If we all stay in our lanes and do our jobs things will function effectively and efficiently. If not, we are no better than a third-world dictatorship..... |
Yesterday evening at the end of our regular BCC meeting (
beginning at about 1:16:45 of this video) the board once again wrestled with an issue that should have never, ever been brought forward on another agenda. It is a settled matter, all but the final payment of $6,900.00.
Or so it should have been.Sadly, however, the issue had to be brought back for another go-round last night.
Way back on October 6th--- nearly four months ago---the board voted to pay the last of the costs associated with righting a wrong that was put upon a former employee. Whether or not anyone agreed with the board's course of action on that matter, the bottom line is the county had to settle with that former employee because of numerous mistakes made by now former staff members that didn't do their jobs correctly, period. His rights were violated, unfounded accusations were leveled against him, and his due process rights were tossed in a garbage can and lit on fire. The insurance company and their attorneys wisely advised that the issue be settled for $200,000.00 as the case, if brought to a trial, could have cost the county as much as $800,000.00 in settlement fees + legal costs.
Feckless, glib individuals (to include a claims adjuster for the insurance company and even several former county staffers) who do not understand the way things actually work (apparently including several of the lawyers who purportedly worked on our behalf for the insurance company in defending the eventual lawsuit that was brought by this former employee) attempted to foist blame on me for the outcome. Of course what they did and how they spread that message via their adjuster and even through former county staff was unethical and contrary to the professional, appropriate way a client is to be treated by their attorney (they are lucky no bar complaint was filed).
But we were not their real client; never were. Nope. We figured that out once we received their emails and assessment of the case documents---after the fact. You know, the texts and emails they never thought we would see. No, their real client was always their insurance company that paid their salaries. They didn't think too much of the commissioners nor did they care for me. So what. Do a job. That's what I say. Because the seminal, most important axiom of reality these "lawyers" never admitted to nor conceded was the fact that had this matter gone to trial-- I would have NEVER been called to testify at such a trial as I was not a fact witness to the events upon which I have opined and testified truthfully under oath during my deposition.
They should have known that, and probably did.
Yet they still assigned blame to a commissioner when the fact of the matter was I told the truth and they were dealt a bum case with fact patterns they didn't have the chops nor the will to overcome. Period.
Setting that ALL aside, they brazenly claimed that my truthful testimony once I was deposed somehow "tanked the case" Garbage, rubbish lie.
So after all that smoke cleared, the final settlement costs this former employee incurred in order to get on with his life and career totalled $6,900.00 dollars. The board of county commissioners voted 3-1 that the payment of this sum be made to settle the costs with the state on behalf of this former employee. Further, the board also voted that in it's view this payment was appropriate and served a public purpose/interest.
October 6th we voted that. (See the discussion and vote beginning at 3:17:41 of this video)
But the clerk never paid it.
Only when she was asked about the delay, 90 days later, did her office gave a weak set of excuses about why it wasn't paid.
The clerk didn't bother to tell our attorney or any of us she had a problem with the payment for 90 days until she was prodded on it.
Why not?
Well, many of us suspect it is all related to other pending issues she has with the BCC. Nobody knows for sure except her, but it doesn't matter now, because last night the board once again had to reopen this messy affair and discuss it. And again, the board made a 3-1 vote.
This time, though, the 3-1 was made to allow our attorney to utilize the court to compel payment of this item. I predict a writ of mandamus will be filed, and hopefully it will be considered swiftly in the circuit court so the previously BCC approved, lawful and appropriate payment------at long last----- can be made.
As I said in the meeting last night---I believe to not make that payment is an attempt at usurping the board's power. It isn't right. We all have to stay in our lanes and if we don't--things devolve and fall apart and we become dysfunctional like a third-world banana republic or worse.
More to come on this. Much more.