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Watching SB 90 and HB 7041 over the last month finally take shape has been the epitome of sausage making. We like how it turns out, watching the process of making it-----not so much... |
Yesterday the Florida Senate passed their version of this year's big priority among Republicans nationawide ---an Elections Administration Bill---- largely along partisan lines and via a 23-17 vote. All Democratic Senators along with one Republican voted against this bill. But it passed the Senate.
The House version was similar, but it had a very onerous provision attached that really amounted to a poison pill. This provision would have required that all commissioners in non-charter counties that are voted by single member districts run again next year--to include those of us that just won fresh 4-year terms in 2020. It was a horrible idea, the language was unconstitutional, and it would have been problematic.
No, not problematic---It would have been a disaster ---had that language made it into the final bill under consideration presently.
But this language was never in the Senate Bill, and last night at 1:33 AM the House Sponsor--seeing the Senate got their own bill over the line--- offered a strike all amendment that removed this punitive language that targeted duly elected county commissioners and instead adopted the Senate's Bill language.
That was a good move, and the smart play. Several State Senators (and more importantly, their legislative liaisons, had been made aware of the language in the house bill that was targeting county commissioners--and it appears the Senate had no appetite whatsoever to pick this fight unnecessarily...as that language, again, was NEVER considered in their bill)
So after a flurry of Democratic amendments were considered and voted down today--House bill sponsor, Representative Blaise Ingnolia, was able to get his strike-all amendment passed forward to a third reading tomorrow on the House floor---at which point is looks all-but certain that the Senate's bill language will win the day, and will be passed by the House and subsequently make it's way to the Governor for his consideration.
Although it would seem counterintuitive that Governor DeSantis would support this bill--I have heard from some sources that he does not favor this bill. So we will see what happens after the third reading tomorrow.
Meanwhile--those of us commissioners around the state (nearly 100) who would have had to re-run had this original language remained, can all breath a collective sigh of relief.
That's not going to happen. At least it does not appear likely this go round..
And that is a good thing.
Commissioner Bergosh,
1. A few months ago, the SRIA voted unanimously to approve the sale of a previously unleased Casino Beach property to Club Coco.
Then both the SRIA and your BCC unanimously voted to change the zoning to allow for condominiums.
2. Developer Robert Rinke has recently announced that he intends to move forward with the construction of two additional huge Portofino Towers on the east side of Pensacola Beach.
3. Now it has come to my attention that the Best Western located on Casino Beach is seeking to increase the density of their hotel.
So why did you and your fellow BCC members abandon fee simple on Pensacola Beach?
Obviously, it is clear that the lease system does NOT prevent development nor safeguard public access.
4. Furthermore, Escambia County Property Appraiser, Chris Jones, has estimated that Escambia County is forfeiting $1.6 million in ad valorem tax each and every year we perpetuate the broken lease system.
5. The Escambia County School District is also forfeiting over one million dollars each year due to your desire to support the lease system.
These facts beg the question: Why did you and your fellow BCC members abandon your leadership responsibilities by withdrawing your support for fee simple?
What advantage do Escambia County citizens receive from our convoluted lease system?
Certainly, the public has no access to the private leaseholds.
The great citizens of Escambia County elected you to represent our best interests.
It appears to this longtime Escambia citizen that your capitulation to a misguided band of yellow shirt protesters has gravely harmed our great Escambia County citizens without winning us any benefit.
Please explain your inscrutable decision to abandon your leadership role on that complicated tax issue.
Fantastic. Now you can go back to telling us what you really think about issues :)
Mr. 38 %,
You sure were worried about the new election provision...
To the commenter above AKA "PeckerGnat"
What you are doing is not working. Try this.
Thoughts about the next few years in Escambia Politics...
“Men and women range themselves into three classes or orders of intelligence; you can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest by their preference for the discussion of ideas.”
And even lower than low is the one who texts and writes about people's sex lives as a political tool and attempts to use the justice system to stymie opposition..
There are several low down creatures in Escambia politics and national politics as well. They are known by their fruits (words and deeds)
Another great read is about the Law of Attraction.
Remember this:
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, 1948
Only a Matter of Time: Nah. Not worried at all. Can't wait for the rematch with Mr. 21%, your guy. The result in 42 months will be no different than last time, I will crush him like a roach again. Just like a roach. :)
look what the little local commies are doing to our congressman..alert him.
I think Underhill is the one who requested the info about the retirements
(anonymously) and passed it to his lackey to post on facebook. in April or March
Drama for Doug.
The anonymous employee is probably trying to prove it. Underhill was starting the political garbage prior to the new legislation now in place that you all don't have to run again after the redistricting.
I can see right through him.
He is the one who weaponizes government He is so full of it.
He probably passed that to twinkle in the eye at PNJ. just to get coverage because no one took the bait about the completely appropriate ethics committee opinion.
SOP. Pot stirrer.
Them yammers on & on ECW 850 interview today when he started the stuff to begin with.
He commented in lackey's post (AA) on ECW in April trying to stir this up writing that he had seen the ethics committee giving the opinion while he was watching some things involving complaints made against him by Bear. (paraphrased)
Predictable, but a waste of our time.
So yes, your D2 seat is still working against the board. Makes him a zero at effectiveness for his constituents.
RE PNJ article 5/27
The irony is now Underhill suddenly supports anonymous speech lol
This is what Underhill commented with on ECW under Arduini's post April 14, 2021 That leads me to believe he started the drama with the retirement compensation:
"Douglas Underhill
I had no knowledge of this effort before seeing it on the Ethics Commission website while I was researching the Bear complaint against me. It has never been discussed in public. I do not believe that politicians should even get pensions, much less exclusive, members-only perks. Political office is supposed to be a temporary season of service, not a profession. I cannot imagine how it is ethical or moral to vote for perks for ourselves.
· 6w"
I see it is on the agenda for June 3. and completely ethical, by the opinion given far in advance.
To me it looks like Commissioner Barry is a fine financial planner to have caught that.
I think again Doug is just attempting to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Ask Arduini if Underhill gave the info to him (or either just vote to pass it, if you agree.)
Irony again, Underhill is eligible for it also it seems. The opinion says 4 except Bender, I guess because he is first term. I hope Commissioner Barry will call him on the carpet. It will probable be in the agenda review and the dis info campaign on ECW will not address it.
We will see. I am so sick of them trying to catch unsuspecting citizens in their web, I guess I could just stop reading it.
I think you all have it under control.
Call Underhill out and ask him if he passed this on and will he plan to take it. He looked like the cat with the cannery in the 850 video. I'm not sure if you wasted you time with it.
It is just a draw to watch the political maneuvering but he is such a farce, and people still fall for it.
Was Gilley covering for Underhill? I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt with COVID, Sally, falsification of records, lawsuits etc. Rough times
But Barry is the one who nominated her for the admin position out of the regular hiring procedure. I will not be surprised if she is let go. I hope Underhill gets removed over this also. Leaks--who keeps spilling the beans.
The public (facebook crowd) is so cheesy to jump on the bandwagon without being informed and unable to put themselves in your position and see things from the board's POV. I guess that's why you have to develop tough skin.
I also think Cronley's fore site on OLF 8 was/is admirable. Economic development is a function of government.
It would be good to try to hold on, and recruit employees though...
didn't Bowers mean April 2020 not 2019.. ??
I thought Miss the Mark Marlette was giving up the political cartoons in lieu of a comic strip, guess not. He left out the other commissioner, the one posing as "anonymous citizen" so yes, he still misses the mark. I'm sure you all will not forget how your D2 undermines your reputations and bypasses regular common courtesy between peers.
He really played the pied piper on this one though. A real snake in the grass.
However it was a reach for a pay back..really..
Read that agenda ahead of time!!! Citizens are.
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