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Look a here, boy, I'll give you 5 good reasons why you'all need an elected leader like me for your schools! |
Retired Hazzard County “Sole Commissioner” Boss Hogg liked being in charge. He liked having a hand in everything that happened. He also was known to “look the other way” when necessary to protect his interests (financial, image, power, and otherwise). Most of all, he loved the fact that he only had to win an election every four years to maintain his power. And despite the ups and downs of the quality of life in Hazzard County—which could be downright third-worldish--people still liked Boss anyway because he could use his “bully-pulpit” and his “power” to always find someone else to blame the county’s problems on—while simultaneously absolving himself of ANY responsibility. He could and DID direct lucrative county contracts to wealthy Hazard business owners and elites and his buddies to curry favor with them. And it worked. Hazzard county remained hopelessly mediocre. But Boss Hogg did just fine and got rich anyway—and re-elected 14 times!
Problems, crime, corruption, lingering poverty, moonshiners,
drag racing, drug running-- Boss Hogg didn’t care as long as he was in on the
cut of the action and could never be “implicated”. He would not share his power, either---no, no,
no sir--and he never did like the pesky interference of those Duke boys, Bo and
Luke, who may not have been perfect angels, but loved Hazard County and
wanted it to be the best it could be for the citizens.
So, I recently had the opportunity to speak with the retired
Hazzard County Commissioner, Boss Hogg, about the goings-on at the Escambia
County School District down here in Florida---and I wondered what Boss Hogg
would think of the brew ha ha festering over the appointed versus elected
superintendent issue here—along with the calls for the current superintendent, Dr. Tim Smith, to
resign. (Hogg only retired upon suffering a massive stroke and heart attack
simultaneously which prevented him from running for his 15th term in
“Well let me tell
you right now, boy, you’all made a HUGE mistake down there going from elected
to appointed—that was your first problem!”
He continued, between puffs of his cigar. “I mean, no wonder everyone wants this guy
Tim Smith to quit. He wasn’t elected by
the people, boy, and even though he is professional, has experience in this school
business stuff, looks the part, loves kids and teachers, and has fancy-schmancy
education credentials—I think it’s better to elect the superintendent
locally—because knowing the area and who the players are in the local business
community is more important than any stinkin’ credentials, experience, or college degree, boy!”
When asked to list the reasons why the elected
superintendent is the way to go for Escambia County, Hogg opened up like a North
Georgia Frog-strangler downpour. He took
a long draw from his fat cigar, inhaled two donuts simultaneously, gulped a big sip of sweet tea from his tumbler, leaned
forward, and let loose.
“NUMBER 1---Listen
here—when you elect someone local-like—you get someone you know, someone who
will make sure other local people he likes gets all the good jobs and contracts—it don’t have
to be all about fancy-schmancy diplomas and degrees, boy.” And, once someone like me gets the “right” people
into the good jobs and big contracts—they can be controlled by me because they “owe me” boy! You see what I’m saying? “You can put them employees on one year contracts, make
them ask permission to speak at meetings, humiliate them,intimidate them, mistreat them, and
even make them contribute to your re-election campaign, boy! It’s a perfect set up—they work for you, they
owe you, so come election time they are on team Boss Hogg, boy!” He continued: "Best of all--when you are elected you can hire a stooge that kisses your ring to be your 'investigator' to trump up charges and make stuff up to get rid of those pesky employees that you don't like! and the stinkin' school board can't do nothing to stop you, boy, cause they don't even know what your're doing!" He concluded as he chuckled loudly and then belched...
2. “NUMBER 2---I know, I know—being a fancy-schmancy school superintendent---it’s different than being a sole commissioner in Hazzard County Georgia—because when you are the superintendent in Escambia County--you have that elected school board thing that kind of takes away your power and gets in your way---especially if you’re not “elected.” “But look a here: If you are elected it is better, because you can listen to that pesky school board and what they say, act like you care, tell them you will do something--- then do the exact opposite anyway!!—and that stinkin’ school board can’t touch you for it—cause you’re elected! If you’re appointed, you have to be nice and polite and actually work or else they can FIRE YOU! BORING!!
3. “NUMBER 3---Boy, let me tell you something. If you ain’t strong and elected as a superintendent—the school board can actually add things to the agenda that you don’t agree with! No, no, no—being elected is better because then you can tell the school board to talk to the hand and block their items from the agenda and say something like ‘I ain’t adding your stinkin’ item to my agenda because to do that would lead people to think I support what you are bringing—and I DON’T’!! now run along, shoo..” The other neat trick you can use is NEVER telling them stinkin' school board members about serious issues like with charter schools stealing and not following their contracts and violating student safety and such, and discipline policy not being followed, or misconduct. No, no, no. That bad press could hurt the next election, so when you are elected you guard that information and shape the message, boy—and NEVER tell the stinkin’ school board nothin'--- or else they might start askin too many darn questions and cause a ruckus in the press, boy!!
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Boss Hogg liked having ALL the power and all the donuts, too.... |
4. “NUMBER 4---Now look a here, when you are elected you can raise a lot of money—trust me” he chuckled as he pointed to his rings and his all-white custom suit. “This stuff is expensive boy, you know what I’m saying, here?” He continued. "When you have an elected superintendent—his buddies the roofers and floor coverers and plumbers and the framers and the air-conditioner men, and the painters can get a lot of work— and they will!!! Then they can fund his campaign account every 4 years—and they will, boy, trust me on that—because that’s how that works--they scratch my back, I scratch theirs!" He said through a sip of his sweet tea, as he demolished donuts one after the other and took another long puff of his fat cigar. “Look here now, when you are boring-old appointed superintendent—you don’t care about elections, and purchasing services and contracts boy, you only care about the work and staff and the school board makes those other decisions—and let me just tell you right now—that is boring!! Ya see cause when you’re elected you get to control people in the system, the money,
their positions, and the politics of the job—that’s how that works, boy. You put yourself and your 'Year to Year' contract underlings on the selection boards so the contracts always go to who you want them to go to, boy!! It's foolproof! Look a here: So you don’t like the stinkin’ school board?—when you are elected you can support opponents to those pesky school board members you don’t like--even write checks to 'em--- and make endorsements to the opponents of sitting board members—or you could support the ones that you do like and will ‘work with you’ on stuff—you can help them raise lots of campaign money boy, help them get elected and re-elected over and over, and then you have even more power, boy! Appointed superintendents don’t get into the politics and fundraising for elections—which makes them BORING, boy and I DON'T do BORING!”5. “NUMBER 5---Now just sit down here and looky here, boy. Hazzard county was great because we had a unique system of governing—with one commissioner, a sole commissioner, and it was ME, boy!” Now, don’t you pay no never mind to the fact that we in north Georgia are unique in that system, boy. We know all the rest of those 49 other states and fancy-schmancy counties think having multiple commissioners and sharing power is better. You see we are unique, boy, and I think we are better for it—Hazzard County--well even though our county never kept up with the times and we still have LOTs of problems---those things were NOT my fault! It’s those pesky locals askin too many questions and never enough money from the state—that’s the problem, boy! Now, I know that the elected superintendent job in Escambia county could be kind of like the sole commissioner job—very rare and only practiced in 2 states in the country—but like I just told, you, boy—that means it’s better!!!—it’s unique, boy! He concluded with a dry laugh and a sip of sweet tea. "Never give up your right to vote in someone like me, boy—never give up your right to vote--that's what you tell them and they will go back to the right system---ELECTING SUPERINTENDENTS!!!" He stated as he laughed uncontrollably and walked out of the room to his waiting, idling white Cadillac convertible….
****This story is a work of fiction and parody; any resemblence to any human being, live or dead, or actual events or circumstances-- is simply and purely a conincidence (well, mostly it is). Boss Hogg is not real, Hazzard County is a fictional place, and no animals were harmed in the creation of this satirical parody....
I'm glad Dr Smith said he is not resigning.
I think he is the only adult in the room.
Saltzman is grandstanding.
What exactly is Salzman about that is NOT grandstanding and/or being on center stage [lol]? Nearly everything about her is fake or augmented...and no, get your minds out of the gutter because I do not mean silicone or juviderm. That would not be worth discussing. What should be discussed more is that her public image is based on careful assimilations of secrets and a mountain of flat-out lies. She is practically a deluxe made-to-order model, no doubt one of the finest yet to come straight out of StudorVile. At this point in time she would likely win any election on any ballot against any opponent. She has this ability despite being only an outer shell of a true leader. That outer candy shell is so well polished that outside of Mike Hill or Omari Hardy, she does not seem to have many vocal critics, at least any that are willing to voice any scrutiny out loud or in open fields. Though she is undeniably warm, energetic, bold, focused and pot-committed here; it is beyond frustrating to realize her current momentum is completely unaffected by the countless fabrications, omissions, embellishments, exaggerations, alterations, secrets, lies, more secrets and bs that she keeps from her constituents and the Citizens of Florida. She never seems to get called out on anything. Take this school board predicament...Salzman campaigned, even at the fairgrounds, complete with "vote yes for appointed superintendent" garb, signs and other swag. She has no business meddling with any matter relating to school-age children or the education system. People that wish to effectuate positive growth and change in Escambia County should really start doing their homework, and stop celebrating these corrupted local celebrities. IF only you knew more of Salzman's true history, especially involving her mate, "phil" aka "phil salz" aka (#@*%_)@%. But I digress
Anon 4:10--This post is not about Michelle Salzman--who I like, support, and supported in her election(s). I think her husband Phil is a great guy, too. What I like about Michelle is that she works harder than anyone else I have ever seen in that position, she still takes calls, and whe gets things done. She also has a thick skin and she has guts. I think with respect to the superintendent, she is saying what a lot of people are thinking--however I do believe the school board should be the ones making the call on Tim's future, performance, expectations, etc. Under the current system, they have the power. I just don't think they realize it? Maybe they don't want this much power? Who knows, but something has to give and just because one leader isn't working, doesn't mean the appointed system should be scrapped.
The ignorance of this post, even in parody , cannot be understated. You continue to demonstrate and provide proof as to why Escambia county is and will continue to be one of the poorest counties in FL. Salzman should redirect her focus on the BOCC
@ CB. I agree its not about MS, sorry for contributing to the slight derail. Otherwise, this is an instance where you show poorly with judging a persons character. Perhaps my dialogue here assumes the wrong Bergosh, I just figured maybe you were cut from the same cloth as your brother. Ask him if you can borrow W210001XQ/W310001XQ/W410001-DM STUDENT HANDOUT? Tip of the hat to you Sir for unfailingly defending your friend(s), I give you that without reservation. You don't know what you don't know, so I cannot put assumptions on you that you condone immoral behavior by citizens holding office or in positions of leadership- that would be unfair and ignorant. My personal opinion about you, CB and just Mr. Jeff Bergosh, is that you do care about the education system here. Thats obvious to me by the years of passionate service on the school Board you provided and with very little direct controversies. That is a fact. At first glance you may rush to a conclusion that my comment came from one of the "11 to 12" trolls. I assure you, I am nothing of the sorts. Though the blog entry was not about MS per se, MS is and should be a part of the discussion. It was her letterhead to the super requesting his resignation, right? Why would she do such a thing? Just because she was once a part of the school board herself? That is unorthodox, ridiculous even. You were once a big part of the school board yourself, so would it have been appropriate if you sent such a request to the super and on your BOCC letterhead? I think you are a bright fella, so I just cannot imagine you ever doing such a thing. Which begs the question, 'why wouldn't you?'... the answer to that is easy and universal at that but dont let me put words in your mouth CB. So she put herself in the discussion, not I. Which brings along another logical question, 'why did she?'. It did not go unnoticed that MS sat completely silent on supporting attempted House Bill CS/HB855 relating to porn-like materials... Why is she all the sudden up in arms and meddling with the elected school board and its procedures? Lastly, as someone who cares about the good of the community, the children, the education system, crime, quality of life, importance of local government etc., why do you have such flippant support of MS and 'Phil'? Since the subject matter arises out of a majority of Citizens with the porn-like reading materials, and if we consider the element of pornography itself and are all debating policies that protect our children and their learning environment from such things considered indecent, sexually explicit, and/or obscene... then we get down to a serious question for you as a Commisioner: should people or persons that have past involvements with the creation, production, promotion, distribution, and even PARTICIPATION in hardcore XXX pornographic videos and images have any involvement in the making or voting or persuading or opining or influencing the policies, laws, rules, ordinances, practices or procedures of topics or items directly related-to or affecting the education system of the children in Escambia County, Florida? That should be a clear Yes, or a clear No, but something tells me that answer isnt going to get answered. You'll assent to condoning in your silence or you'll attack me or both. Surprise me, please and thank you! PS, taking calls, working hard, and getting things done wasnt the point! Timothy McVeigh shot an insurgents head off from 1100 yards with a cannon, and he had a bronze star medal, national defense service medal, Kuwaiti liberation medal, to name a few- but you can't say he, terry Nichols, [or any other 1000s of examples in USA culture] had or has ethics and morals.
I want to know where Daisy Duke fits in here. The parody is great and encapsulates the problem with an elected superintendent. We don’t need an education chief who is all consumed on getting re-elected and destroying his political foes. Crazy. He needs to be focused on educating children.
Anon 9:44 --I didn't work Roscoe P. Coltrane or Daisy Duke into the story. Whoops! Maybe I'll do a part II and make it all about them. Beyond that---ding, ding, you win the prize for seeing the post for what it is. And here's a newsflash for all the people hitting this post: A LOT of truth is baked into this parody. Folks familiar with things and up on the topic will surely see it and know it. They might even chuckle. For some it will be an exercise in self-reflection, hopefully. Maybe even the local Boss Hogg the 2nd will read it, LOL. 7:46-I appreciate the long comment. To your specific question I would answer it with a question of my own, and a statement, because I am a wretch, a sinner, and I fall short EVERY day because I am a sinner. I pray daily for forgiveness and I am not worthy of it, not worthy of the blessings God has bestowed on me and my family, not worthy of His grace, not worthy of any of this----and I know it. That's why the older I get, the more I pray for folks and pray for forgiveness of my own sins which pour out of me daily like a wellspring. No, I try really hard not to judge people because I myself am a sinner and am not worthy. Wait---- Come to think of it, none of us are worthy--not even you whom I do not know. Why? Because we are all sinners. All of us, every single one of us, from the homeless to the rich man from elected officials to the "self-righteous" proclaimers who come to our meetings and yell at us about abortion and their HATE of Homosexuals. Yes, those guys that come and yell about others need to remove the PLANKS from their own eyes first. That's right, I said it. ( a la Mark Levin). I recognize it and everyone knows it, so to paraphrase a pastor locally for whom I have TREMENDOUS respect "you ought to be careful judging others." Amen. Because even though we are all sinners, people like me that have been the worst of the worst sinners can repent of their sin and die to themselves daily to attempt to turn from their sinful ways and change. And people do change. And yes, some folks that change have gone on to do GREAT things like mentor students and teach and volunteer to help youth. I have absolutely ZERO idea about what your veiled accusations mean, or about whom you are speaking-----but I'll tell you this: The schools have state statutes which are upheld for background checks for ANYONE who is on campus working with students. Which is good. And again, none of us is good. We all have one burning flaw in common, we are ALL Sinners, every one of us. So be careful in judging others, lest you be judged.
You know Dr. Smith got a call on his bat phone from Studer for damage control when Salzman’s letter came out on Friday. Smith was on Channel 3 at 11 AM that morning with Sue Straughn.
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