
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Monday, April 18, 2022

On Area's Best, Top-Rated Morning Drive Radio Show-- Real News with Rick Outzen on AM1370 WCOA-- this Morning at 7:10

I've once again been invited to appear on the area's #1 rated, most entertaining, enlightening, and informative morning news program, 1370 WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen", later this morning at 7:10 AM.

I've once again been invited to appear on the area's most informative, influential, and most highly rated morning drive news radio station 1370 WCOA and the morning drives best, most informative and highly rated program "Real News with Rick Outzen" later this morning, at 7:10.

I've been asked to appear on the show as the lead- off guest, discussing last week's committee of the whole where the BCC discussed the following:

1.  Rural Broadband

2.  Jail Medical Malpractice Insurance (costs are going up on everything concerned with jail medical)

3.  Homelessness in the area and the best ways for Escambia County to spend our $4 Million allocation earmarked for homelessness solutions.

4.  "American Magic"--the Nation's leading contender to re-win the "America's Cup" sailing competition and their intention of making our community and bay their training headquarters.

It should be a great conversation--lots of issues within these four topics to discuss.

Once the podcast is created--I will link it here


Anonymous said...

So you use Outzen because you don't think the other more popular morning radio program has been fair to you.

Anonymous said...

We appreciate you keeping us informed. Thank you.

Jeff Bergosh said...

4:34--Two things: The other show with Tallman McKay isn't "more popular" just because you like it. It's still Pepsi, and WCOA's lineup is Coke. #2 is it's not about being "treated fairly"The other show boot-licks the one pariah commissioner to a point that everyone sees it and it's ridiculous. That show isn't news-he's an entertainment show, plain and simple. Which is why he's Pepsi, not Coke. Now do you understand?

I am 4:34 said...

I understand now. Your problem with the “other” show is they don’t lick your boots. You can’t control the story or the storyteller. They raise questions about some of your or other board members' initiatives and you don’t like that. Just like the PNJ when they report on issues that paint you and the other board members negatively. You don’t like that, so you wanted to hurt them financially. Well, that’s the way you made it look although required publications could be made cheaper in a different paper. That was actually financially responsible. Even Pepsi dominated the soda market once crushing Coke.

Jeff Bergosh said...

I am 4:34: Number 1 is this---Pepsi never "dominated" Coke. Never happened and never will. That's number 1 so lets get that straight up front. In 1984 when "New Coke" was launched--there was a minute or two there where Pepsi moved close and was closing in--but Coke wisely dumped "New Coke" in favor of "Coke Classic" and then eventually "New Coke" went bye bye and Coke has never looked back since. Ever. Now, about the morning show tool who carry's Doug's water: Yes that's what he does and everyone knows it. It's disgusting, his obsequious, servile questioning --enough to make one hurl. Look, when an elected official has 7 ethics charges upheld in Tallahassee----and the very next day this alleged morning news man, Tallman McKay, has Doug on the show it is about 20 seconds on the important subject and then 9 minutes on fluff and retirement, and his career, and his memories, and his life, and blah blah blah. It was disgustingly partisan. Put another way--if the same circumstances were facing me, and I was on Tallman's show--there is no way in God's green earth I would have been given such a soft-toss, softball line of questioning. So yeah, and that's just one example. I heard from a co-worker that Tallman was playing clips from the COW last Thursday on Homelessness issue and was all over me. My understanding is that he misrepresented my positions saying I was against Satoshi Forest. Which is a lie. I support Mike Kimbrel's efforts. Comparing what was going to be foisted on my district by the city on Denver Avenue is a horse of a different color as compared to Satoshi Forest and Tallman Mckay knows it. Totally different--but he conflates and distorts my opinion to his listeners to damage my credibility. He is passive aggressive, partisan, he licks Doug's boots, and he isn't news. He relies on the feeble minded that listen to him and he lords it over on them how smart he is. It's a schtick that wears thin quickly. He's an opinion show host, an entertainment guy and nothing more. I want nobody to lick my boots, I only want news that is unbiased and nonpartisan. What, where and when. Just the facts please, no spin, and no personalization and manipulation--which is what Tallman specialized in. No thanks. Morning opinion host desperately trying to catch up to this market's "Coke" which is the superior lineup on the #1 station 1370 WCOA. Look, there's nothing wrong with being #2. Tallman Mckay and Doug are both, #2. Tallman is #2 in ratings, and Doug is district 2. and #2. They were made for each other.

Anonymous said...

Rick definitely spins on state and national issues but seems to cover local somewhat fairly.
For instance if anyone of the half dozen anti berg pro underwho dimbulbs would read Ricks coverage they might reconsider their take on a few lies that they enjoy spreading.

Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1