Although it appears this document (memo) from the County's Insurance Comapany's Law Firm was sent to our County Attorney's office on January 27th---I just got a copy of it late yesterday afternoon. It is a detailed, behind the scenes legal analysis of the case against the county brought by Matt Selover for multiple egregious violations of his due process rights and the shameful way he was treated. This is the kind of document the public rarely gets to see, however because we are a public entity subject to the open records laws and because the litigation in this case is concluded---it now becomes a public record and open for release. Heck, I never even knew this document existed I only was made aware of it by a source unaffiliated with the county who actually called me and asked me "What I thought about the memo?"
Well, I didn't, because I hadn't, because I'd not seen it.
But apparently others had seen it -------and this was probably the genesis of some late night calls between our former HR director and a bean-counter insurance bureaucrat last month.... oh well.
So, now being aware of its existence--I called the county attorney late yesterday afternoon and got it in 5 minutes flat. And I spent hours last night reading it.
But why was this memo never shared with myself and my counterparts at our June shade session, though? Why were some staffers and apparently at least one other commissioner provided this document---but not the rest of us? Who leaked this memo unlawfully to outside entities before the lawsuit was settled and this document was actually subject to release?
I will get answers to these questions, I have already asked. I do have idea, though. And thankfully, that individual is no longer employed with the county. Let's put it that way.
Meanwhile-this document will make it's way to the written press very soon--- and I am fairly certain portions and snippets will be cut and pasted into an article that will purport to make me the "bad guy" of this case. "That guy Bergosh supported Selover and would not go along with our defense strategy!!" will be the flavor.
So be it.
The facts are clear, though: we wronged this first responder, disciplined him inappropriately, denied him due process, retaliated against him after he filed a harrassment complaint against his medical director, bungled that complaint and subsequently damaged him emotionally and physically--all the while stomping all over his rights and abandoning county policy and past practice. That's why we settled with him, and the insurance company (not Escambia taxpayers) paid him a $200,000.00 settlement.
Here are some "low"lights from this insurance company lawyer's memo--illustrating just how weak her case was and why:
"Critically, one of our biggest
weaknesses is the fact that between April 23, 2019 and May 1, 2019, there is no documentation whatsoever supporting the
Board's alleged decision to
1) restrict Selover's clinical privileges and 2) that Dr. Edler decided to report Selover
to the-Department of Health."
"After he [Selover] filed the complaint, he testified that he worked without any issue for 22 or 23 days until he was advised his clinical privileges were restricted on May 15, 2019. He testified John Dosh and Leon Salter advised him that Dr. Edler restricted his job duties on May 13, 2019. Notably, as noted above, this is a significant weakness in our case as this occurred over three weeks after the QA/QI meeting."
"Dr. Edler told the [April 23, 2019 QA/QI] board to write up their thoughts and she would decide what to do. He [William Hopkins] recalls her telling him to write up the meeting and their observations, but it seems like they did not decide what actions to take regarding Selover at the meeting. They did not discuss reprimand or about limiting his ability to practice or do certain procedures. They also did not talk about reporting him to the FDOH."
"We believe Plaintiff may be able to establish that Plaintiff through high-ranking officials ratified the alleged due process violations allegedly committed by Dr. Edler because it did not reverse her actions despite having reason to do so based on Peppler's legal memorandum and Spainhower's report. Accordingly, should this court determine that Selover's due process rights were violated, the County may be subject to municipal liabili ty."
"..there is a chance that the Court will find that his [Selover's] position change from paramedic to EMT-regardless of no pay change-constituted disciplinary action or adverse employment action since be was perceived by his peers to only be an EMT, his ability to work overtime as a paramedic was limited, and his pay was essentially reduced. We have highlighted in depositions that the policies and procedures define "demotion" as having your pay rate decreased-which did not happen to Selover. However, Bergosh's deposition highlights the
fact "we can call it whatever we want, but it is discipline... if it acts like a duck, talks like a duck, it's a duck." In addition, there are emails highlighting the fact that it looks like discipline, people were concerned about his due process rights, but no one did anything. Although we do not think it is discipline, it appears that everyone was confused about it and the Councy needs to have policies that are more definitive for situations like this. We also have emails where employees are calling it discipline and the County attorney is analyzing it as discipline. Therefore, there is contradicting evidence amongst the County and this will be difficult to overcome. Furthermore, whether the actions takcn against Selover constituted discipline will be a question for the jury."![]() |
The County's case had more holes through it than a massive block of swiss cheese..... |
Now, even though this document is 35 pages-- and the county's case had more holes in it than a huge block of swiss cheese--watch how just two pages will be spotlighted. Presto, abracadabra. I won't even need to point out which two pages--the readers of the document I have linked, and the subsequent news piece, will be able to piece that one together.
Meanwhile, the document --once read in it's entirety-- is an interesting look into a complex case with lots of levels, layers, competing narratives, and agendas. It was a bad hand dealt to this insurance company's lawyer--no doubt about it--and this document details that fact in granular detail--I've highlighted those areas on the attached document.
"If it acts like a duck, looks like a duck, quacks like a duck---It's a duck!" |
As it relates to my part of the overall situation: I requested and received an opinion from the county attorney's office prior to being subpoenaed and deposed under oath--which testimony I gave is lamented in this document from the Insurance company's lawyer. But I requested, received and have a written legal opinion on this I obtained prior to being deposed. I testified truthfully. And I refused to be coached and nudged on how my truthful testimony would be given nor would I be badgered by the lawyer for Dr. Edler on cross examination---I simply reiterated my answers the way I wanted to answer the questions--and this obviously was a source of contention for the insurance company's lawyer.
So be it.
I told the truth, and the truth prevailed, and a first responder that was treated horiffically by our county was victorious in this proceeding--and not because of my truthful testimony--but due to feckless and feeble handling of this issue by HR, administration, and public safety. PERIOD.
I hope everyone has learned that this garbage doesn't have to happen if we follow our policies with fidelity.
Hopfully we will going forward.
Otherwise we'll keep doing this over and over like groundhog day.
Of course Commissioner Underhill is behind this. like usual. Hell hath no fury like a spiteful man who doesn’t get his legal bills paid. He’ll go to any lengths to twist every little thing around to make the board look bad. He’s desperate.
“Who leaked this memo unlawfully to outside entities before the lawsuit was settled and this document was actually subject to release?”
You misspelled “why did Commisioner Underhill unlawfully leak this memo to his peon puppets on ECW that nailed Matt to the cross to crucify and libel him before the lawsuit was settled and this document was actually subject to release?”
2022 is looking like a year of more legal expenses for the vengeful commissioner and his vicious peon puppets.
I am proud of your advocacy on this issue. It is fortunate that Matt won this and the public can start to see the real issue at public safety wasn’t him, or the 4 that were arrested. It was Rayme Edler. The big question Is why was she allowed to continue on? Why after numerous hostile work complaints against a probationary employee get swept under the rug? Why was Jack Brown not held responsible for a clear violation of USERA and the on tape discrimination of a much more qualified reservist physician? Why was she allowed to refuse to work with EMS or not work her required hours? Why was she allowed to threaten commissioners, sue a citizen, rip up protocols, pick favorites, have relationships with EMS staff, and drag the county into costly litigation? Why? Why? Why?
Matt Selover did the county a favor by accepting the small amount of 200k. If it would of gone to court he would of received at least double that amount. It’s obvious he was railroaded by some malicious people.
The county lost because it was guilty. There multiple failures from the BCC down Administrators, HR and on down to Mike Weaver and others that followed. Like Anon said above, why was somebody like the medical director allowed to inflict so much harm when they were warned even before her hiring? Here is a definition everyone should look at:
Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder, according to the DSM-5, exhibit five or more of the following, which are present by early adulthood and across contexts:
A grandiose sense of self-importance
Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Belief that one is special and can only be understood by or associate with special people or institutions
A need for excessive admiration
A sense of entitlement (to special treatment)
Exploitation of others
A lack of empathy
Envy of others or the belief that one is the object of envy
Arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes
Individuals with NPD can be easily stung by criticism or defeat and may react with disdain or anger—
Speaking of legal matters.
Admin of ECW is insinuating Mr. Mattimore’s legal opinion about the retirement plan is biased.
“Richie Faunce very true. A hired legal opinion, just like a defense lawyer. I think this lawyer already does work for the county already. Doesn't want to hurt the golden goose's feelings, I would imagine”. -Jacqueline Rogers 8/13/2021
Jacqueline are you insinuating Mr. Mattimore purposely gave a preferential legal opinion because the county is his “golden goose”?
Do you know Mr. Mattimore?
Have you ever met Mr. Mattimore?
Why would you make a statement like this about Mr. Mattimore’s character?
Why would you imagine he would risk his reputation to give a biased opinion?
Do you have a law degree?
Why was the county attorney’s coaching you on what to say? I don’t think that’s appropriate.
You told the truth but Douglas Underhill and his small gang of rabid puppets will twist it around to make you the bad guy.
A different person is attacked daily on ECW. Productive discussions don’t happen just personal attacks and constant complaining. Douglas Underhill and Jacqueline Rogers are Escambia County’s chicken littles. They sky is falling y’all and it’s all Jeff Bergosh and a David M. Bear’s fault today. Who will be their victim tomorrow? They should change the name of the group to eSCAMbia Personal Attack Group. Is it illegal to start a page to take bets on who their daily victim will be?
I’m going to LMAO when the ring leaders of the constant harassment get served by a couple different people. It’s coming.
Anonymous August 14, 9:13 AM,
Florida Statutes section 95.11, regarding defamation, you have two years to file your claim from the date that the defamatory statement was first made. The same habitual harassers are no where in the clear. Every word adds up to show a pattern.
There was a comment in one of the shade transcripts that this might go to trial and there is a chance the county would lose and Matt could get the 650K. There was a chance the county might win also.
You did the right thing in the whole scheme of things.
Too bad PNJ is still stupid enough to listen to Jacqueline Rogers and Underhill.
The Patron is losing respect.
Honestly, I'm tired of hearing about all this but looked on ECW.
Doug and Jacqueline are using the same tactic. "Did you read so and so blah blah blah"
Yeah we read it and they are losing, Edler is losing and Bergosh told the truth and uphold "Doing the right thing."
Why don't they just slink off in their corner and be quiet.
Even if the Department of Health finds perhaps a better medicine could have been given doesn't negate the fact that the entire fiasco was handled badly by the county, including EDLER.
Clearly preventing Medical errors in an establishment is not to be done in a punitive environment. EVER.
Their support of Edler is misplaced.
Talk about Bulldogs holding on to a pork chop bone...
Let this go.
Berry needs to let the 401a go. Of course when he relooked at that 401a he probably thought.."Darn I wish I had noticed that from the beginning and signed up then..) but he didn't, move on.. That's all you can do.
I know a politician wants to clear his name and reputation.
Quint Studer needs to tell the PNJ to quit printing these types of articles because it is reflecting on his character also. Of course not many citizens follow all that goes on in the county closely and I guess he think his Studerville Civic Con gal knows what she is talking about. They don't. Obviously the understanding of the Sector Plan should demonstrate that also.
Just a few jerks out there shut down the rest of us/
As far as the one that posted the NPD traits, also look up the HCP or histronic traits also..
They are easily recognized.
Talk about a few bad apples spoiling the whole bunch.
That what happens to reasonable discourse..
Not to mention old school people who apparently give people anti freeze in their beers.
Stay on issues and not on people.
They are back to defaming Bear. Wonder how that's going to work out for them?
I find it ironic that they are the ones that were involved with getting PINO sued by Edler.
Bear filed his suit later about public records. I do look forward to seeing the PMs and texts.
They must be trying to get ahead of that.
I'm glad Bear is now on the Triumph GCI board because from what I can tell, he is knowledgeable about the county and its needs.
On another subject
As far as COVID..well
You want to start another Blog Post?
I almost never type on facebook and went into facebook jail for the first time ever yesterday.
I'm been looking over a lot of this for some time and would appreciate sharing my opinion again, but that would be another topic.
I don't think Fred will impact us a whole lot so we may should focus on COVID for awhile, imho. A reasoned measured non panic discussion is in order.
I chuckle when Alex Arduini calls David M. Bear a clown. It reminds me of a crackhead bum on the street corner yelling at the successful man driving by in a lambo because he’s jealous of his success.
2:23, The people on ECW are hateful. Especially Jacqueline Aimee Rogers. It looks like she lives on her computer to spread hate.Someone congratulated David Bear on ECW and it got deleted.They have to control the hateful propaganda..If you look on other pages that shared the news article about his Triumph appointment the comments are positive.Happy people don’t hate miserable people do tho.
When will the depositions be released?
When will Commissioner Underhill’s Facebook messages and text messages be released from the lawsuit against him?
I didn’t know about Commisioner Douglas Underhill’s domestic violence charge until he talked about it on ECW tonight. I found this clip from a PNJ article about it.
“Then over the weekend, it sent a flyer out to voters attacking Underhill for having a domestic violence protective order filed against him in 1997 in the state of Maryland
"(The consultants) put it together as a consistent pattern," Burr said. "…He does really nasty things, and so when you put the whole thing together, their guidance and advice was, 'Look, we need to point this out to show there is a persistent and consistent theme that gets in the way of good government.'"
Burr was referring to Underhill's comments on social media that have drawn criticism, such as calling people participating in the March For Our Lives protest, which included Parkland shooting survivors, "little monsters" in March.
"In that case, I really failed to live up to my own standard of performance that I expect for myself," Underhill told the News Journal on Monday. "Instead of attacking the issues and ideas, I said things that were attacking the other person. I'm better than that at this job, and I'm better than that as an intellectual." {HAHA… he’s known for his personal attacks still to this day}.
Digital billboards have also gone up around in District 2 paid for by the committee hitting Underhill as "A trash talking bully who…" the digital billboards then display a different message such as "wants to shut down bus service," "can't fix traffic" or "is too angry to lead Escambia County." {trash talking bully? You don’t say? Sounds like a reoccurring theme}
"Doug Underhill's anger and mean spirit are nothing new, they are documented to July 29, 1997, when a Domestic Violence Protective Order was filed against him," the flyer reads. "For over 1-1/2 years Underhill was under a court order for his anger."
McMillian added that the committee felt that people needed to know the information.
"They obviously feel like Commissioner Underhill has been disruptive," McMillan said. "That he has disappointed them and citizens at large about his governance. He's been relentless in attacking children and women, and he's been rude to people officially and in his emails to them. But he has to answer to that, not me."
Cronley questioned Underhill's explanation of the domestic violence protective order.
"He's telling you it's a fact when it may not be a fact," Cronley said. "He tells lies about me all the time. Every day somebody calls me and says he said this, this and this. ... He has blamed me for all kinds of things, but he never has any kind of proof."
Cronley said the divorce and custody battle must have been a terrible experience for Underhill and his family, but when asked if it was good for the community to bring out these types of personal attacks he responded:
"I know one thing, I think he is bad for the community," Cronley said.”
YES I agree he IS bad for our community.
I’m shocked Commisioner Underhill said this….
“Instead of attacking the issues and ideas, I said things that were attacking the other person. I'm better than that at this job, and I'm better than that as an intellectual."
No sir you’re not better than that and you’ve shown us that every single week on Facebook during your time in office. How many people have you attacked this week? It’s what you do. I voted for you and I was happy about the street lights you put in our neighborhood but that’s the only good thing I can say about you. You and malicious Jacqueline have a habit of attacking any and everyone that dares to disagree.You’re both bullies that have made so many enemies. Both of you love drama and being ugly to other people. I hope you both get the crap sued out of you one day because you both deserve it.
J Aimee Rogers loves to hate you! Her Heart is black as midnight, black as pitch. Her church members know that she is a black heart. She spins lies against you. The case settled due to the actions of the Dr. and that time line is clear as day. But, when you spin evil midnight spells, you blame someone else, like an evil little Blix.
I decided to look over there on ECW, yes something is wrong with Jacqueline Rogers she still is still telegraphing that you did something wrong and that the vote the county made on the paramedic was wrong. One thing she has wrong is about the merit protection board that was in fact not working.
She just can't admit she was and is wrong about this.
Good thing that less people are agreeing with her. A few folks will step step up and say something.
Too bad for new people coming in that haven't figured that out about Escambia Citizens Watch. Most people who have and spoken out have been kicked off. Groupthink agenda.
It really is small potatoes in the scheme of things but I can understand how it can affect your reputation, especially if the PNJ seems to think she has any idea what she is talking about.
If PNJ sticks with facts they will be better off also.
I appreciate you (I don't care what everybody else says about you ;) )
From Rick Outzen’s blog. It’s obvious PNJ and the powers behind PNJ have an agenda to protect Commisioner Underhill. As a tax paying citizen I want to know why!? What is Underhanded Douglas Underhill doing for them in the shadows?
Over the weekend, PNJ editorial cartoonist Andy Marlette went after all the political candidates that received campaign contributions from Ed Gray III, who recently pleaded no-contest to voyeurism and cyber stalking levied against him.
For some reason, Marlette even singled out Commissioner Lumon May.
But what wasn’t mentioned is Commissioner Doug Underhill received more that any other candidate since 2012 – $850 when he ran in 2014. Commissioner May only received one contribution over five years for $250 – long before any investigation into Gray was revealed.
Commissioner May wasn’t even the only Democrat to receive a contribution. Property Appraiser Chris Jones got a check in 2012.
No candidate took a check from Gray after he was arrested in September 2020–which sort of destroys Marlette’s point.
4/30/18 Benson, Lois ECUA, District 2 500
10/13/15 Bergosh, Jeff County Commissioner, Dt 1 250
2/3/12 Childers, Pamela Lynn Clerk of the Circuit Court 250
9/30/14 Citizens for Continuing Educational Progress Political Committee 250
8/3/20 Escambia Childrens Trust Political Committee 248.18
6/28/12 Jones, Chris Property Appraiser 200
4/21/16 May, Lumon County Commissioner, D 3 250
4/24/12 Robertson, Wilson B. County Commissioner, D 1 250
11/22/13 Robinson , Grover C County Commissioner, D 4 250
10/20/17 Robinson , Grover C City of Pensacola Mayor 500
6/27/18 Spencer, Brian City of Pensacola Mayor 300
3/7/12 Stafford, David Supervisor of Elections 250
4/30/16 Stafford, David Supervisor of Elections 250
8/19/14 Underhill, Douglas Bret County Commissioner, D 2 350
10/28/14 Underhill, Douglas Bret County Commissioner, D 2 500
6/26/20 Walker, Larry ECUA, District 5 250
7/9/20 Wu, P.C. City Council, District 1
In Reply to
August 16, 2021 at 5:43 PM
Isn't the Pensacola News Journal actually AKA Studerville Publications?
I think they were trying to get Studerville apartments built on OLF8 complete with giveanmint EDATES instead of using the land purchased for Economic Development for the entire county.
J Rogers and friend who enjoys a pat on the head by the powerful were brought into the Studerville and DPZ Civiccon intense development concept, awarded a little trip, and Dougie would be their vote.
Some of the Civiccon ideas may have merit, as far as new ideas and planning. They just couldn't be applied when a lot of land owners owned, saym the sector plan and OLF8 was bought to be a large economic boon, getting Triumph GCI funds, NOT INTENSE APARTMENTS AND NEW RETIREE RESIDENT TRANSPLANTS.
Bergosh and others commissioners hold the line for the whole county's interests, so the PNJ with cartoon man in tow does their snide political propaganda bullshit.
It's about the real estate and money -- honey..It usually is.
Underhill used the populist.."rich man bad rhetoric" and them sheep "bhha bhaa bhaa bleat bleat bleat" that followed along actually reelected him again in 2018. The other guy, McMillan would have been a good addition but he talked like he had a mouth full of marbles and hadn't studied the budget. He wasn't very charismatic and most likely rested on his laurels.
So the people thinking Underhill was for the people..were and have been fooled. Some still are.
PNJ is propaganda--especially the opinion pieces and editorials -- uninformed about what really goes on in the county and perhaps a few of the commissioners that are being targeted need to put forth better effort and messaging themselves.
Don't always play defense. Underhill uses his knowledge of wartime propaganda, controlling the message, or at least he tries to. That is what is and has been going on.
Why many can't discern it beats me.
My 2 cents
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