
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

TPO to Approve $1,886,592 in FDOT Traffic Infrastructure Funding for Beulah Today

At today's Florida Alabama Transportation Planning Organization meeting--several very important initiatives will be addressed.

Of great concern to a fast-growing area of District 1 will be the state stepping up to fund two traffic easing projects in Beulah.

The TPO will vote today to approve $836K for Design for the Beulah I-10 Interchange (Beulah Road at I-10)

Additionally, the TPO will vote today to approve $1,050,000 for design of the traffic easing initiative on 9-Mile Road at I-10 (NFCU initiative).

Additionally, of note, county staff will be meeting face to face with state traffic staff to discuss a road-swap with the county, Perdido Key Drive for Beulah Road.  This meeting will take place September 27, 2018.


Anonymous said...

Are you at liberty to talk about Perdido Key Drive?

Unknown said...

Road swap = bad idea!

Anonymous said...

As far as Underhill thinking putting Perdido Key Drive on the poor county is very Underhillian way of thinking which means selfish and short sited. #AskFlorence

Anonymous said...

Why do you even have to swap? Just get a new state designation if it helps Beulah.

I know stayed tuned.

I trust you are all looking into it. Who pays what when and how is confusing at bestto me..In addition you have the TPO the WFRPC...what ever is all the spelling. Are they all getting paid by the county. If a commissioner is on one these boards do they get more money?

I mean even the PEDC and all that-- is that just graft and waste? Can't you just go pave a freaking road anymore or is it so Cluster ruck that we can't get there from here now..rhetorical..

What started out as an interest to be informed and curious starts to be bewildering and down right depressing.

Ignorance may be bliss..