
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following :

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Story behind the Story of the Big Development on Perdido Key:They'll be Sticking with the Perdido Key Master Plan on my Watch!

Today's PNJ has a story on a big development proposed for Perdido Key in District 1.

This concerns me for multiple reasons, not the least of which is the traffic situation we already are dealing with as it pertains to the "Doug Underhill roundabout" which has been a failure.  Which I am having re-designed so it will actually work-which I will fix to work properly.

So this new development is proposed for the footprint of the old Best Western motel that was wiped-out during Hurricane Ivan.  In addition, it will encompass some additional parcels to the east of the Best Western footprint.

This additional development will exacerbate already significant traffic bottlenecks--which is why the permitting of this development has to be thoughtfully considered and scrutinized.

It is also why we DESPERATELY need traffic mobility fees/concurrency to put the onus for widening roads on developers when such developers' projects degrade capacity of exising roadways.  I've brought it multiple times, and staff is working on this and will be studying what other like sized counties are doing and then they will be bringing recommendation(s) back to the board for our consideration.  More to come on that in the months to come.

For my vote, if I get one on this project, I will NOT support any variations from the established Perdido Key Master Plan.  That plan is widely embraced by the folks at Perdido Key and so I will demand it be followed. (Just like I am doing with proposed developments at OLF 8 in Beulah).

More importantly than that, we have responsibilites to ensure the Perdido Key Habitat Conservation plan is followed to the letter, which staff will do.  Additionally, the platting of the subdivision portion of this development will require the requestor go through the county's subdivision platting process, which could take 12-18 months or more.  Additionally, I am told all impacts to the wetlands will require mitigation and impacts to beach mouse habitiat will require the developer to donate similar mouse habitat elsewhere on the key, where such property will be placed in conservation, and not be buildable.

And finally, the roadway proposed directly impacts wetlands, meaning DEP and Federal permits from the Army Corps of Engineers will be required, and can take between 6-months and a year to acquire.  It is unknown at this time as to whether or not this developer, Joe Mirabile, has obtained such permits.

All this to say this development will not be a slam dunk, lots of existing state, federal, and local laws, codes, and ordinances will have to be met to the letter, and lots of eyes on this project.

Including mine.

I'm a rule follower.  Time for us all to become keenly attenuated to the adopted, accepted, and widely embraced PK Master Plan....


Mel Pino said...

Saw that in the PNJ today. And people in Perdido Key keep losing track of the fact that Joe Mirabile is one of Stroberger's high-dollar donors. Him and that guy with the move to incorporate.

So glad this is hitting with you overseeing that area and not Doug. I can't even begin to imagine the concessions he would have doled out to his favorite puppet master.

Not Doug :) said...

Thanks for being circumspect on this. IMO, Joe Mirabile has been toxic for the key. 100% about his own bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Joe has an incredible vision for Perdido Key and we should be thankful he is developing our beautiful beach community. Viviana is first class and Valencia Square will be the same. Growth is inevitable and is going to happen regardless I am glad he cares enough to do it first class.

Anonymous said...

Re:Joe's vision -Putting 15 identical (albeit pretty) homes side by side on the beachfront adds zero personality or desirability to the key. The golf course is in shambles with so much deferred maintenance for the course itself. Partnering with DR Horton on Serentiy completely cheapened the key (please drive or walk through if you have not, the homes are already falling apart), and kneecaping the value of the homes in Lost Key, again by partnering first with Lennar, and then Horton- it all gives residents of the key pause. He owns a lot of prime property, and putting a hotel .4 miles from the beach
with no dedicated water access, makes little sense, although maybe he did if for ease of zoning. He's asking for a twenty percent reduction in parking, also making no sense. The 5 restaurants (including his 3 new ones on property) nearby will not mean that people will need to bring (or own, if
living in the residential part of the development) less cars. A person can't safely walk over the bridge to to their shopping and people will not walk that distance, with their arms full of stuff, to the beach. We already have untenable parking problem on the key as it is. I should reserve judgment in full until I know more about this project, but as a 17 year resident of the key, I'm right to be skeptical. I've never seen Joe give time, energy, or money to any endeavor that bettered the key for all, not just himself. I'm grateful to have others watching closely on this project.

Mel Pino said...

9:50, oh yeah, it's just amazing that he's going to be encroaching on pristine wetlands to put up more condos.

Commissioner Bergosh, forgot to mention that it was really helpful to also post that image of the town center A adjacent in the Master Plan. It's incredible to me that the State of Florida continues to allow building on barrier islands. And people actually think the insurance situation is gonna get straightened out in Florida.

Anonymous said...

I 100% disagree. The environmental impact, and least of all the traffic impact is not acceptable at all. Developments like this will destroy or "beautiful beaches' as you put it. I do not believe the majority of PK residents want this at all. We owe it to our town to preserve as much of our beaches as possible without allowing these eyesore developments to be built.

Alice Hurst Neal said...

Building a hotel, I can get behind that. Even more restaurants seems like a win. But more homes? That's a big NO!! (Not that my opinion is relevant, of course.)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call this the "story behind the story", but half the story"

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call this the "story behind the story", but "half the story'. The blog is written as if we are simple-minded voters and do not understand any nuance. There is not much substance in this, only someone making himself out to be a hero and using a situation to keep his seat in August. From what I can tell, this is a very smart development. The dissenters have carried the typical response that, once you've secured your spot in an area, you must push back against any further development. Huge amounts of the Key are protected already, and there are proper ways set in place to develop the rest. I've watched the past 25 years and I've only seen things developed properly. The county makes huge amounts of money from the tourism in this small area. All that money was generated because developers took their own risk for us. Now the rest of the county and the rest of the district should pay for infrastructure, not the developer. That would not be fair. When you see a development "start", remember that a team has been working and investing their time and money for years or even decades, while a blog only takes a few minutes to write. We will all benefit from this development, and I'm voting for the commissioner that will help it along and not purposely hinder it to make himself look like a hero.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment(s) on the fact that "growth is inevitable and is going to happen regardless".
We residents had a chance to have our voices heard through a proper planning commission, but too many slammed the thought of having a We Are Perdido incorporation to properly vet and approve/disapprove this and other upcoming projects. You reap what you sow, or not.

Anonymous said...

Bringing up a past commissioner in an article about something happening now is juvenile for one…. Move on. Yes the roundabout put in on your watch is too small and poorly designed and does not need dead landscaping but the Key is going to continue to grow whether we want it to or not but proactive planning of infrastructure is of importance and I haven’t seen that in Escambia County since we’ve moved here to Perdido 11 years ago. Among other problems in our county.
Yes I agree all of the agencies mentioned should have an eye on this potential project but I dare say I the watchful eye and planning wasnt applied when the apartment complex just went in, the non functioning crosswalk signs at big intersection (why put them there if not functional?), the Delays in getting state parks back open (I know state but go to battle on those things) etc
Just feel like tooting your horn and not taking the blame for poor planning or pushes to do better is all we hear from someone that doesn’t live in our area .

Anonymous said...

When are the meetings being held over this proposed project? Access 4 was a win but 100 new rental units pushes even more out of state tags into already crowded beach access. If and when Tourist come to stay at the beach, then they will want access to the beach. These units will add to over crowded local accessibility. Is there any case to be made for impact fees on the developer to establish more beach accessibility? I haven’t found any previous cases of impact fees for similar issues but wanted to ask. If you can, Please share any dates of public meetings on this issue. It will definitely have long standing impacts to our community.

Anonymous said...

Y don't the county comm want anything big and pensacola like the owa allways about money so the owa would make money not everything go to ala if you care for the military like all of you do