I'll be on 1370 WCOA this morning at 7:10 discussing the big events locally from last year. |
I've been invited to appear later this morning on the area's #1, most listened-to and entertaining morning drive news program "Real News with Rick Outzen." This WCOA morning show covers the news from the standpoint of hearing from the actual newsmakers directly--which is one of the reasons this show is so wildly successful. Unlike other shows where one person gives his opinions on what he thinks is important--Rick's show solicits input and listens. It is a great service to the area and the BEST source for local information.
I've been invited to appear to recap the last year in the County.
Lots to discuss and lots of positive, forward momentum going into 2023.
Another circle jerk between you and Outzen. He’s the PR machine for the county. He’s the furthest from a true journalist than anyone I’ve ever seen. Not once has he challenged you or anyone else in the BOCC on any issues. You’re whimpering about how your hard commissioner is laughable. You claimed three times to be an optimist but berate anyone that dares challenge you on your blog. There’s a special place in hell for you and I can’t wait to see karma play out over the next year.
4:06--I think you had the radio dialed into the wrong station. The "Circle-Jerk," (your term) happens daily on that other station with the Know it all bloviator who used to give clinics on how to throw softballs when he'd interview your hero and newly "former" county commissioner. Nope, Rick invited me on and asked that I give my perceptions on the way the last year went, during my chairmanship, which I did. And yes, I did say that being a commissioner is hard because it is. You would not know that, because you'd never have what it takes to run for office JC. Or is it AA? it's one of you two, the OG "Circle Jerkers" from the hate chamber. A special place in hell for me? That is especially venomous and toxic, but not surprising from someone like you that will never have the stones to run for office. I bet you could do better than your "boy" if you did run, though. Heck, you might even break 23%. But run against me and you get smashed like jar of spaghetti sauce being hit by a semi, and you know it. Karma is going to play out? What does that even mean, man? Get a hold of yourself, drop the rock pipe, and get back to reality lest you sound like a lunatic off his psychotropics....
It's good the way Rick just let's people talk and provides a podcast instead of filtering the message.
JC and AA are both disgusting and weird. IMO.
6:11--Spot-on analysis. Them and about 10 others on the hate furnace site. You know, that site that has no weight, no pull, and no credibility. Only the same 10-12 posting day and night while they claim some massive audience. LOL, they are the laughing stock of the county but are so tone deaf they cannot perceive it. They think they are the modern, electronic version of Woodward and Bernstein incarnate. Total Joke with no pull in the elections, no sway over public opinion, they are like little children urinating in a large, industrial belt-driven shop-fan. same results. LOL
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