
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Fire Union Lawyer's Public Records Request of Me will be Time Consuming..

Some folks deridingly refer to public records requests as "fishing expeditions."  I just think they are a part of the job and a part of the law.   And some such requests do require an inordinate amount of time to complete--as will be the case with this one that has recently been made of me...if a "fishing expedition" is what this is, I hope they remember to never bring bananas on the boat........its bad luck.

The public records law is one I take very seriously.  It is part of an important system of checks and balances that applies to all of Florida's agencies, departments, offices,  and elected officials.

Over the course of my 15 years as a locally-elected public official, I have fulfilled dozens of these.  No problem, no worries.   I finished a large one in 2018 at the request of the sheriff's office--it was huge and filled an entire box--hundreds of pages.  I got it done within 30 days.  I finish them quickly, and I answer them completely.  As a matter of fact I just finished one up last week and turned in the documents, it was a rather quick one to complete.  Some are easy and I turn them around immediately where it is practical to do so. (e.g. one email, or one specific document requested).

But now comes a rather extensive one from a law firm out of Fort Myers Florida, pictured below. 

This one appears to be at the behest of our local paid firefighter's union.  

But why this request, and why now?

--The union is more than likely still simmering over the fact that they worked so hard to get my opponent elected in the race for county commissioner last summer--yet the guy they backed got vaporized--he finished a distant 3rd place--not even close to being in the running. Even with their endorsement, even with their members holding signs and writing checks and dressing up in costumes on the side of the road waving at cars....  Didn't matter, didn't help, he got smoked.  

--Perhaps a few of them are still sore because I posted every employee of the county's salary online---to include all the firefighters? (many making $70K, $80K, $90K yearly--many making six figures.)    

--They might be angry because a campaign rule and county policy was broken by some personnel that would not fess up-- and a campaign sign was brought onto county property-- in a fire station--leading to a letter of reprimand for some senior fire staff.  

--We're in the process of bargaining a new contract with the union locally--maybe they are mad about that (but why?)?  

--Maybe they're mad because I've said HELL NO to raising the fire MSBU on taxpayers

--They're probably mad because I blew the whistle on the way good, hard--working volunteers were being treated poorly and run out of fire houses. And I demanded an investigation.

--A few are mad because after this despicable post was made on the union's facebook page FALSELY claiming a "lack of resources" at a recent fire was what caused a civilian casualty--there was actually some consequences meted out by administration.  

That post on the facebook site was reprehensible, unprofessional, and disgusting.  Most importantly--it was a lie.  I got the actual fire incident report and we had one unit on scene within two minutes, and several others within four minutes.  We ended up with 7 or 8 trucks and 69 personnel on that scene in a very quick timeframe.  So

what they posted was a cheap shot, it was disgusting, and It looks as though some personnel may have been disciplined for making that post--which is good thing so far as I am concerned.  After all, it wasn't true, and it caused additional worry, stress and grief on the victim's family (one of whom actually reached out to me personally for information after hearing about it). 

So whatever the reason for their request--I will comply just as I always do.  As a matter of fact, I spent a few hours just this past weekend starting the agonizingly slow task of going through each and every one of my text messages, emails, social media posts, facebook PM's, etc.-- and I quickly realized this was going to be a very, very time-consuming process.  So later on this morning I will direct staff to send an estimate of the cost(s) associated with this particular public records request to this law firm, along with a request for a deposit for the work before we proceed---which I'm told is standard practice at the county.  

And once we receive the acknowledgment and deposit, I will complete the request and give all the documents over that have been requested of me by this union's lawyer.

But because it is a somewhat extensive request, and it will be time consuming.  And there will be a cost associated.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a labor law firm.

That political faceook post started by county employees in the fire union was shared over 300 times, was picked up by WEAR and the discussion went public on Megan Waters f/b page, complete with Underhill his wife and most likely their fake account and Pino joining it.

It one has free time, it's a scream... histronics thrown in to boot. D2 toxic politics -- blocked accounts, screen shots by sock puppets and more on full display. "GAWD".."LAWD" lol.

I thought the county employees weren't allowed, by policy, to politic publicly on social media.

What utter disrespect for policy and the loss of life and the liability they bring upon the county by such postings.

Can't people just do their jobs?

Anonymous said...

Jeff! You are spewing lies as usual!
7 or 8 trucks? Ok, well for one, all but 1 escambia unit was min staffing and for your "volunteers" 1 old man showed up with a truck by himself 20 mins after the call went out, Thank you for your service sir!

So 8 trucks.... 1 guy on one, 4 on one, 3 on the rest. That's 23 firefighters. Looks like the other 46 firefighters warped in?

You are quick to get mad at the union for spreading out "false info", but you are one of the least informed individuals when it comes to public safety.
But thanks Jeff, thank you for continually trying to run a PUBLIC SERVICE as far into the ground as you can all because of your ego.

Thanks for requesting that day crew and proving once again that volunteer fire is not reliable enough for any modern community.
Smart idea though, making sure the public knows that they have no fire coverage, but you are gonna put some coverage there for a few hours a day a few times a week. That should make them feel better.
How insightful to make sure there wasn't any actual solid funding to pay for this forever.
you also made sure that we don't have any firefighters to send there either! So now as we have 10 vacancies we have to shift people from other stations out to Beulah and now other districts will suffer from even more short staffing! SMART!

Thanks Jeff, you are so smart and wise, you must have all the facts to make these intelligent decisions. Jeeze I bet atleast a third of the people in your district voted for your leadership.

Anonymous said...

Well you certainly have gotten someone spooked, especially the two named in the records request.

It’s simply amazing how these heroes and public servants let such loud mouths ruin their reputations.

The earlier poster speaking of “one old man showing up” is a fine illustration of your consistent message that f the volunteers not getting respect.

I sure hope they will look up from the D2 battle guide and realize it’s a loser.

Anonymous said...

"...agonizingly slow task of going through each and every one of my..."

Please note, it is 2021 and every one of the accounts mentioned has a search function.

And according to Florida law, the BoCC may only charge actual copying costs and the hourly rate of the lowest paid person capable of performing the search for the records.

Sounds like you are going to jack the price up...

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous 2:29--yes they are definitely not comfortable. But that is totally, 100%, on them and based solely on their conduct and the way they have handled some social media in an irresponsible mannner so far as I can tell. And as I now go through the process of answering their lawyer's public records request, I am coming across lots of interesting documents that are public records and that detail their discipline for posting irresponsibly on their "Union" facebook page. It is scathing. I probably would not have come across it were it not for this public records request. But they want public records, so they will now get them. And damn, it is scathing. I mean, blogs and facebook chat sites like Escambia Hate Club are one thing---- and there are folks----on such sites that post grotesque, false, and totally disgusting stuff. But these discipline records that I came across and that I am now going to publish--I mean wow---these are real world, written by supervisors. And they are really, really damning. Would not have come to light though, had it not been for the firefighter union's public records request made of me. So now they will be published. And ouch, they are scorchers......ouch!!