
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

What is the Governor's Plan to Reopen the Economy?

A lot of folks are confused about who it is/was exactly that closed the state's economy.  Particularly-- the anger is focused on the closure of local Escambia County small businesses.  Some citizens are mad at county commissioners for "closing the economy!"   They want us to REOPEN NOW!

In some cities and counties, mayors and commissioners did close businesses ahead of statewide action by the Governor.

But in Escambia County--the Board of County Commissioners did NOT do this.  We closed the public beaches, and only at the URGING of our Health Department and the 3 hospitals in Escambia County.  We have subsequently re-opened the beaches.

The Governor has impaneled a large committee, led by the Lt. Governor, to provide specific guidance and recommendations aimed at reopening Florida's economy.  It has been provided to commissioners last week, and I strongly encourage everyone to read it.  I have read it.  It lays out a thoughtful, considerate, and measured road map to getting our economy in Florida back in motion.

You can read the document here.  I strongly encourage all residents to read it.  Take the 15 minutes to read it and understand the thought put into the recommendations.

Our economy will re-open, local businesses will reopen, and we will move forward from this crisis.  Make no mistake about it though--it will take years to recover from this economically---locally and nationally.

The recovery/reopening is starting now, though.  Locally, statewide, nationwide, and woldwide.

That's where we're at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you