
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following :

Monday, June 17, 2024

Be Careful What You Publish on Online Facebook Sites.......

If it is, indeed, illegal to merely possess the personal identification information of Florida Citizens by folks who are unauthorized--why has nothing been done about the multiple individuals that have now publicly admitted possession of such data in direct contravention to 817.5685 Florida Statutes?  I am going to ask and find out.......

Earlier today---I saw that some information was published to an online, Facebook chat site that is relevant and pertinant to continuing litigation the county has with several defendants.

Folks have GOT to realize that publishing information that is ILL-GOTTEN and unlawful to possess and disseminate will come with severe consequences.  

Because identity theft and hacking of folks' personal information is an ongoing, vexing problem for prosecutors, law enforcement, and local governments at all levels.

These unlawful disseminations of sensitive data can lead to hacking, identity-theft, and other nefarious actions by bad actors who break the law.  

So I had no choice but to notify Law Enforcement and County Legal about what had occurred.  We will see what happens from here, but this is serious stuff..........  

From my email, today:

"Good Morning Agent XXXXXXXX,

 I wanted to bring to your attention a troubling development from this morning. 

 The attached screenshot illustrates that another individual is in possession of stolen county files that are related to your investigation. (the unredacted version not released by the county under public records requests)

 This portion of these files was published online today by an individual named XXXXX XXXX on the Facebook page “Escambia Citizens Watch.”    

 It is my understanding from our recent correspondence that your investigation is still open and therefore I wanted you to have this information as soon as I got it.  If this individual, Mr. XXXX, has this part of the spreadsheet—he likely has the entire backup of my phone or at a minimum was given something to which he is not entitled by someone who does possess the entire backup unlawfully.

 As you are aware, the county has sued two individuals and one media corporation in civil court to compel the return of these unredacted, non-public record files that were stolen from the county. (which files contain protected, confidential, privileged, and sensitive personal identification information, credit card information, banking information, medical information, pictures of driver’s licenses and passports, and over 100 other examples of protected information on more than one dozen county citizens)

 By copy of this email to the County Attorney and Deputy County Attorney I will request we schedule a shade session to discuss amending our civil complaint to add Mr. XXXX to the suit.

 I am also copying State Attorney Ginger Bowden Madden and Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcile on this email for their awareness and attention.  The county continues to do everything in it’s power to compel the return of these stolen files via civil court---but as of today and over the last 9 months 3 of my 5 close family members have had fraud on their accounts!  The fact that so much sensitive data that is illegal for these individuals to even merely possess remains unsecured continues to be a source of stress, concern, and consternation for my family members and others who are aware this data is “out there.”

 So I’d like to discuss this with the prosecutor’s office as I am also, by copy of this email to Ms. Bowden Madden and Mr. Marcile, requesting a meeting with them as soon as practical for this purpose.

 Thank you, in advance, for your attention to this matter.

 Very Respectfully,

 Jeff Bergosh

District 1 Commissioner

Escambia Board of County Commissioners

221 Palafox Place Suite 400

Pensacola, FL 32502

850-595-4910 office

850-377-2209 Voicemail

Twitter-- @jeffbergosh"



Mel Pino said...

I haven't looked at ECW in ages, but I'm assuming you might be talking about Keith Bowe, as he his sidekicks Lisa Setafano and Joel Cotton have been going berserk on Nextdoor all day, trying to find a way to disparage the Lillian Boat Ramp.

Best I can see, he OP'd a set of text messages on at least 2 separate Nextdoor strings, one visible but closed for comment by the general public called "Escambia Collective," and one posted globally where I was able to ask him where he came about the messages, and if he was the person you were talking about in this post.

He's very proud of the fact that his reporting tree got my post taken down where I called him out for talking about how I would be impressed by his sexual prowess while he "took it out on his wife" after his boudoir shots. (He seems to have a nextdoor moderator/admin on speed dial.)

Playing with fire while running with scissors isn't his strong point.

Anonymous said...

Made me look. Looks like it's Chief Blow.

Anonymous said...

Thinking about Project Fisher in context of this new development.

2018 Underhill passes off info to hate chat site from the dais, then they get a useful idiot to publish it. (LDJ)

Should have gotten to the bottom of that instead of letting it go unchecked. Where would we be now?

Who Spilled the Beans. I know -- water under the bridge, but it sures seems like the same MO.

This is much worse than that, but it is a pattern.

Better late than never.

Anonymous said...

Yes the screen shot is not on the redacted file. Then you have moron admitting again under it.
"WE have undeniable proof"

I hope the complaint is amended and the case stays open.

Assange and Manning were smart enough to leave the country.

People are idiots. Useful idiots, no doubt.

People think they are supposed to know everything.

Just watched a movie Oppenheimer. Some government conversations are not for public consumption. In fact if those conversations were divulged it was treason. Interesting movie.

You had problems at the county with info being given out that should have never been publicized. Like Selovers personal files, on the other hand Edlers drivers license number was handed out.. and published.

So what if a write in closes the primary instead and ballot splitting occurs, it's legal. Your business and strategy about reelection is not subject to the sunshine law.

Publishing personal data is not.

Hope the BCC ammends the complaint.

Who gave Keith Bowe the unredacted screenshot?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Jeff Bergosh said...

12:40 -- I want to know who as well, that is why I gave the information to the investigators with the FBI. To put it into a metaphor: You might claim "I didn't rob the bank, I don't have any of the stolen money!!!!" but that doesn't matter if you are holding the empty bank bag from the bank that was robbed. I wonder if folks will be able to work out what that means. Meanwhile, I have now also spoken to the highest levels of the SAO on my meeting request. People must, again, be careful what they post on social media..............

Anonymous said...

Maybe some of the usual suspects will get arrested Monday. (For interference with elections)

Led by yours truly/s

BTW, Bender simply chose a box on the form on his HR for the 401a.when hired.

He has been dragged through the wringer. I hate seeing that for him.

I don't support the Childers.

Politics sure is rough around here.

Anonymous said...

Off topic

Childers saying that SOE can use his own discretion sounds ridiculous. Like rules and laws don't matter.

Can't believe all the people supporting that. Four million net worth must buy friends.


On topic

This Green guy must be enjoying the paychecks. Like flies buzzing excrement.