
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Saturday, September 3, 2022

What's going on at the Homeless Camp(s) being funded by the City?

Wednesday in the PNJ there was an article discussing multiple entities that the city has funded to help take care of Pensacola's homeless.

Several city council members weighed in suggesting the county needs to help fund these groups.  One was reportedly running out of money, according to this article.

The BCC the next day decided to hold off on making firm decisions on any of this money we have allocated from ARPA for homeless inssue ($4.1 Million) ---until we can discuss all the issues in much more depth at an upcoming committee of the whole.

Later in the evening Tursday night, (1:17:10 of this video)several speakers showed up to our BCC regular meeting in order to speak to the homeless issues, and at the very end of the meeting some scathing allegations were leveled against some workers associated with these camps.

Allegations included the misallocation of funds, mistreatment of the homeless, allowing intoxicated adult males in a tent camp with children and women, and one now former employee of one of the city funded camps cried as she described homeless individuals being subject to a "shake down" for money and their EBT cards, random drug testing at all hours (including for children) as well as physical intimidation against her by folks associated with this camp.

Friday morning I spoke to an individual who was named by the speakers and I was sent a chilling recording between her and another individual with REAP---and it got heated as one person was fired.

Discussion/arguments centered around a missing $5,000 dollars and a missing receipt book.  When the male voice asked about this five thousand, the female who was forced out said "that money is not REAP's it belongs to Fearless [community]"

"You're out...I want your keys and and I want you gone." the male voice said angrily.

"I want this all in writing" said the female in the recording.

the recording goes about 9 minutes and is a back and forth between the two with allegations being hurled back and forth.  It's not a pleasant listen.

Meanwhile--I'm now hearing other allegations of misappropriated donated items somehow not being brought to the shelter facilities and one member of this group stashing items donated at her house "on Scenic" with a pool .  What the heck?!?

Sounds like a disorganized, dysfunctional mess.  And now they are running out of the hundreds of thousands the city gave them and they want the county's cash now?

Not for my vote, not until we get to the bottom of all these allegations and mismanagement/mistreatment. 

Not until we figure out just exactly, precisely what is going on at these homeless camps/shelters being funded by the City Council and Mayor.


Anonymous said...

No solutions from you just finger pointing

Jeff Bergosh said...

4:05-pointing out spectacular lapses in accountability among those who want huge sums of taxpayer funds from the county has nothing to do with finding solutions, it is simply pointing out what is happening. Pay attention. And know that before our board allocates this money, much vetting will occur, we won't simply feed an entity that is running out of money because the city did already. We want results that are measurable, sustainable, and will not require continuous infusions of taxpayer monies to stay afloat. Now, run along back to your facebook group. Interesting all these sniping, condescending comments comments are coming from the same single IP address. If I posted the cure for cancer here, I can count on one thing: There would be a negative comment behind it from your IP address. LOL. predictable. Get out more frequently is my advice to you.

Anonymous said...

So paranoid you are looking at IP addresses. Hilarious

Anonymous said...

I did see those speakers at the meeting on video, and also did a little internet research, out of curiosity. The speakers sounded sincere. I'm sure you all will look into it and make an informed decision.

Have you all heard of the PACER foundation? They did build an apartment complex in Century and will accept section 8 vouchers.

Maybe really getting with your employee Meredith Reeves and getting units built would be a solution instead of just only enabling non profits would be feasable.

Pensacola seems to be in favor.

House the unhoused. Affordable housing. In Pensacola.

Anonymous said...

Florida is a two-party recording state. That audio recording sounds like it was one-sided. That is a felony in Florida. Please take action.

Anonymous said...

So anxious to await his reply you checked back on it? Interesting...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely not surprised by what Candy has to say. This behavior was happening under the bridge. Campers helped Melissa and Laura load up the donations in exchange for drugs and promise of healing them. Melissa Johnson wants to be the ruler of these under privileged people. She is not good for them. Thank you Candy for standing up for these people. Eventually people will see the truth.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Everything is finally coming out about Fearless Community. Let’s hope the county isn’t going to be as fooled by this group as the city has been even though the allegations were there

Anonymous said...

I personally know this women and the reason she's in Florida is because she's running from problems in Ohio. She has been invested for fraud, misuse of medicaid funds, investigated by Children's Hospital for munchausen by proxy. This women is evil and should never be trusted. Her real name isn't Melissa Johnson. She had it changed to run from her past. Her name really is Lisa Folden she needs stopped before someone is hurt.

Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1