
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, April 5, 2021

PNJ's Local Preference Article and Editorial Miss the Mark

Two articles on local preference in the Pensacola News Journal totally missed the mark and ignored a very important fact--central to their "attack" on us.  Lazy, feckless journalism.....

In August of 2018 The Escambia Board of County Commissioners discussed local preference for projects the county was sending out to bid.  We discussed the topic and we agreed this was a noble aspiration--local preference.  Keep the money local--who woudn't support this?  We also discussed that we wanted to expand opportunities for small/minority owned businesses to contract with the county--and we would do this by widening the pool of qualified small business entities, women-owned businesses, service disabled veteran-owned businesses, and minority owned businesses competing for our jobs.  All of these goals were great, and the vote to affirm the county's commitment to these things was a 4-1.  It was discussed at a Committee of the Whole-- and subsequently we ratified the language from the discussion meeting at the following regular meeting.

We were so supportive of this (and I remain supportive of these goals, btw.) that we baked this requirement into our interlocal agreement with the city of Pensacola when we provided the additional funding needed to complete the ST Engineering Aerospace jobs project at the Pensacola Airport.

So there is no doubt that there is support for this concept from the county.  There is now, and always has been.  Everyone should have a crack at landing county contracts--not simply a select few.

Here is the information from that meeting.  And here is the language from the local preference resolution.

But there are a couple of things to remember and to clarify----especially as Jim Little of the PNJ writes an inaccurate account of what we actually approved.  And then subsequently the "crack" 2-person editorial board use Little's inaccurate piece to attack the county for "not following their own rule!"

But Wait!  We never codified this into an ordinance.  We adopted a resolution.  It was not a rule.  Because there are issues with a specific rule at the local level that would have to be fleshed-out.

#1--such a rule may not be lawful for many of our procurements if any federal grant money is used--as local preferential set-asides are not allowed at the local level with federal money according to our attorney. (although the federal government does use set asides in their own procurments....)
#2--the language itself is/was vague and aspirational--so even if passed as an ordianace (which it wasn't) it would have been difficult to enforce on a prime contractor.

So it was never added to our code of ordinances.  

This would have required two meetings-- culminating in a publicly noticed, scheduled hearing.  

But that never happened.  

I'm not saying we shouldn't--maybe we should, and maybe we will.  

Again--no value judgement on the merits--that discussion should happen.  My judgment is only on the PNJ for once again painting the commissioners in a false light, creating a straw man, and knocking it down in another attack on the county based upon a story that is not accurate.  

Jim Little often writes good articles that capture the essence of what is happening in the county.  Here, however,  he totally and completeley missed the mark.  I'm told he never even reached out to the county attorney to ask her about this--he just wrote the article without the one most  salient fact attached (that the county never formally adopted a local preference ordinance in procurement--which would have been the method by which this language from the adopted resolution would have been a requirement in the procurement process).

Wouldn't it be great if Journalists were not lazy---and actually did their homework and the research on these things to write factual articles instead of inaccurate hatchet jobs?

No wonder nobody trusts the media anymore.  Too many agenda-driven, loose, factually inaccurate stories like this latest example from the PNJ.....


Anonymous said...

All this bull about Gaetz and also the voter integrity legislation in Georgia is another example of feckless reporting except it's down right harmful.

Noted the local politician wannabes joining in like Dosev, Zimmerman and Pino. It just makes them look bad. (or worse)

PNJ and WEAR and Rick's blog are local examples of towing the leftist ideology. They look as insane as Miss the Mark Marlette.

What about due process? and actually reading a bill? Hypocrite much?

Democrats and media and vulture politicians have no shame, or either no intelligence, I'm thinking it's a lack of critical thinking skills.

Virtual Signaling has replaced baseball as the national pastime.

Below the belt remarks are pitiful. Who cares? Remember Marilyn Monroe and JFK?

They should be reporting on democratic legislation being rammed through and the crisis at the border. They think noone sees through them, while they are making fools of themselves.

Jeff Bergosh said...

Yes, anon, it is frustrating watching the media accuse, indict, and convict "some" figures with whom they ideologically disagree---while simulataneously not reporting "some" stories that are important yet that do not support their "narrative" about how some are victims no matter what. It is frustrating and it is becoming more and more of an issue with the changes from the last election in Washington. But the important issue to keep front and center is the role of the self-annointed "watch dog" media....and these folks believe they deserve special dispensation because they are the "watch dogs...." Yeah right. They are nothing but a tool of radical special interests and their masters, the advertisers. Their unfettered ability to act with actual malice to defame public boards and public officials, while simultaneously painting such public officials, deliberately, in a false light (as is the case in this blog post's subject)--MUST be challenged. It is TIME. Sullivan v. NY Times must be revisited. It must be, and it will be. It is time!

Anonymous said...

"In March 2021, federal judge Laurence Silberman called on the Supreme Court to overturn New York Times v. Sullivan, stating that the New York Times and The Washington Post are "virtually Democratic Party broadsheets". Silberman's dissent also accused big tech companies of censoring conservatives and warned that "Democratic Party ideological control" of mainstream media may be a prelude to an "authoritarian or dictatorial regime" that constitutes "a threat to a viable democracy"

Anonymous said...

For all the people having a fake spaz attack because a young congressman may have a photo of boobs..
read this

Anonymous said...

I hope some one takes them to task. I am sick and tired of them:

April 7, 2021

"Earlier today during a news conference Florida Governor hinted at legal action against CBS News for their “intentional” and “premeditated lies” during the 60 Minutes hit piece against him and the administration.

By all accounts the intentional creation of a false story, with specific intent to lie, is enough for legal action against the corporate media outlet. This could get very interesting…"

Anonymous said...

Rick's blog is now in the same category as Marlette. He is supporting a PAC from Washington DC and a billboard in Crestview on the Gaetz fake smear story.

Perhaps they should be posting a story where Floyd's case is being cross examined and he is claiming, "I can't breathe, I ate too many drugs." and recognize that entire fiasco was/is political theater by Marxists waiting to pounce for votes for the tyrannical Democratic party they are taking over. Can't they see what is right in front of their faces?

Are people so caught up in the soap opera they can't watch what type of legislature is being pushed through and who it actually benefits?

What is wrong with people?

At least PNJ is attempting to cover the story about Matt making a blanket tweet the NYT twisted.

The fourth estate with social media, amplifies the propaganda.

We see you. It's not working.

The majority voted for Gaetz and also Trump for a good reasons that are still very much valid and pertinent, especially now.