
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Saturday, September 23, 2023

At Least 2 Florida Newspapers are Apparently Dropping Andy Marlette's Cartoon Strip


I read this morning that at least 2 Florida Newspapers are dropping the Sunday edition of Andy Marlette's cartoon strip.  One of them is in Gainesville, very near where Marlette is from.  Panama City is dropping both the daily edition of Marlette's comic and the Sunday version as well.

I don't read the comics regularly--and I never thought his Florida themed cartoon was funny.  Obviously I am not a fan of Marlette--a guy who's done dozens of cartoons of me --inappropriately insinuating I am a racist--while he, himself, is the white, entitled liberal that uses the N-word in his cartoons.  Several news outlets reported on this use of the N-word and his misogynistic attack on female staffers of the Governor a few years back.  Really sickening stuff.  Gannett just swept these scandals under the rug though--I mean he makes them money in his syndication, right?  Plus, he unmercifully and disgustingly attacked President Trump over and over and over for years on end while issuing all Democrats a pass--so this earned him a lot of "street-cred" with Gannett and other liberals who looked past and ignored his use of the "N-Word."  Ho hum is what they said then.

Meanwhile, if his Florida themed cartoon isn't making it in Florida now--I wonder what that means for it's chances elsewhere?

I wonder what happened there?


Anonymous said...

William Reynolds of North Escambia is 10x worse than Marlette ever was. Everyone in Century knows it too. And just keeps on keeping on. Some of these so called media types are simply and completely lower than dirt. Some know the difference between shyte and Shinola. Karma may take awhile but when it comes it is so satisfying.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a past mayor would not give WR a $20 meal ticket to a chamber of commerce event in Century and he has made it his mission to destroy Century. Most of the comments on his blog are him. It's ridiculous. Makes Tallman look like a Saint in comparison.

Also you all voted to give the chamber budgeted money to him, WR 0when Barry brought the vote after a long grueling meeting.

50K here and there buys favors. Don't do it again.

For instance does everybody know Pensacola college is there? No. Wonder what happened there.

Tri City Ledger will report happenings there fairly and RESPONSIBLY. Not like a conflict stirring, sick in the head, Bozo the Clown.

So,yes he is a terrible influence. Scum of the earth really but his inkwell is deeper, so..

What ever..

Look for the silverlining though. It might be keeping development away. No worries. And it's cheaper then ECUA. Plus can get grants.

One just has to know that and get tougher skin to be involved. Or Ignore and keep on.

I'm glad Marlette is finally getting what was due to him. Failure.

False reporting is very damaging.


Anonymous said...

Yes. When so call journalists are simply TROLLS they should be exposed, shunned and shut down if possible. Good for you and the other two newspapers.

Hiding behind the notion of Freedon of the Press is inexcusable.

In fact nationally some have actually attempted to become a 4th or even 5th arm of the government. But that's off topic.

Abuse of so called power is despicable. Of the worse kind.

To whom much is given, much is required.

Clean it up.

Money is the root of all evil supposedly.

Cut them off at the root.

Anonymous said...

Yes Commissioner Bergosh When so call journalists are simply TROLLS they should be exposed, shunned and shut down if possible. Good for you and the other two newspapers.

Hiding behind the notion of Freedon of the Press is inexcusable.

In fact nationally some have actually attempted to become a 4th or even 5th arm of the government. But that's off topic.

Abuse of so called power is despicable. Of the worse kind.

To whom much is given, much is required.

Clean it up.

Money is the root of all evil supposedly.

Cut them off at the root.

But yes you can't counter disinformation on the North Escambia blog itself so don't even bother. Of course he isn't going to counter by publishing a comment that disagrees. If you actually see the guy you can tell he actually is just a disturbed individual.

A real life troll.

Apparently Escambia is rife with the type.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love seeing the ones press on in power and get reelected and continue to do the work,of the people regardless of keyboard warriors and useless media.

Proof is in the puddin'

For instance look what our representative Matt Gaetz just did. Voted for him and proud of him.

And also you.

If you listen to people like Marlette or most of the people who comment on facebook you would be wrong.


Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1