
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

EDATES--Good for the Economy Part III

As I have discussed in part I and part II of this series of blog posts on EDATES--I generally am supportive of them because in most instances they are good for the economy and they help us attract targeted industries and diversify the jobs base.  The local newspaper apparently dislikes EDATES, judging from the vicious way in which they attacked International Paper for receiving their EDATE (which has expired, by the way and is no longer in force)  Late last week we received the most up to date list of all current EDATES, and I am listing them below.  It appears as if most are set to expire in the next 1-2 year period with the exception of one that will be in effect through 2028.  I wonder if the newspaper will be as vicious and aggressive toward ALL EDATES---or will their vitriol only be reserved for the EDATES for organizations they "dislike?"  Here is the current list....

Business                                                                          Expiration
Ascend Performance Materials                                        2022
Daily Convo, LLC                                                            2028
Gelman Sciences, Inc.                                                      2019
Genesis Property Holdings                                              2019
Landworks Investments, LLC                                          2019
Lewis Bear Co. (Bear Marcus Pointe, LLC)                   2021
NFCU Phase II                                                                 2019
NFCU Phase III                                                                2020
NFCU Phase IV                                                                2021
Rodney Rich and Co.                                                        2019

Regardless of the media's support or non-support of EDATES--whether or not the County Commissioners can have the power to grant these economic development incentives must be authorized by a vote of the citizens of our county.  Our current authority to grant EDATES will expire in 2022.

There is a possibility that the question of whether or not to authorize EDATES may be placed on the 2020 ballot.  This will be up to the Board of County Commissioners to make this decision.

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