
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Retention Pond Questions

This map shows the storm water ponds in and around Mobile Higway and Beulah Road in District 1.  Green ones are county-maintained, red ones are private.

Over the last several days, due to the numerous rain events we had over the last several weeks, I have been asked about the status of the maintenance of various retention ponds in and around Mobile Highway and Beulah road.

Staff have answered the question about the rotation:  Once every 13 weeks or so, the county sends crews out to service these ponds as necessary--to include cutting the grass.  Weather can make this schedule fluctuate. contains a very user-friendly,  interactive GIS map of the county, with layers that can be added or taken out to provide the user with a variety of good information.  For example, the screenshot above is from this GIS database and is based upon the following search:

From the home page, Click on Maps, then Commission Districts, zoom in to the desired location, Go to map layers, check environmental, check County ponds - as you zoom to an area County ponds will be green, private ponds will show red. 

If you are curious about whether or not a pond is county maintained, this feature will let you know very quickly.  Or, you can call our office at 850-595-4910 and we will look into this for you.

I have asked staff to identify the last service dates for the 10 ponds circled on the illustration above, as I was asked on my facebook page about these specifically by multiple citizens.  I'll post the answer(s) when I receive them--here and on facebook.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank, great info as always.