
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Opinion Host Andrew "Tallman" McKay Weighs In on Upcoming BCC "Resign to Run" Ordinance

While purportedly reporting "news" Andrew "Tallman" McKay of AM 1620 expressed his desire that his listeners and the public "light-up" the Escambia Board of County Commissioners at their next meeting over a proposed "resign to run" personnel ordinance.  This garbage is NOT News.....

Flipping through the radio dial this morning I happened to catch AM 1620 morning host Andrew "Tallman" McKay opining and droning on about his "opinion" of an upcoming BCC decision on an employment ordinance.

Hey, everyone has their right to an opinion.  This is America.  And he is an entertainment/opinion program host.  Not a news guy----but rather an entertainmnet and opinion host masquerading as a news guy.  Problem is, some folks don't see a distinction.

Naturally, he is entitled to his opinion.  

But the issue becomes murky when he transitions between his opinion and his so called "news."  

He's not the only one who does it-- lots of hosts like Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, and (former) host Chris Cuomo engage in this sort of "entertainment/news commentary." Report something, then opine on it, then drift back to opinion, add in some facts, then more opinion.  It's very fashionable these days and not uncommon and a leading reason why more and more Americans do not trust the media complex anymore.  Too much mushy garbage and no clear delineation between opinion and fact.  But this particular AM 1620 segment is called "future news"--- on a show called Pensacola's Morning News and where he, Tallman,  identifies himself as a "news" guy.   And in the segment in question he and his co host predict whether or not a particular "thing" (purportedly news) will happen---so the area becomes grey for listeners once again.  Is it opinion, or is it news?  Is it good or is it bad if the thing happens?  

I'll answer for him.  It's neither.  It's straight up "opinion."  And in HIS (Tallman's) opinion--this "resign

 to run ordinance" that the board will consider Thursday is a BAD thing.  How do I know?  Well, he stated it on the air today, right as that "news" segment ended--stating, and I quote,  

"The [BCC's resign to run ordinance] is wrong, and I hope the public shows up at the [BCC] meeting and lights them [Escambia County Commissioners] up over it!"  

Would a real Journalist say something like this?   No.

Although he runs around from event to event with a notepad and a pen wedged between his ear and head like a busy-body beaver along with a phone upon which he records audio and video and I think even a press badge worn on a lanyard as if he is a "journalist"--- he devolves into his opinion on his show.  Even during the actual news being read by Mark Jacobs.  Tallman interrupts him frequently--offering his "opinion."

So sure, by all means give your opinion during your radio entertainment show Tallman--throw softballs out and defend those particular public figures you "like" and passive-aggressively go after those you don't.  Yes, we know what you're about.  But also understand this: we know you are not balanced, unbiased, or a fair reporter of the news.  You're not news, you're opinion and entertainment.

And on this opinion you're ignorant and do not understand the depths of the topic obviously.

Lots of organizations, cities, counties, municipalities and other entitites have resign to run rules and ordinances.  It is common. Did you know this?  Also, if you're going to opine on it, make sure you tell the truth about my involvement in it:

1.  I did not bring this topic
2.  When I ran for BCC, I resigned to run and left behind 2-years on my school board term as is/was required under Florida Statutes. (i.e. I had to put skin in the game--I couldn't just scurry back to my position if I lost)
3.  When your favorite commissioner's secretary ran against me--I beat him by 16 points.  He got clobbered.  That election is over, and you and your favorite commissioner and others should really get over it.

You won't though.  It really bothers you.

So now you're on this ordinance.  As if it is unique. 

And we know some are in your ear railing against it, and so therefore instead of looking at it objectively and researching it------ you just parrot the opinion of your guy and a handful of "others" on facebook chat/hate sites and hope your listeners don't peel the onion too deeply on the topic.....

No, you're not a news guy, you're just another guy on the radio with an opinion, desperately trying to make a name for yourself as you get beat in the ratings by the other station, the well established and trusted one,  that does it professionally by keeping the News segregated from the Opinion ----unlike you who swirls it together like dumping chocolate syrup into your milk, stirring it vigorously with a spoon to make "chocolate milk." 

Hopefully one day soon you will move along to your next market, where hopefully you will be more successful and where you can change your name again to something apropos like "The Tallman-Underhill Show"


Anonymous said...

Bender said that other counties in Florida have laws that prohibit county employees from running for elected office. It seems now that the BCC wants its own county Resign-to-Run Law in addition to the state law adopted by the Florida Legislature. It would be useful to the public discussion if someone asked the county attorney to tell the BCC which counties have such a law and then you can tell us. By the way, because the BCC as claimed it has a power to prohibit county employees from running for any elected office, a provision not in the proposed ordinance but something the BCC believes it has the power to put there, and because the BCC has the power to adopt countywide ordinances that apply even inside of municipalities, could the county expand the ordinance further to prevent any local government employee from running for a county commission seat or any elected office for that matter? As example, Pensacola City Councilman Delarian Wiggins is a Sergeant with the Escambia County Sheriff's Office. A good question to ask the county attorney is if the BCC has the power to prohibit Wiggins - who bought a home in Beulah where he and his wife live and so a prospective opponent of yours in 2024, and more competitive if he does change his party registration to NPA a year prior to the qualifying date - from running for your seat?

Anonymous said...

Once again you bring up some fictional comparisons between WNRP and WCOA. According to Nielsen News Talk Radio WNRP doesn’t even subscribe to the rating service. If you want to stretch the truth about such a small detail what else would be willing to twist the truth about. Of course, you try to pump up Outzen. He’s just another opinion person. The thing is he regurgitates your opinion.

Data Released: 1/21/22

AQH Share for Persons 12+, Mon-Sun 6AM-Mid

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Anonymous said...

Bergosh you are a clown, everyone sees it. Including the local media.

Anonymous said...

6:10 You are right and Jeff will never admit it because he can’t. He believes his own lies like a classic narcissist.

Jeff Bergosh said...

My my--the tallman sycophants and Bergosh haters are spinning like tops today. Anonymous 11:00--is that all you got? really? Just an ad-hominem thrown out to hang in the air? You sound a lot like Catfish from Denver--remember-keep the house clean while your wife works the job. Keep the house clean, and prepare a nice meal for her when she gets home from work. Or maybe you're the other guy, the dude who just moved here and believes he is the oracle of all righteous thought, as he lives in his mom's house at age 30....Or maybe you are Tallman himself? Doesn't matter. Because the media locally know I'm not a clown and that's why they constantly hit this site and frequently, very frequently generate stories and/or poach stories from this blog's content. All of them do it. and to 6:10 and 11:03--wow I must have hit a nerve. Stings doesn't it. Here's a newsflash for you: two different sources--local and with decades in this market-- have shared with me the fact that WCOA routinely cleans 1620's clock in the ratings. Like it's not even close, like--in the words of one of these gentlemen "WCOA is the U.S. Army, and 1620 is like Isis Fighters in trucks with machine guns in the back" Now--I'm not sure where these insiders get their information, but I have no reason to doubt either of them. Meanwhile, at least with WCOA--when they give news, it is straight news not editorialized minute by minute by a guy who is annoying at best. Truth hurts I'm sure. Now, run along back to your home the facebook hate site, LOL

Anonymous said...

61.29% of voters last election DID NOT SUPPORT YOU commissioner Bergosh. The voters wanted somebody new.

Anonymous said...

Here is the "everybody sees it" remarks. It is tiring. Sorry Jeff just not worth the time trying to tell these fan club suck ups otherwise. I bet if Underhill farts they breath deeply, get zombie eyes and repeat.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon 1:32--And yet I was the winner. How that reality must sear inside your brain like a hamburger patty on a hot, gas-fired grill. How could that be? Oh, let me help you understand because apparently, your expertise lies outside of elections and more than likely on other areas like carrying water for your favorite commissioner, the one who's secretary I beat in that election by 15 points. You know, your guy, the one that 77.52% DID NOT WANT and VOTED AGAINST. I guess we should have just called him the winner because he was "your guy" right? Uh, no. It don't work that way. Let me help you understand what happened and how this works--for your edification on this topic. It was a low turnout, primary election. Less than one third of the voters bothered to vote. That's #1. #2 is this: in these low turnout elections with four candidates running hard--it is not uncommon for one candidate to not get over 50%. In fact, it is very common, actually. So that's why the state of Florida recognizes the winner of the election to be the candidate in the one-party candidate only, open primary who receives the plurality of the vote. Go to Google and figure out what plurality means. Because that's what matters, not the fact that I beat the 2nd place guy by over 1,000 votes and nearly 8 points, nor the fact that I beat your guy the bronze medal, third place ribbon finisher by 2,290 votes and more than 15 points, or that I beat the 4th place guy by 4,362 votes, or the fact that I have one each of my 5 contested primaries/elections in District 1 going back 16 years. None of that matters. What matters is I won the election, I got the most votes, and it bugs the dickens out of you LOL. Wait until 2024--wait for it......your head's going to spin like a top when I beat your guy again if he runs. Or his boss. Either one of them. LOL. That's the way this works.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon 2:25--Actually, it is a 2-pipe system. One end is connected to their idol's rear-end, and then it branches off into two pipes--one goes directly up Tallman's nose and he breathes deep, and the other goes up the collective noses of about 8-10 over on the hatbook watch site LOL. And they all pray that their idol eats broccoli and deviled eggs beforehand.

I am Anon 1:02 said...

Bergosh, it is always enjoyable to move into your head and to live rent-free if only for a few hours much like one of those cheap motels on Cervantes Street. I was curious to see how you would spin it that the voters overwhelmingly voted against you. That must put a ding in your fragile ego. Much like the PNJ and McKay don’t paint you as the leader you portray yourself to be. It will be interesting to see how the next election plays out after you have expanded your kingdom to D1-North and D1-South. You really have ticked off a lot of voters with that little gerrymandering stunt and your flat-out refusal to acknowledge the concerns of the people. The sad part is you have a terrible case of DUDS, Doug Underhill Derangement Syndrome, and you always assume anything negative toward you must be because of Underhill. Nothing could be further from the truth. I didn’t care for you much when you rode your brothers’ coattails to the school board. I am not going to speak for everyone, but it is crystal clear to me who brought the discussion to the board that may now become a possible ordinance. If this was done to make things clear come the 2024 elections well that may not be a bad thing. Doing so now to eliminate one candidate from the school board race or employment with the county makes it clear this has everything to do with Underhill. Yep, DUDS. Just like redistricting. DUDS. Remind us all again from the dais the next time this is brought for discussion that it was not you who started this drama.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon...I mean Joe C....I'm obviously in your head rent free--you have it backwards. Think about it: You are on my site, on an unrelated topic, posting about an election I won nearly two years ago, an election that is over and done with. An election where nearly 8 out of 10 voters rejected your boy, the commissioner's secretary who I smashed like a roach in that election. So yeah, I think it's pretty apparent who is obsessing on that event nearly two years later........and it ain't me. LOL. Try to get over the fact and accept it. The election is over.

Anonymous said...

Great analysis and response to comments. What is interesting to me is that you’re conservative, have documented photos of you at Trump and other conservative politicians events and you refuse to raise taxes. So, the RInO righty’s hate you for not raising taxes to pay for whatever pet project of concern they support. It’s really quite amusing. Like the song I Think my Dogs a Democrat, Ii think (know) all the haters are truly hand-out liberals who think they’re conservatives. It’s very ironic and funny. Keep working hard and counterpunching and knocking these lefties out.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:44 Most of the conservative citizens here in Escambia County are sick of the games Jeff plays. He “plays ball” with the best of them and that’s why the political elite support him.

Anonymous said...

611 The "playing ball" talking point is underhillian nonsense. Collaboration and getting things accomplished is a good thing. Social media gave people who like to complain and bitch a platform. They feed off each other and think they sound important.

Anonymous said...

Haha The underowens fan club is spinning. Owen's running and getting the fire dept involved was drama and toxic for all the county. They tried to get LuTimothy to stack the deck for what? Their own special interest of their backers many from Gulf breeze. One can do simple searches and find info that to pass an ordinance like this has been done in other states to maintain integrity and avoid conflicts of interest. The ECW crowd think they speak for the will of the people.. all six of them commenting on this. Pass it. If someone retires and wants to run. Fine. Keep on doing what you do Bergosh.