
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Beulah Road Safety Audit Delivered

Beulah road is becoming the major north/south connector in Beulah between the soon to be 4-laned 9-Mile Road (state road) and Mobile Hwy (state road).  This is where much of the traffic in Beulah goes through or comes from daily.  Over the last several years, we have been able to get some very beneficial improvements made to this road (resurfaced, light added at mobile hwy, stormwater project completed on the southeast portion), and I am working on getting even more upgrades done.  If all goes according to plan, we will get a widening and shoulder project on the stretch of Beulah Road between 9-Mile Road and Mobile Hwy--and eventually this will be a state road which theoretically will increase funding opportunities for continuing improvements.  In the report I just received on this road a day ago from staff, some interesting facts and figures are presented.  Currently this road serves about 6,000 cars daily, with a capacity of serving between 14-17,000 daily.  It is currently rated "B" based upon this.  You can read the full report here, and/or see the first four pages below.

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