
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

DPZ Town Hall on OLF-8 Happened........200 or so Participated....Ho Hum.......

The DPZ town hall occurred last night playing to an audience of about 200 or so "online"....(our County's population is 315,000 and District 1's population exceeds 63,000...)

...And I hung in there for about an hour and a half for the one after another series of soliloquies.  I utilized the "Q&A" function to ask 7 specific questions for which I received various degrees of responses.

The latest hybrid plan was presented, and the DPZ staff took turns discussing various pros and cons of the previous plans and the recent hybrid plan.

They also made a big production about what they consider their willingness to do this online zoom meeting "pro-bono"--or no cost.  They put this in their press release and also reiterated this position. (Meanwhile, I am told their invoices submitted thus far to the county are approaching a Million Dollar$.)  But this zoom call was done for "free."

When I got on the call, there were a total of 137 attendees on the online town hall, plus 10 members of the DPZ staff.  On the facebook livestream, the attendee number fluctuated between 29 and 46 attendees.

So it looks like about 200 or so citizens were on the call total (unless some were on the call and on facebook livestream like I was--in which case that number could vary and be less)

The DPZ staff put a poll up asking some questions and they report a total of 210 folks participated and voted in that poll.  I'm not certain these were 210 unique poll responses, or were duplicates allowed? Not sure.

Not surprisingly, though,  the poll results from this small number of apparently like-minded attendees mirrors what DPZ wants:  Amazing!   

Q1--less than 100 acres for jobs --71% for 100 acres or less to 29% wanting more than 100 acres
Q2--High Density Residential -- 209% for high-density residential  to 8% for NO Housing (wait, how can that be accurate if it doesn't equal 100%?--someone ask the experts at DPZ to explain please)
Q3--Completion/build out timeline--76% 10 years or longer, 23% 5 years or less..

Afterword, at least one citizen excitingly, in giddy fashion, exclaimed what a smashing success this charrette was.  And her excited post got two or three "likes" and four comments....

Meanwhile, an exasperated nearby resident tagged me on this post to facebook that very quickly garnered 72 thumbs ups and 40 comments and counting....

I have been asking to speak for about an hour (since the poll questions went up) and have been ignored. DPZ does not want to hear from the community and get our feedback! I want to make it clear that I do not want a single house on OLF 8. I want to see community amenities, specialty grocers (Trader Joe’s would be awesome), high end/high tech jobs, green space, schools, retail and restaurants, post office, a recreation center, and libraries.
I do not want my property value decreased by high density, lower cost housing! I do not want 500+ acres or warehouses, industrial buildings."

To which I replied:

--. I support amenities for the residents, a school site, parks, some restaurants and retail for all of us out here. I also support lots of clean tech, high tech jobs in buildings that are built to high standards of aesthetic quality--like NFCU's buildings. Like you an many others I have spoken with--what I adamantly DO NOT support is any more high-intensity, high-impact, traffic exacerbating dense residential that DPZ and NFCU are pushing on this site. They are pushing it, and most residents like me ( a 17-year homeowner in Beulah) know our infrastructure cannot keep up if we allow thousands MORE apartments on this field.
But in the end, it will be a compromise. Neither you nor I nor anyone (DPZ, NFCU, etc.) is going to get 100% of what they want. And we will all more than likely have to accept some of what we specifically do not want.
But being the optimist I am---I believe that field is big enough for all of us to get a win, to get lots of the things we do all want!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...