
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, November 2, 2020

55th Coffee With the Commissioner this Wednesday Morning!

We will hold our 55th Coffee With The Commissioner event this Wednesday online.  Citizens are welcome to participate virtually on Facebook at my commissioner's page.

We will have County Administrator Janice Gilley and Emergency Manager Eric Gilmore to give updates on county issues of significance to include a COVID-19 update as well as an update on Hurricane Sally debris removal.  In addition to this, we will be discussing growth management and land development with Horace Jones and Drew Holmer from Escambia County Development Services.  The issues surrounding land use and development create some of the most ferocious consternation among citizens, so this will be a good conversation.

The 55th Coffee event will take place this Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30 AM.  The replay will air on   Join us live, and ask your questions in real-time on facebook!

To join the event live Wednesday morning, October 7th-- simply go to

"See You" online!


Anonymous said...

I'm not certain if people notice but the PSL,Party for Socialism and Liberation is attempting to make inroads into Pensacola. They post events on a local facebook page "What's Happening Pensacola" They have a very dangerous anti American agenda. The party leader was on the Presidential ballot and the person who managed to get on the ticket made a trip here. Gina La Riva who I believe was banned from San Francisco, CA even.

It seems some of the youth are mislead and just laugh when people point out communism and people who truly want revolution in our country.

WEAR puts up a story about some of the riots in other cities but I don't think people actually see it all.

Some of the protestors burning the flag and rioting are actually saying "Do away with the USA" I think they are domestic terrorists and should not be allowed in our country.

They had plans no matter whether the Democrats or Republican took office to step up their game. The left has allowed it to flourish.

Be aware and point it out to the new sheriff. They are anti police, anti military and very radical. They align with Cuba/ Palestine etc. I find it quite scary that apparently many are brainwashed or don't think..or research. "Party of Socialism and Liberation.

Also the riots breaking out, not just in Portland Denver and even North Carolina have had the message "No more America."

I think they should send in the Feds and stop the insurrection..

One sign was, no borders no walls.. No more USA..or no fascism no liberalism..etc.

To me that's not our democracy.. That is a group/groups attempting to overthrown the government.

Anonymous said...

Gloria not Gina

And it is "No more borders, no more walls, no more USA at all."

That's the main reason people didn't support the democratic presidential ticket.

and until people (left and high conflict borderline personality disordered types and silet peaceful conservatives ) are able to discuss with others why they think like they do with out verbal assault, digging into their person life, doxing, threatening their livelihood, (fortuitous interference) assuming things with black and white thinking and a lack of respect for the processes in place of government and move toward mob rule--

more shocks may be in order.

Know what a "sexologist is" a F^&King know it all. If the show fits wear it. (not you Comm Bergosh)

Anonymous said...

Look at Northescambia story about the Flomaton Police Officer

We have had rioters all summer in Democratic cities and lately holding signs of "No more borders, no more walls, no more USA at all" and burning the American Flag. The police that uphold our law and order and republic are under attack and the liberal media supports that cause. A coup has been ongoing in the Congress for the duly elected president since 2016, It would seem this officer of the law's freedom of speech is warranted. This story is yet another example of irresponsible media.

18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason

"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

He won't publish that comment though.

So yes anyone who supports Biden is a danger to our country. I can't believe he had so much support. People are blind and want to throw away our country.

You had a lot of people silent watching others disparage them on social media and it will not be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That link above explains much. For the ones who know about the "Seven habits of highly effective people" Covey

It's up to us to decide what to do with that insight.

I want peace.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

Anonymous said...

The best habit is to seek to understand rather to be understood. Wisdom. I love your blog and the privilege to comment. I also believe anonymous speech is free speech. Perhaps some all about ego will join in also.