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I was invited to appear once again and will be a 7:10 AM morning guest on the area's #1 morning drive talk show--"Real News with Rick Outzen" on 1370 WCOA. Lots to discuss! |
I've been asked to give a recap on issues from the BCC's Thursday meeting from last week.
I anticipate discussion on the following topics:
--Jail update
--401 (a) litigation
--project pioneer
--Grafitti Issues
--letter to FPL on rates
Once the podcast is published, I will link it here.
Please discuss the status of the county’s long range strategic plan
What about Underhill issuing public comments that your attorney is a liar and a cheap suit today on Escambia Citizens Watch. Do you as chairman condone that especially after your CENSURE vote? The public is watching.
I can see that citizens can get on social media and blather on, but like Barry said when Underhill does it it changes the dynamic.
Anonymous 12:41: I no longer even take a passing glance at that site. There is nobody and nothing good on there, period. 8-12 of the same people, constantly complaining about this or that. So the answer to your question is I haven't seen what you describe. You can send me a screen shot to District1@myescambia.com and I will look at it. I'll bring it to the board if it is what you say. Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if he did say it. He's constantly on the attack, maligning and libeling his fellow board members, citizens in the community, staff, and others. He's had multiple ethics charges, lawsuits, a censure, and a partridge in a pear tree! already. More than any other commissioner in the history of the county--but to hear him describe it--It's everyone else's fault as they are out to get him. He likens himself to a martyr and some sort of paragon of virtue when he is not. He is the opposite,=--angry, dishonorable, weak, and insecure. He projects, that's all he does with his attacks. It is quite the spectacle to see--his histrionics-- and quite reprehensible to boot. Nope, nothing good and nobody good on that echo chamber of hate him included, that's why few pay any attention, whatsoever, to what they say, do, or think. They, and he, together, are irrelevant.
Did u not just violate ur own site rules?
You could direct your aide to look, type in a search on the site **cheap suit** and go straight to it.
I don't want them to do a public record request and viciously come after me so I'm not going to email it.
@Anon 8:13
Is that the best you can find? Cheap suit? Bergosh says far harsher things than that about citizens.
Perhaps it is time to simply stop responding to the drama and as Bob Seger eloquently sings it; "Turn the Page".
Hi Nancy. đŸ‘‹ 555
I had heard the good commish denied comments he didn't like but never believed that to be true. Yesterday I posted a reply to @Anon 8:13 and it must have been censored. No profanity. No personal attacks. Nothing inflammatory. Just stating Commissioner Bergosh has said far worse than Underhill using the term "cheap suit."
They are going after Commission May now because he didn't vote to support Dildo Doug. Wonder how that is going to work out for them.
The board voted to reprimand a rogue member Underhill for him issueing public statements against their attorney yet he continues. That is not the same as tit for tat. It is abuse of power interfering with a person's reputation and livelihood. A tort. If Underhill believes a further action should be taken, he should get it to the chairman to put on the agenda as a vote. If the chairman here once notified fails to take a stand then that is also duly noted. Censure is not censor.
I see the comment so apparently 1158 is delusional.
Underhill just will not stop. What is unreal is people who can't think for themselves when he politicizes and casts blame and fall for it. For instance today, he posts about a You pick blueberry business / older couple retirement and going out of business blames it on D5 and D1 commissioners. Duh. If someone wants to open a you pick, no one is stopping them. Plus if someone wants to retire and sell or not it's a free country. He simply goes to his logical fallacy to do list and tries to pull the wool over people's eyes. Censure him again for maliging the county attorney publicly STILL. Do not let up either.
Reading comprehension must be something you have struggled with. That post had nothing to do with the blueberry stand closing and everything to do with the explosive development allowed in D1 and D5.
1024 You must be one of the easily manipulated. Should a commissioner have enough power to void property rights? No.
I meant 1004, not 1024. I also would like no growth and farms and conservation lands. The BOCC should try to encourage state to purchase lands via the DEP Forever Florida Fund. I belive Salzman would collaborate as she has said she would enjoy that sort of legislation.
True the BOCC voted to remove AG protections but constituents want to sell and have every right to. Case in point. Rogers vs ... can't think of their name right now, the ones JAR was horrible towards who had the grace to ignore her online harassment and bullying. They were making best use of estate planning and passing their legacy to heirs unencumbered.
Make no mistake, Underhill is using the Upick post to appeal to emotion and malign the other commissioners. SOP.
Look for the logical fallacy and as soon as Underhill posts something the first thing one should do is look beyond the obvious and observe his own self serving motives at other's expense.
Change is inevitable and constant, except with him. The only way he can get a point across is to try to cut someone else down.
The land use is really not the point of this OP. But Bergosh gets his message out on morning radio.
At least there are a few people on the site that see through them and haven't been blocked yet. New moniker "W. Wardaddy".. LOL.
Yes instead of honoring the Dr and Mrs for their contributions to Beulah and being sensitive to important life changing situation the Underhills use them in political discourse and if someone points it out they call them imbeciles and such and are still clueless their behavior is abhorrent and inexcusable.
Censure on Thursday, particularly the post they join in about the attorney, the attacks on commissioner May, as well as constituents in D1 and D1 and D5 commissioners.
OK, no Censure, apparently you are done with him. Under..who?
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