
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Help Wanted!

This chart, above, was provided to commissioners late last week by staff.  It shows the stark challenges we face with staffing multiple county departments......

Late last week HR Director Crystal Dadura sent commissioners the above table and additional information on vacancies throughout the county.

This report will be coming to commissioners monthly going forward.

Like so many communities, cities, counties and industries nationwide--we are hamstrung by a HUGE number of vacancies.

And as you can see from looking at the table above--this is impacting multiple county departments.

Next month, March, we are going on the offense to combat this issue, with an advertising campaign aimed at recruiting citizens to come and work for the county.

I look forward to its approval.


Anonymous said...

Good luck. Staff is underpaid. We continue to suffer from a lack of public leadership. Advertising isn’t the problem

Anonymous said...

When there is a high turnover rate within any business an employer needs to look at themselves to find the real problem. That applies to this situation within this county.

Anonymous said...

Watched your comments on channel 3. Continuing to blame federal payments is ridiculous and typicality delusional. County is in chaos and you aren’t willing to address. Continue to deflect blame on everyone except those responsible which is the BOCC.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 6:20--I understand you want to put the blame on us, that's fine. You are a monday morning quarterback, no, you're not even a player in the game. You're someone sitting on the keyboard, banging away breathlessly and to you, everything is the BCC's fault. A rocket is about to hit the moon--blame the BCC. The ISS is falling out of orbit, blame the BCC. Bless your heart--you can't blame everything on your convenient scapegoat if you want to be taken seriously. Newsflash for you--we set policy and staff manages day to day operations--not us. Here's the fact. The one after another onslaught of printing money and paying folks to stay home, directed by the Federal government, in combination with the lockdowns and restrictions, devastated the workforce nationwide. Thankfully not to the extent in Florida due to us having a governor who is a leader, not a follower. But Federal stimulus directed at the workforce hurt entities nationwide, including Escambia county. Not to worry, though, your hero who occupies the White House now and his policies which are leading to runaway inflation and will soon lead to a drammatic increase in interest rates will, by force, knock a lot of folks off the couches and benches and force them back to the work force. Which will help. Meanwhile, we have raised pay, we're offering hiring bonuses, tuition reimbursement, and Blue Cross Blue Shield family health insurance for $280 monthly. We also offer a pension that is unheard of in the private sector. So, I predict with new leadership in many of our departments, combined with the pay increases we have implemented, in addition to our advertising campaign--yes, I predict our situation will improve significantly over the next 4-6 months. Now, get back to your video games, daytime tv programs, and facebook chat sites while the rest of us work our job(s). :)

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry, but I agree with Anon 6:20. There is a very unhealthy work culture at the bcc. The pay and benefits are not worth it. Just because you are unaware does not mean it isn’t true. Why are so many people leaving? Please educate yourself on the work conditions in some of your departments