A local teacher has offered an interesting idea: Let her 7th Grade Class tackle a tough county issue or two..... |
County Commissioners,
you know, we are in the midst of County Government Month. Do you happen to
have a county problem that my students could research and help problem-solve?
I know broadband access has been in the news recently. I am open to just about
any subject - jail, public transportation, fire service, etc... I would love
for them to research the problem, propose a solution that is within your
budgetary parameters, and present their ideas to you. My students are extremely
bright 7th graders.
I recognize this is a big ask, but I want them locally engaged in government in a meaningful way.
"Hi Amy-
Why not give the students a crack at some tough issues? Everyone knows the trope about parents going to their 13 year olds to make their technology work. Many have heard about the CIA and NSA student summer camp where brilliant students crack codes. Young students today--particularly the exceptional ones--look at things differently than the rest of us that are over 50. They are creative, they are smart, they work together well, and they think differently about solving problems. So I will take up Ms. Parker on her idea.
Some Potential Issues for their Consideration?
1. Homelessness Issue in our community--and the Best way to spend $4 Million to effectively address this chronic problem in a way that is both sustainable and measurable?
2. Societal/Social Issues in our community and country that lead to a county like Escambia spending more than 90% of its Ad Valorem tax revenues on Law Enforcement and Incarceration/Corrections--what solutions to lower this cost given the current conditions?
3. Public Transportation: Necessary according to most but too costly considering the revenue generated and the low number of persons served according to some. Are there different ways we can serve the transportation-challenged while becoming more efficient and eliminating the reliance on Federal Grants and potentially eliminating or drastically reducing our 4 cent per gallon gas taxation on the citizens?
Our county would be better off if you just let them run it. At least they would be honest and not self serving
Those are thought provoking questions. I will be interested in what they have to say. Your time on the school board and also on the commissioners' board has helped you develop into a unique knowledgeable leader in the county. Your parent's would be very proud of the men you and your brother have become.
These little flying monkeys dropping turds .. comment at 8:45 AM .. have less to contribute to a reasonable conversation than the middle schoolers.
8:45--I have a lot more faith in the ideas of a mature, responsible and motivated local student who applies himself or herself to an issue as opposed to some of the grown men and women who act like the children on social media sites with their cliques and "mean girls" -type of attacks on people and elected officials with whom they disagree. Regardless, it will be an interesting exercise and I am looking forward to it!
Like you don't attack people yourself. HAHAHA
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