I've been invited to appear on Rick Outzen's morning show on 1370 WCOA this morning at 7:10 |
Once again I have been invited to appear this morning as the lead-off guest on the area's best, most listened-to, informative, and entertaining morning drive news talk program. I'll be on at 7:10 with host Rick Outzen's "Real News with Rick Outzen" on the area's best and longest-established talk station, 1370 WCOA. Topics for discussion will include last week's meeting, the issue with slow-walked payments from the clerk's office, the pumper truck purchase last week for the new Fire Station proposed on Bauer Road, the new labor agreement reached with the ECFR's Fire Lieutenants, and the area for the new tax collector's office. We'll also discuss the Governor's proposed $162 Million in new Infrastructure funding for Pine Forest Road/I-10 area of District 1. Lots of great topics for discussion.
Outzen wasted no time trashing Childers. That was everything nasty you have ever said about McKay and his radio show. What makes it sadder is your use of a second rate radio show to bully another elected official that happens to be female. Two sexiest pigs playing in the mud.
Can’t wait for Childers to win the 401a case either directly or definitively on appeal. She is 100% correct
Great podcast. Childers and Gilley are drinking buddies? Didn't know that. Childers needs to be replaced. Her antics are are toxic and self serving. She thinks her chit don't stink.
Just because Outzen says something doesn’t mean it’s true. More often than not it isn’t
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