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Saturday, April 20, 2019
Non-Interference Policies are Common
As I look into this issue and take a deeper dive, I find non-interference ordinances to be quite common. Not only here in Florida-but throughout the country.
Unfortunately, these rules become necessary when individual board members want to individually (and unlawfully) exercise "oversight." I say unlawfully because oversight is a board function as a whole, not a function for an individual board member.
Some commonalities among these policies are the express language provisions that board members are absolutely entitled to speak with staff, ask questions of staff, and make"inquiries and information requests." See this one pager from San Diego.
Here is a simple one from Oakland.
This one from Leon County Florida (section 3) is similar to the one I am proposing for Escambia County.
Here is Broward County's version (2.07)
Section 2-3 of Charlotte County Florida's charter has similar, but even stronger language, than what I am proposing. (page six of this document)
The Governor can remove board members and commission members that violate a non-interference policy. This was an interesting case from a Hospital Commission where interference led to removal of the chairman of the board.
I believe such a policy is desperately needed in Escambia County to improve morale and to stem the losses we are sustaining via senior staff resignations. I hope I can garner two more votes to move this forward on May 2nd.
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There is A LOT of information the Commissioners are not privy to that were brought to the assistant county administrators attention. Issues that were absolute game changers and some at the 11th hour. Your board is only as good as to what they are informed. Unfortunately there are some top level leaders that sweep important issues under the rug and put gag orders on their employees. This certainly isnt new. It has been happening since 2018. The employees have no voice. Integrity is not a priority. Things are just finally starting to unfold and the truths are coming out. Best of luck to the commissioners for having to clean up a mess they didn't know about or make.
Some things should not be released to the public. Some are exempt for good reason. That would be mis use of public position if one leaks (or publishes) info to attempt to politicize the issue and try to look like a hero. Do you have proof who sent the photo of the medical directors letter to the media?
It looks like it was attempted to be used by the one who stayed out of his seat on the dais (The empty chair)and ran straight to the camera for selfies like a 14 year old cheer leader. Is there clear evidence who leaked that to WEAR? It is similar to the same one who leaked the Project Fisher information to Escambia Citizen Watch. f/b (Who spilled the beans)
That is an extremely important act and probable misuse of public position, if it were not yet a public record. Some things are exempt until the right time and you have a PIO for those releases also.
Looks like that's what the one who resigned last (Lavoy) stated as a reason of the work place there being untenable.
That seems to also point back to the same individual on the board. If he wants everything to be so open I think the board should not dance around it and censure in full measure the one causing these problems.
The PNJ article in which May is spreading full responsibility is noble yet not facing down the "ELEPHANT IN YOUR ROOM"
Sincerely From,
A flying monkey straight out of the pages of Alice in Wonderland
Looks like two people in tandem sent that investigative letter to WEAR and have caused these resignations. They should be put under oath and charged with misuse of power. The investigation letter was not subject to public record laws at that time.
The continual innuendo and character assassinations in public online forums need to be stopped. They are wrecking the county.
One even seems to think of himself as a distorted messiah sent in the flog people.
They are toxic.
The DOH investigation was already underway PRIOR to Underhill running to the WEAR camera and acting like HE singlehandedly ordered it. What a PUTZ to stir up this much drama for the lime light.This needs to backfire on him once and FOR ALL. Ask him point blank in the meeting if he sent Elders letter to Nylander. Does he think he can get away with this. Did he send it to his propagandist? He said the greatest act of respect is the truth. Ask him a direct question. Yes or No. Watch him squirm. Like a snake. He thinks he is a hero in his own mind.
By law, if Escambia is non charter, can this be imposed? Internet lawyers #askingforafriend
Anon 2:41
When I ran this by our county attorney mid-week, last week, her response was:
"It can be on the agenda, but the vote would be for the Board to direct us to put this in appropriate ordinance form and ask them to vote to advertise and schedule a public hearing for a subsequent BCC meeting. Assuming there are three votes, then a title can be advertised in the PNJ at least 10 days prior to the public hearing as provided by statute and then the public hearing would be held accordingly." Plus I re-confirmed with her subsequently that yes, we can, create an ordinance locally like the one I submitted, even though we are a non-charter county. Does that answer your question?
Yes thank you.
I would suggest to not allow the chairman to bring the vote during agenda review and also ask him to put it at the top of the oder for the evening to accommodate speakers.
So things need to be opened up and out in the sunshine, Then so be it.
Escambia chairman doesn't need to get out early for dinner and basketball or to cover for a board member.
I'm sure you all will discuss it among yourselves during agenda review. Often some of your best discussions happen then and some try to sneak in ADD ONs but please do not allow a vote during that meeting fir then ordinance nor ask for it to be added on at the end of the regular meeting. BRING it. and the subseuent hearings. it will be good for the county.
Don't be surprised if one tries to add on roundabouts or some budget change during the turmoil after laying red herrings.
Stay sharp. Stand Tall.
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