
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following :

Friday, May 24, 2024

No True Bill: Exoneration and Vindication Part I

Tuesday of this past week I was fully and completely exonerated of doing anything illegal associated with the news articles and allegations surrounding the stolen and improperly released county files and text messages that had been used as some sort of "evidence" I violated the Florida Sunshine Law.  

I was investigated for months and months over allegations I did things I did not do--- and accusations that I committed crimes I did not commit. 

Of course I knew I was innocent.  I follow the law.

This past Tuesday an 18 member Grand Jury looked over all of this and declined to prosecute due to the fact there was no evidence I committed a crime.  They issued a "No True Bill."  I have requested this public record from the clerk and she and her attorney have refused to send a signed copy of it to me.  Instead, I have obtained the above copy in the interim from the office of the State Attorney.

So how did this happen? 

Back in December several false accusations were made about me very publicly in an orchestrated "hit"  designed to effectively ruin my reputation and destroy me politically.  Reckless, Irresponsible, and reprehensible.   

Making matters worse--these histrionics were perpetuated by a then employee of the county, Steve Stroberger, and his boss, sitting county commissioner Mike Kohler.  

Sure, everyone saw it for what it was.....It was a set up job from the get go, played to maximum effect at what was supposed to be our jovial and festive Christmas meeting, the last meeting of the year somewhere before Santa Clause Spoke and then again after the Grinch gave the BCC cookies and a proclamation.  Stroberger's cringe-worthy antics can be viewed in minute 13:53 of this video. Then his boss, Mike Kohler, piled on with this garbage at minute 12:40 of this video.

These two, the commissioner and the secretary, took their best shot at me, writing letters and emails to the Governor demanding I be removed from office and simultaneously demanding an investigation of me by the State's Attorney over what these two geniuses decided unilaterally was a "Sunshine Law Violation" and a "clear case of Gerrymandering!" (of course they were dead wrong, but I digress...)

This was the conclusion these brainiacs reached after they read a PNJ hatchet job and some stolen county text messages that had been manipulated.

"You should resign!"  Said the commissioner's secretary. (He was hoping I would to make his run for my seat all the easier.  Not going to happen)

The real reason this happened was that Steve Stroberger wants to win my seat so He and his boss together can run the west side of Pensacola--and like Doug Underhill and Jonathan Owens in 2020--they want D2 to run D1.  So they took a kill shot at me with baseless allegations I committed a sunshine violation based on stolen messages that were manipulated.  Truth?  Who cares about that!  They just want to win an election!

Ain't going to happen.

So, within a week of that ugly spectacle of a meeting  right before Christmas-- the Office of the State Attorney committed to looking into the matter and issued a press release stating this.  Multiple news articles covered their announcement.  And they did investigate.  And they subpoenaed my unadulterated copy of my iPhone backup. And they referred the issue to the Grand Jury.

Meanwhile, I cooperated every step of the way and understood that everything on my iphone's backup that had been stolen (60,000 + text messages and more than 1,600 color photographs) was subject to inspection for evidence of any crime.  

I had actually already signed an unconditional writen release allowing for this unfettered search of these files six months earlier (nearly a full year ago now) when Law Enforcement met me and the County Administrator in my office on June 11th of last year.  They were there with the FBI confiscating county servers and files after it was learned that someone at the county stole confidential, privileged and personal identification information from the county's IT office and disseminated it inappropriately and unlawfully, unredacted, to multiple persons over state lines and to multiple lawyers at multiple firms actively involved in litigation against the county.  And yes--you guessed it--some of the data in the stolen files was protected attorney-client privileged information related to that particular litigation.  (That is the reason former D2 Secretary Jonathan Owens is now facing a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge and as much as a $20,000.00 sanction at the Florida Division of Ethics because in their opinion probable cause exists that he violated Florida Statute 112.213(8).)

 Much more interesting and current information on this weird and surreal situation in part II.


Mel Pino said...

It is really, really good to know that our State Attorney is pursuing these things objectively and not as political hit pieces. Exonerated as you should have been, from the start.

The real reason this actually happened is because Gene Valentino cannot just take his toys and his money and go be happy with them, and instead will apparently be locked in an eternal psychomachia in his own mind with the BCC for...what? Losing to Doug Underhill.

Steve Stroberger never would have run for anything if Gene hadn't gotten ahold of him, puffed him up with delusions of grandeur, and manipulated him into running so Gene could fixate on trying to control some aspect of the County by making Steve his creature. Pam and Bruce better giddyup on walking some more doors. Because soon we will see that Steve has taken one of the most important pages out of Gene's playbook, and that's losing.

Anonymous said...

There was enough for it to be sent to the grand jury. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting on them depos of Owens and PNJ. How’s that going Jeffrey? 🤡 Show!

Didn’t the assistant attorney general prosecuting Owens’ ethics case get removed from office for using her official position to access information not available to the public for her own personal gain???

Anonymous said...

Stroberger is Oscar the Grouch from the Muppets. Him and his mentor pay too much
attention to the peanut gallery.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Some quick responses before I hit 200 star voters door to door today in D1.......Anon 11:48 your're exactly correct. RBF and negative, doesn't play well at all. Anon 7:13 You are delusional.....18 impaneled jurors looked at three years of my phone's backup, had everything there was, heard witness testimony, and concluded the investigation with no charges--just as I knew they would because I follow the law and there was no there there just as I have stated publicly numerous times. Anon 10:13 Depos will be coming after June 10th as this case will likely move forward after the judge rules on the defendents' motion to dismiss. Remember, that is a high bar for those lawyers to meet and I don't believe they will succeed. So, after that, yes, then comes interrogatories, discovery, and yes--depositions. We are going to learn a lot. And to your ad hominem you throw out at a state prosecutor--that is unfounded. My understanding is she retired. And don't fret: Another prosecutor will pick up Owens' case, where he is facing as much as a $20K sanction for misuse of official information he was only privy to due to his position. $20K plus these accumulating legal fees.....Ouch. Perhaps he should have been a normal human and simply turned over what (he claims) magically appeared on his desk one day. (Yeah right.) But no, he didn't, instead he read it, sent it out over state lines illegally unredacted, kept it after he left his employment with the county, and currently admits in the media he possesses it all--------which includes the personal identification information on more than a dozen citizens------which is a FELONY under 817.5685. So yeah--he made himself a bed of thorns, razors, vipers, and Black Widow Spiders to sleep in and he's sleeping in the bed he made for himself. All sour grapes because he couldn't win a straight up election and got crushed like a bug..... Sour grapes leading to this self destructive behavior. Tragedy.....

But on a related, happy note--Everyone have a great, relaxing and wonderful Holiday weekend!

Anonymous said...

RBF.. HaHa.

Anonymous said...

RBF. 🤣

Anonymous said...

When are you going to door knock darlene circle in beulah ?

Anonymous said...

Does this commissioner even live in district 1?

Jeff Bergosh said...

5:47--this is my blog, I monitor it and I respond to questions, so you don't have to speak of me in the third person, LOL. It's weird. Now, I know you are more than likely just a facebook hate group agitator, and you likely know the answer to your own question which is of course I live in D1, I've owned my home here for 20 years and raised my family here. I grew up in Escambia County and graduated from PHS. Others that talk a lot of crap, lie about me, and walk around angry all the time (which is not helping them) just moved to Pensacola 4-5 years ago from out of state, they're desperately seeking relevance (and a job) and they want to tell you how screwed up you are and how you should vote because they know better than you. If you lived in my district (which I doubt, I suspect you're a Cantonment voter) you'd know this. Now, remember this holiday is to remember the fallen heroes who made our nation free, not just about you polishing off a case of Keystone......

Anonymous said...

Curious what kind of questions they asked you and what was your response?