
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

42nd Coffee With The Commissioner Wednesday With Senator Doug Broxson and Representative Alex Andrade

We will have our 42nd Coffee With the Commissioner event this Wednesday Morning, May 27th from 6:30-7:30 AM.

Our guests this week will be Senator Doug Broxson--our state senator representing Escambia, Santa Rosa, and parts of Okaloosa Counties, and Representative Alex Andrade, State Representative representing a portion of both Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.  In addition, Escambia County Administrator Janice Gilley will also be with us for the chat.
I look forward to discussing Florida's recovery from the devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic--both economic and from a healthcare perspective.  I'm interested in hearing the lawmakers' perspective on a special session on the budget, when and if these gentlemen feel the federal government will fund bailouts for the states (which I do not support), and also what the rest of the summer tourist season will look like in their opinions.

--Will there be additional funding for schools to compensate for social distancing on buses?

--Will unfunded mandates be foisted on counties, cities, and school districts around the state?

--Will a second wave lead to a second statewide shelter in place order--or just a selective quarantine of medically susceptible individuals?

--Will there be legal amnesty for hospitals, doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers in the wake of the pandemic?

Email me any questions you would like to ask of these members of our state delegation--and I will "see" you online Wednesday morning!


Anonymous said...

Please ask Senator Broxson about state funding for the Waste Treatment in the North End that services the State Prison (CCI) in unincorporated D5. Also appropriations for the potable water and the natural gas department there as well. Where is the oversite? What is the viability and state oversite there with the small town of Century supplying those needs to the state in the county --as well as the residents?

It looks like in 2017 the state did not appropriate the money for Innerarity Sewer and that's why the MSBU is so high. That won't fly in the North End.

Broxson was at the meeting of the minds about the waste treatment and in on the discussions about the potable water at the prison recently.

Barry seems inaccessible to talk to about this, you have to wonder if he even knows about it. Maybe he'll read your blog and learn something.

We depend on you for info about the entire county. Don't trust NE, He seems to have an agenda but it's not well thought out. He's mad because he didn't get free tickets to a Century chamber of Commerce dinner a few years back. No one in town can stand his lies but if you talk to him about it he just acts like a rabid female dog.

so yes an update on infrastructure such and running water is a big deal.

Perhaps he can explain what ECUA's function is. The updated link is posted in another comment to the current functions of ECUA by State law and what is supposed to be under their perview.

The EPA is aware of the D5 issue. What is Broxson doing about it. It seems Mike Hill is not even a player. What a shame. Perhaps Salzman will weigh in on it.

What does she know about the waste treatment plant in the district she is running in? She didn't campaign North of Molina but the county goes all the way to the state line and effluent runs down stream.

What is the status of that?

As of now the prisoners do not have running potable water still and if the county fails to provide it the lawsuits may be forth coming.

You all were alerted including in April prior to the failure in May..all of you as well as the administrator and apparently didn't take it seriously now did ya?

The following link is from Sept. Is it being worked at the state? Ask why One lumber road is still decimated in a neighborhood four years after the tornado also please. The county has standing.

What will happen to the state prison in unincorporated D5 if this is CYA and ignored?

It happens.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning

Yes please ask them about ECUA and the Innerarity sewer system and also about the sewer system in Century and the state funds to take care of that. Exactly-- to the point-- what is the status?

What are their plans? and talk about the EPA and DEP and the FL Department of Corrections involvement with all the effluent going into the Escambia River.

Let's have an update on the drinking water at the prison in Escambia County and what the state is doing about that. Are they concerned about the status of the natural gas being supplied at the prison and drinking water? Why did they let it get to that point even after a grand jury was formed in March of 2019 with a full report?

Are you going to ask these questions?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I saw the blurb at the end of the video I think the county needs its eyes on this and should be looking square in the face the responsibility of receivership of the waste treatment and potable water and natural gas department of the systems that serve the state prison and the residents of Century. It's an entire board and administrator responsibility, not a TOC issue nor a D5 issue. Even the D1 FL rep ignored it, with no action, appropriations nor attention. Mike Hill will not get the vote here. If you are in touch with M. Saltzman she needs to be in the loop and understand what is happening.

It is not a surprise any more.

One can find the Grand Jury report March 2019 and the audits on file at the FL auditor general web site.

Of course people can have a good laugh denigrating people trying to step up and run the utilities and just reflect upon their own character.

The towns people will not vote to disincorporate most likely neither the council in my opinion.

The entire Innerarity debacle is also a good clue into ECUA, laws and practices.

I hope the incumbents are replaced this cycle on the BOCC and are fully aware of this situation and the legal ramifications if ignored.

Perhaps the lack of running potable water at the prison during corona pandemic has all of your attention now.

Sometimes something has to break to get people to pay attention.