
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Lockdown the State?

We cannot afford to "Lockdown" the entire state, decimating small
businesses while simultaneously cratering our economy in the process, in response
to a recent surge in Coronavirus cases.  Lockdowns DO NOT work... 

I was called yesterday by Channel 3 to discuss COVID-19 "Lockdowns" and my thoughts on this topic.

It was a story because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has said he would not lock down the state again over COVID-19.  This announcement produced some passionate debate on both sides of the issue.  So WEAR wanted to talk to local policy makers to get our perspective (s).

I spoke with Danielle Apolinar of Channel 3 for about 10 minutes yesterday afternoon and we talked about multiple aspects of the issue, to include the fact that more than 99% of the vast majority of those infected with COVID-19 recover worldwide, and also the fact that many scientists including special envoy of WHO Peter Nabarro have come out and stated that "lockdowns should not be the primary means to control COVID-19 outbreaks"  Meanwhile--many states and large cities have decimated their own economies and businesses utilizing these draconian lockdowns----and despite this--- the virus appears to be making a surge in these very same locations.  

So why lock down again if it does not work and did not work?  We can't move forward collectively "hiding out in the basement..."

So yes I did say I agree with Governor DeSantis on this.  

He's right.  Spot on actually.

And he's managed this crisis very well when all things are considered---and especially as compared to places like San Francisco and New York--where long-established, well-loved service related companies have been put out of business permanently in percentages estimated to be as high as 63%.  Was that smart to do, was it worth it?  No.

And the fact that he (DeSantis) has the fortitude to say he will not bow to the pressure of other states and shut down Florida's economy shows leadership that is very strong and very respectable.

This said, I did stress to Danielle during our conversation that individuals that are immunocompromised or in a high-risk category for susceptibility to COVID-19 should take their own safety into their own hands and self-isolate as necessary.  Two words--Personal Responsibility.  I also stated that we all should follow the guidance from CDC on hand washing and social distancing.  Because we all do have a part to play.  Furthermore, I mentioned to her that locally our hospitalization numbers have trended downward in a large way since July/August (high of 246 local citizens hospitalized in Escambia County Hospitals with COVID-19) to now-- (93 persons hospitalized in Escambia County Hospitals with COVID-19).

We also discussed Norway, Finland, and Sweden's approach to the pandemic which has largely spared their economies by specifically and deliberately NOT completely shutting down their cities, towns, and districts.  While these nations have suffered many infections and many deaths--just like the rest of Europe--they did not have to massacre their small businesses and their countries' economies in the process--which should be noted and NOT attacked.

Look--this virus is serious, it is a "real" disease with which we MUST contend and that we are all working to defeat in our own spheres of influence.

But folks that want to go out and work should NOT be prevented from doing so.  Shutting down the world and destroying small businesses and statewide economies at this point, right as we're on the verge of tremendous vaccine and therapeutic breakthroughs, is ridiculous.  

To do so is authoritarian power-madness---- and is recklessly irresponsible, in my opinion.

So no, we in Florida simply cannot afford to lockdown again.  I said it and I meant it because it is a fact.


Anonymous said...

Amen.Personal Responsibility. No one should be attacked.
Appreciate you taking the time to explain your position and thought process and to be strong enough to put it out there in this climate.
God Bless you and yours.

Michael McCormack said...

Absolutely! My responsibility to take care of myself, thank you Commissioner.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Just last night New York City closed their schools, the largest public school district in America. What a disaster---meanwhile the private and parochial schools remain open. Parents are stuck, and students do not learn well remotely--particularly if mom and dad are at work not looking after them. I feel sorry for the citizens that have to live there under such inept, authoritarian rule. Meanwhile, they have locked down their economy so "successfully" that most of their mom and pop small businesses will never reopen, they've gone under. Congratulations Cuomo and DilBlasio. And don't get me started on Governor Newsome in California with his doubles standards and his wreckage of that economy.....No, we are fortunate to have an intelligent, capable governor here in Florida with Ron DeSantis. He knows there's a balance to be had, and cratering a state's economy and decimating small businesses DOES NOT have to happen to effectively manage this virus crisis.

Mel Pino said...

Commissioner Bergosh, how on earth would you have any idea how well DeSantis's plan has worked out?

If your single markers are (a) how quickly he opened back up; or (b) whether he has employed another shut-down, and you believe he did not open too early and we should not have another shut-down well okay--then your statement could be seen as having some validity.

But you are a data person, so you of all people should realize you actually have no idea how successful his response has been when gauging it in the context of the real covid numbers he has covered up--and you never will, by design. He and his administration have manipulated and blocked data through the DOH, executive orders on how hospitals report, executive orders on how DOH reports schools, and any other means they can possibly come up with to slam down on transparency, from the very beginning. This is a widely acknowledged fact across the country, and even you and your own board voiced frustration over trying to pull data out of DOH and the fact that you would have to go outside of state in order to get anything bordering on real information.

So while I agree another shutdown would be devastating--which is why I can't understand why you and others can't even take the simplest measure of wearing masks to help prevent another one--the idea that you or anybody else can actually gauge how well DeSantis's measures have worked is, I have to be candid, absurd. And laughable, if anything could possibly be laughable with so many Floridians needlessly sickening and dying during this pandemic, while DeSantis does everything in his power to convince Floridians that 2 + 2 = -5. Some of us are still holding on to a belief in basic arithmetic.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

“Whatever you do,” cried Brer Rabbit, “Don't throw me into the briar patch”

Anonymous said...

He kept the order so that municipalities can't impose punitive measures and some of the lunatic press calls it a killing spree..You have to be cognizant to not be led by modern day "project mockingbird and the family jewels. "

Do people really want government to be their keeper? Scary times,not so much the virus but to see how much they want a nanny state and walk right into the CCP's agenda.

Don't trust that mindset. When someone shows you who they are, believe it the first time. Tucker Carlson articulated this Thanksgiving.

Levin told the spin doctors trying to smear the one's revealing voter fraud to "Go to Hell" Amen.

Mel Pino said...

Dear Anonymous 12:49 am,

The efforts of "the one's [sic: intentional grammar error inserted for voice] revealing voter fraud" are delusional.

The reason those efforts are delusional is that there is no widespread voter fraud, period, as all but the most myopic and desperate to believe now recognize.

None. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

No evidence, whatsoever, in the over thirty suits brought, or through any other venue of process, which is why Trump's lawyers don't pretend there is any while in court--only to the press.

Making these statements is not a "smear" on the people who are clutching at that belief. It is stating a fact about their communal delusion, which has been purposely conjured by Trump and his administration and further fostered by craven GOPers who will, quite literally, put our democracy on the chopping block to retain their power.

There is still such a thing as reality, even these days, and reality still matters. Now more than ever, in fact.

--Melissa Pino

Anonymous said...

Go to Hell

Anonymous said...

Good articles here.