

Also, yet another unlawful crook who really, really, really needs Trump to win this election so he doesn't end up in jail. Keep in mind that Trump is the darling of the Wall Street Journal; typically they just can't spin hard enough for him. And even they know that where's there's smoke there's fire on this one:

"Whistleblower Says DHS Leadership Tried to Halt Reports on Russian Interference"

The complaint alleged that acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf said an intelligence notification on the subject should be ‘held’ because it ‘made the president look bad’ "

. . . . “Mr. Murphy objected, stating that it was improper to hold a vetted intelligence product for reasons for political embarrassment,” according to the complaint. He was later excluded from meetings on the subject and another draft of the document was later leaked to the media by “unknown individuals,” the complaint said.

The complaint also alleges that Mr. Wolf told Mr. Murphy in May to shift his focus away from election interference by Russia and more toward interference by China and Iran, and that such instructions came from national security adviser Robert O’Brien.

“Mr. Murphy informed Mr. Wolf he would not comply with these instructions, as doing so would put the country in substantial and specific danger,” according to the complaint."

etc. Just more of the same out of the most vile, corrupt, and completely inept administration in the country's history.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Santa Rosa county is reporting new businesses are coming to their industrial park near I10 and also they used Triumph funds for the infrastructure.

"Using Triumph Gulf Coast funds, the county has been preparing the site's infrastructure so they're ready to break ground when companies arrive to Santa Rosa county"
"Time is money for these companies. Companies need to know that they are not going to spend two years waiting through environmental permitting issues with a site," Granacagnolo said."

Anonymous said...

Trump Derangement Syndrome clouds judgment

Mel Pino said...

At least 60% of the country is wondering whether, if Trump (and Fauci, Birx, and the rest of the Bootlickers' Circus along with him) had simply released the truth about the covid 19 virus back in February when he knew it, our manufacturing and transport wouldn't be tanking.

Oh, and slightly more important, in right-thinking people's eyes: whether roughly 150,000 Americans estimated by experts to have needlessly died from this pandemic would still be alive. Regardless of their age.

I mean, the truths he was managing to "hide" from a terrifying percentage of the American populous wanting--really needing--to drink the koolaid should have been obvious enough. To everyone. The fact he was able to convince his base otherwise is mind boggling.

These were just the common sense realities about a virus being airborne and the fact that this stuff is extremely virulent and deadly...basic factors that people not afflicted with Trumplican Derangement Syndrome have recognized for their "Duh, ya think so?" quality from the get-go.

And yet, there are two sets of people who will continue defending him and his administration's large-scale homicidal negligence:

(1) the truly brainwashed; and

(2) those who find it a convenient to act as if they are.

Here's looking at you also, DeathSantis.

On the subject of the devastating effects of the cherry-picked tariffs Trump implemented for a select batch of industry "leaders" lined up to kiss the rod, I received the below email yesterday from the company I thought I had located with appliance stock:

Good Evening,
Thank you for shopping at [X Company].

I am writing to let you know that the following unit(s) are temporarily out of stock and is estimated to be released by mid to late October.

MVWB965HW | 29.5 Inch Top Load Large Capacity Agitator Washer
MEDB955FW | 29 Inch Electric Dryer

This is due to the COVID-19 pandemic where many factories were closed, causing a delay in production. Unfortunately, this delay is beyond our control.

Please understand that once the item becomes available, your entire order will be released immediately for shipment.

We apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you and have a great day.
They didn't have any, either: they just did a better job fooling me so I would get the pre-order in. And note that they really don't know when it's coming in. I'm leaving off names because this isn't the fault of business. They are all impacted the same.

No worries for our household, as this makes it an easy decision to cancel the order and just go pick up a refurb, which is what we have always done (this was the first time I have ever bought--or attempted to buy--a new washing machine). And I won't need the large capacity dryer for a regular capacity refurb washer. So I'll just pick up a $300 refurb and call it a day.

Total hit to the American economy? Approximately $2,160 that won't be circulating due to Trump's idiotic policies. On this single sale.

Now imagine the lost revenue over Labor Day weekend on thousands of these lost sales across the Country.

At one big box alone, I saw three customers leave empty handed without pre-ordering anything. Only one signed on for the credit card pre-order "deal." I hope she checked the fine print to make sure the interest won't be accruing while she was waiting on her product til some indeterminate time in the future.

This isn't a message about my personal inconvenience. It's a warning toll that we're already at second-world status under the Trumplican regime, folks. And buckle in, because it's going to get a lot worse as he blows stuff up left and right in advance of November 4. Hoping that the pyrotechnics of desperate distraction will remind everybody how wonderful, how beautiful, how genius, how innocent he really is.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Takes a real winnerto blame people in authority from their keyboard. Big tech disinfo in the flesh right here, ^^^

Karen said...

Hopefully you are better at washing clothes than commenting about the world and politics.

The government has been in a state of an attempted coup since 2016. Expect more after this election.

We see you and what you are trying to do. It's not working.

The rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Thisis what thee world thinks about people who blame Trump.

Anonymous said...

Oops there it is. The world wide socialist's party on a video, on their own site were discussing the bait they laid with the riots. They tried to bait Trump into sending in the feds with the riots they funded. Now trying to stop a confirmation of DHS. Shifty pencil neck back at the lies. You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time.

" We know what you did last (this) summer. "

Democrats love power more than they love their own country.

Mel Pino said...

"Karen," if you were confident of the numbers of whatever club it is that you think you belong to, and weren't embarrassed to own it, then you would post your real, full name. Since you're not sure and you are sheepish, however, it's not readily discernible whether you're an out-and-out Qer, or just a garden variety member of the Trumplican cult.

Either way, the truth is hard to swallow, isn't it? And guess what. Since finding out the USA can't stock appliances, we've also learned that we are facing a molybdenum shortage:

We cannot process your order because Molybdenum Citrate 30mcg Bio-Tech is not available and there is no specific date when they will come back into stock.Your order is canceled and you was not charged for this order"

Again, this isn't about a household inconvenience. This is a dangerous shortage per necessary nuclear assays in medical research. From the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology:

"Mo-99 Supply
Anticipating the effect that COVID-19 could have on the transport of Mo-99 from Europe and elsewhere, ASNC is staying in close contact with our industry partners. They shared that they view the situation as fluid and emphasized that they are working to continually assess the possible impacts of the travel bans on delivery of the radiopharmaceuticals needed for cardiac imaging. At this time, no expected supply shortages have been reported, and the industry is exploring all options to ensure continued reliability. ASNC will remain in close contact with our industry partners and keep you updated."

And I just asked Kevin "what is that part you are having trouble finding--what's the shortage?" He says "electronics." I say, "no, I mean the particular part." He says "Mel, electronics." I say "Kevin I am asking what particular part it is that you are having trouble locating the one you need" and he says "Oh, yeah, network switches. But there's nothing special about them. It's all electronics."

Flagging economies tend to bring with them security risks.

My husband and I worked in the Building 5 Borders when we were engaged. 9-11 was my first day of teaching, ever, at Boston University, and I rode an empty subway system during the height of the scare to get to campus, where I tried to console some of the first-day students, who had family in New York and parents working Downtown and had no idea where they were.

So while I understand the principle behind all the Trumpers I see asking/demanding/dictating that people don't talk partisan politics today, nobody gets to tell anybody what this day means to them and how they choose to spend it or comment on it.

I'm not embarrassed or afraid to put my name to this truth on a sacred day of remembrance:


Even worse, the hard core Trumpers continue to get around the inconvenient fact of this pandemic's existence by pretending that it isn't real. After Fearless Leader is caught on tape confessing he knew how bad this was back in February. Even Trump admits what his voters won't.

How long would it take to stand at a podium and read all of their names of the people that could have been saved from covid if Trump and his administration hadn't lied through their teeth while fanning the flames of conspiracy theories about it?

If all of the people who have died from covid were jumping off the Twin Towers on video, would THAT get your attention?

Would it be real enough?

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

PAnon is real

Anonymous said...

The Coming Coup

From a US congressman....

Mel Pino said...

PAnon. Huh. Doesn't quite have the same ring as QAnon, right Q-Ard?

It has to do with the difference between bilabial and velar plosives, but somebody of your level on the Q chain of being doesn't need to understand the finer points of how to get people whipped up through the inner ear. Your job is more to follow when whipped.

The initial person posting the original Q drops on 4-chan knew precisely how to manipulate minds like yours with sounds, iconography, tropes, and the deep structures of universal myths. S/he never would have flubbed out with "PAnon." There wouldn't even be a Q movement right now if it had been any other letter chosen. That's just how gossamer a strand of affect these conspiracy cults are woven from.

Don't worry, though. Your place in the movement is quite solid. It's just that you're a follower, not an initiator. These things require many more programmable foot soldiers than they do charismatic leaders. So focus more on figuring out how to best operate on your level and less on trying to morph yourself into a poet-prophet role you're pretty ill-equipped for, and you'll be all set.


--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

PAnon has no self control. Most everyone knows it.

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