
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Letter(s) to the File Part II: Policy Violation Results in Letters of Counseling

The firefighter's union supported Joe Biden, and the local affiliate has supported various candidates as well.  But campaign activities must not happen on government time nor can campaign events occur on government property...

This is America--and we enjoy many more freedoms than most any other country in the world.  Freedom of speech, assembly, and the freedom to support political campaigns during election season are three very important ones.

The national paid firefighters union supported Joe Biden for president.  They love him.  They endorsed him early, often, and enthusiastically--they even have a dedicated website about their loyal support for Biden.  Great--go get em tiger!

Locally, their affiliate supports and endorses candidates as well.  

In 2016 they supported a commission candidate that came in a distant, disappointing third place, not even in the running.  But even that candidate in that race did much better than the one commission candidate IAFF supported in 2020 who also, very disappointingly, came in an even more distant 3rd place finish-garnering just 22% of the votes in that race.  Nearly 8 of 10 voters voted against that candidate.  Ouch!  (The other, district-wide candidate they jumped behind needed no assistance, he was a lock for the win anyway, not unlike putting a $2.00 to "show" bet on Seattle Slew in a three horse only horse race....)  But whatever--they probably needed, for their own mental health, at least one sure-thing "win."

So IAFF picked some winning candidates (Biden)--- and at the local level their affiliate picked mostly losers in political races--a trend they have established in a couple of cycles in a row now.  

But the important point is this: this union and their members have the right to pick them and do what they want-----as long as it is off government property and NOT on government time.  Yes, yes, they can fill their website and union facebook pages with "raise taxes! rants" and with "Vote for Biden!, or Vote for "X" Candidate!"  They can write checks to their preferred candidates, and yes, they can campaign for them.  Heck, they can even wear costumes and dance ridiculously on the side of the road if they want.  Again, go get em Tiger.  Do what you want--But do it on your own time and NOT on government property.

And that's where, apparently, things went sideways for the local IAFF union folks.

The public safety director sent a very directed, deliberate email to the Fire Department Staff and all of public safety when he was told of  a campaign event reportedly held on government property--where signs of a local candidate were brought and distributed to county employees.

So in July of last year, again, he sent stern direction via an email and memo to all Public Safety Staff.

In August, just a short month later, political campaign signs were discovered in an ECFR station (a government building) in direct contravention to laws, ordinances, and rules and AFTER  all the personnel in public safety and fire were specifically warned against this.

I'm told a brief investigation happened, where personnel clammed up tighter than a clam hiding the pearl.  Lame, untrue explanations were offered like "Maybe it was so and so, the fireman that quit three months ago?" or "Someone planted them--it was probably the volunteers!"  or "We didn't know they were there!"

Nobody knew anything, nobody fessed up, everyone was like "It wasn't me, I didn't do it, It wasn't me, I didn't do it!" like the Shaggy Song.

So I'm told that is when the director of public safety brought in three batallion chiefs to ask for their assistance as leaders in the organization.  I'm told this went nowhere, these personnely complained it wasn't "their stations, it was the LT's stations!""--it wasn't their fault(s)!" (paraphrased) So subsequently- they were each given the letters of counseling.  

And that is where this situation ended until it was discovered, during the effort to answer a public records request made by the union's lawyer,  led to the discovery that these letters of counseling were never put in the files of these personnel.

So, lots to unravel here going forward and lots of new problems with which we must contend.  It is a good thing the local union for the paid fire fighters, their president and secretary, apparently engaged their union lawyer to make this request.  Now I'm told the stations are being spot-checked for cleanliness and are getting a lot cleaner than they were previously.  Good.  Some times even problematic, embarrasing situations and circumstances can lead to silver linings and positive outcomes.  I certainly hope this is the case here.


Anonymous said...

Commissioner Bergosh,

You are doing the same thing as Underhill did in the initial blow up in public safety-- publishing employee business and discipline and bringing it up in public meetings. Showing favoritism for one and not another.

In the past who ever released public employee records failed miserably, on both the paramedic and the medical director and EMS employees. Commissioners interfered, the new Admin said she would be Mother Bear, is not, and has continued to hire incompetent managers.. I don't think the attorney has a handle on it either. The HR director doesn't need to timid, she needs to put out legal policy and make it be followed.

Of course the signs are political and electioneering should not happen on county property but HR practices show documentation can be done with out the employee knowing. There are procedures in place if an employee refuses to sign.

You are not supposed to be punitive.

Yes employees are "at will" but employees are the gold of the organization.

Elected officials come and go. Thanks for not raising taxes.

Media is also part of the problem, as Ricks Blog won't take comments unless one goes along with his apparently democrat agenda.

Any one who voted for Biden can't see the forest for the trees but unfortunately our country has collectively become more stupid.

The corporations going against voter ID in GA are Multinationals who don't give a hoot about USA first. It's not racist. And yes most would rather have Gaetz than a democrat in congress if we can avoid it.

So yes yet again the union may have something if they were in fact disciplined by some one and management did not have a signed document on file.

Tighten up Escambia

Looks live paramedic is dropping the suit and you will have a shade meeting before April 14 meeting.. Who can afford lawyers?

This is all found by a google search--not hard.

Things should never get to this point.

Anonymous said...

Yes pretty simple though, Law says no political signs on county property.

Complaint made

Received --acknowledged and sign removed and will not happen again. Documented.

Case closed.

How hard is that?

Did that happen?

People need to take responsibility, and say "the buck stops here" this does beg the question..

Who issued the reprimand to twice punish and put the employee on unpaid leave?

Who had that authority?

Certainly not the commissioner who researched the non interference policy?

Anonymous said...

At Anonymous 2:33 - that suit is not being dropped.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, I just moved to your district in 2019 and my mind boggles why you waste time on this kind of stuff. It's so very petty and embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Thurday April 8, 2021
" notice Notice - Other - See Separate Menu for Ntc of Appeal Options Thu 04/08 12:56 PM
NOTICE of Abandonment of Plaintiff's Claims for Compensatory and Punitive Damages by MATHEW SELOVER (TALBOTT, JEREMIAH) "

Anonymous said...

You need to be voted out. As a citizen of escambia county and a citizen in your district of Beulah. I do not support you. Your embarrassing and a bully. You are clearly a union buster. You are the farthest thing from being a leader. Your just here to cause more problems rather than bring peace. How your even still a commissioner or considered a commissioner here in escambia is mind blowing to many citizens. It honestly wouldn't even be such a far fetched idea to think or consider that maybe you rigged the election unfortunately. I just don’t understand this nonsense and we as a community are tired of it. Enough is enough. You are a child Bergosh.

Anonymous said...

Is Edler still trying to get taxpayer money for legal fees?

Anonymous said...

I just want to know who the red head in dispatch is that’s going to parties in the city talking bad about Escambia County 911 and the Supervisors? This red also said at a party I attended that the Supervisors stream movies and TV shows and do nothing. If that’s true, what’s really going on at Escambia? Don’t know her personally but she has got many worried.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anon 2:33. Totally disagree with your assessment. This issue was uncovered as I worked and continue to work to produce public records that the union president and secretary have requested through their lawyer. Nothing more, nothing less. I simply asked if the letters to the file were public records, and in that discussion I learned the couseling letters never made it to the file. So yes, that gets brought to the attention of admin when that gets discovered--no interference there, believe me. On the other two firefighters that were disciplined, my invovement was simple. I was put on blast on the union facebook page, along with the other commissioners, for not staffing enough "resources" at a fatal fire. Problem was, it was a lie, it wasn't true. Ambulance got there in like two minutes after dispatch, first engine just 4 minutes after dispatch. Eventually, 7 trucks and 69 firefighters. Resources were there, but sadly, it was too late for one victim of that fire. And that union page got the attention of the victim's family, who, distraught and wanting information, contacted me and mentioned that assessment. I will stand on the fact that I believe that post was in poor taste, was unnecessary, and despicable. Admin agreed apparently, as those responsible were disciplined. Many feel they should have been terminated for this conduct and for GROSS INSUBORDINATION. But apparently the decision went a different direction. Anon 8:13 you are entitled to your opinion but it is flawed and faulty. What's embarrassing is the antics that keep eminating from public safety and fire in particular that bubble up to our level. You are either a sycophant for the paid union fire fighters, or woefully ignorant of some of the chicanery happening in this organization. Either way, I can assure you there are many more things I'd rather do than have to expend energy on departments that have zero organic leadership and careen from crisis to crisis like a runaway boat doing donuts in the water because the operator fell overboard. This starts with leadership. We need a chief ASAP, we need leaders within that departmemnt to step up and be leaders, and we need folks to show up and do a job, no drama. Do a job, no drama-rama like an ongoing soap opera or episondes of Dawson's Creek. Once that happens, things will improve. Meanwhile, everybody, including your union heroes that want to raise taxes and get sensitive when called out for violating policy and rules---yeah everybody has to follow the rules no exceptions. If I find out folks are not following policy, I will NEVER ignore that.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I see Escambia Citizen Watch picked up this story and the Admin on the facebook site in cahoots with Underhill still does not see their contributions to the unhealthy drama in public safety. Picking a side is not the way to manage an organization. Underhill is still unable to recognize his failure and place as an elected public servant.

True the firemen are not supposed to engage in politics as county employees yet still do. A strong person in their chain of command should insist on it. That is what you are doing. To report the finding to administrator was proper and if this public record request by the union didn't happen it probably would have stayed in house.

The Administrator has had an enormous task to over come and a vacuum of leadership, especially with Covid 19 and Sally. I still think the medical director and Underhill blew up public safety and pushed a wrecking ball through on Weaver, Lavoy and Coughlin and other workers in EMS. She partied with some and they still post that on social media. Twister for the next party.

Employees should be encouraged to develop professionally and mistakes noted and corrected, as in the billing problems, and possible CE certs.

The public doesn't know what happened with the Fire Cheif Nail but if he were under investigation for sexual harassment and resigned and the discipline was not complete, then it is not a public record. I suspect that is the case. Lavoy said she did us a favor by not accepting his continued back and forth resignations.

Underhill definitely attempted to use public safety in a political manner post his 2018 win. Apparently he still is on ECW. The past regional director of Gulf Power is wise but they don't listen to him much. Underhill took down the Commissioner profile and rejoined as Douglas on April 9 and is posting away.

Looks like he wants to push the redistricting to get rid of the three of you, he is disparaging Lumon May (I agree with his assessment) and Owens has also joined in.

I hope you will not continue the same path as Underhill and this didn't have anything to do with Jason Rogers resigning. This should probably just drop off the radar.

I still think you should not be publicizing things about employees as you see how it snowballs.

I know you are reacting to the public records request and do not back down from a fight. That is a commendable quality but I think Escambia needs to get a firm grip on management and draw the line between employees and politics.

See I'm playing rescuer and hoping the organization will become more professional with out all the public drama and conflict.

What we don't know won't hurt us, I think there are layers of transparency and sunshine that are healthy for an organization. The custodian of the records should be a guardian and supervisors need to be 10 foot tall and bullet proof armed with the law and HR practices.

Underhill ram rodded some short timers and people who had other options.

He is/was a bully who still thinks he is the smartest person in the room. He's not.

Anonymous said...

Hunsucker is also posting agreeing with Underhill on ECW. Are they allowed to be involved politically or not? Why are some employees not suppose to post publicly but some are? I would think even enforcement of policies should be adheres to. Does the union get an exception?

Anonymous said...

Not that any body much cares but anonymous meant but to be more clear I agree with Underhill comments about Lumon May always talking about racial stuff -- just gets old, like a broken record. I don't agree with DD's constant dribble about politics and the other board members.I'm sure he is scheming up something to assemble his shadow government Tiger team.. What a player.

But yes he is mounting campaigns against Barry and other commissioners via ECW. I guess he feels he will go out like a roasted lame duck. Looks like he has Arduini posting that Commissioner Barry made sure you all get a benefit, like there's something wrong with it..pfftt

then all the sheep go bwahh bwhaa bwah..bleat,

Anonymous said...

Yes it's Commissioner Barry getting on opinion by the Ethics committee before he moves forward, -- being totally appropriate and careful. Maybe someone will tell Alex, he is being used and it's not a good look.

On another concern, WEAR published an article, apparently attempting to recruit more EMTs and paramedics for the county, maybe the Admin under Mrs Gilley should have thought about it before doing away with positions and running so many of them off. Words gets around.

A start at a county job with benefits isn't bad, if the organization values them, protects them, trains them appropriately.... keeps toxic players off their back, doesn't allow fraternization and unheard grievances..

Are you all providing their BLS,PALS and AdvanceLS certs now, after all the blow up? Did things improve?

Maybe some of the ones who were discouraged by improper HR practices and toxic leadership can be asked to come back on board. Is Lowery coming back in ECAT. Firing people left and right is not good leadership you know.

I see the county is advertising for firefighters also.

If I read the new law voted on in FL they will be up to $15 with in five years and get OJT and room to advance.

Anonymous said...

And why have you not once voted to relive the administrator of her job? Why are you not insisting on an experienced and professional administrator for the county? One who can actually hire a PS director, a fire chief and an EMS chief? One who doesn’t hide things from commissioners, incompletely respond to a disaster? Hurricane season is coming and you have an acting Public Safety director who is still a new EM Division head, an acting fire and EMS chief! Who is to blame if a Cat 5 rolls through and the county isn’t able to adequately respond?

Anonymous said...

You don’t even have to venture that far? What happens if Ascend has a major catastrophe/ accident. We as a county are not prepared to respond.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 10:35 and Anonymous 8:55: The sky is not falling, I can assure you. We have nearly 150 paid firefighters and we are actively recruiting for the 11 vacant positions, as well as for a new cadet program we have started. We are also focusing once again on bringing in more volunteer firefighters. The interviews for the new fire cheif position have been completed and we have a selectee that will be brought forward in the next two weeks. We have had a tremendous leadership vacuum in fire, no question. But to compalin about "what-if's" and hypotheticals is a fools errand. Before the last public safety director left, he and I discussed an issue that was extremely frustrating: we had a barbeque grill catch fire and the call went out and 8 firetrucks responded. It was unnecessary overkill. I'm told we have the appropriate resources, but that these resources are not being utilized/deployed/organized in the most efficient, effective way to insure maximum coverage. The "why not?" question is natural, and I am going to concentrate on this for the duration of my service. Watch over the next 3 1/2 years and see what happens: Replacement cycle for apparatus, better staffing plan, new CBA (and a better one) and actual, real leadership in the department, better wages for new firefighters,and a smarter way to fund this operation than what we are currently using. Watch.