
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Getting the Future Land Use (FLU) Right on OLF-8 Gives Nearby Residents Greater Say about Future Development....


Unlike local zonong designations, The establishement of the Future Land Use overlay for OLF-8 is a process that requires coordination with Tallahassee; for this reason it is imperative that we get it right.  Staff's first two proposals (left two, above) had too much yellow, not enough red.  The one on the far right is the one that will be brought forward for board consideration, as it is just right......

What is a Future Land Use anyway, you might ask?  The future land use is a designation assigned to a parcel of land that comports with a county's comprehensive plan and subsequently filed with the state of Florida.  Once filed, the underlying local zoning designations can be added, amended, changed, or altered via local action-with the caveat being that local designations do not trump the FLU, and incompatible uses between local zoning regulations and FLU designations require an action from the State to resolve.  This just recently happened on a piece of property in District 1 where a FLU change had to be requested of the state to "allow" for the building of apartments by a developer.

So, at the most recent regular meeting of the Escambia Board of County Commissioners last Thursday, the public hearing for transmittal of the staff's proposed FLU maps for OLF-8 were dropped from the agenda.

At least one other commissioner and I objected to the FLU being MU-U for more than half of the map--with only a "tiny" strip for commercial development along the frontage of the property on 9-Mile Road and the northern portion of the property.  This did not comport to the board's vision nor did it comport with our expressed desire to see businesses and amenities (not massive apartment buildings) on this valuable property abuting 9-Mile Road.

So we took the first rendition, the left drawing above, and it got 86'd fast.  It was, and is, a "non-starter."  The middle drawing above was a secondary proposal from staff--but it, too, had too much of this property with a FLU designation of MU-U.

So several other board members asked if I could work with staff to bring back a proposed FLU map for approval by the full board and subsequent transmission to Tallahassee that is more in line with 1.) what the board desired, 2.) maintains the vision for the compromise reached regarding other aspects of development on the field, and 3.)  that could get support from a majority of board members to move this project forward.  

I believe the map on the far right, above, accomplishes this.  In communicating with staff on this, I asked specifically if this FLU would mesh with what DPZ has put forward as the local zoning designations for OLF-8---which speak to which areas of the field can be built with what types of buildings, features and structures---to include commerce, public amenities, "town-center", residential, and commercial.  I was assured that this proposed FLU map allows for all of these things.


The difference is nuanced, but important, as to why more commercial (red) is prefferable to more mixed use-urban (yellow).  

While it is true that most of the commerce related aspects of what we have planned for the OLF-8 project could be constructed under a MU-U FLU designation---the critical key for me (and the more important question to consider) is what "CAN'T" be built under a COM FLU designation.  That's more important  and here's what I mean.

A commercial FLU designation does not permit stand alone residential, period.  Regardless of the underlying "local" zoning category.  So having more COM (red) has a protective, prophylactic effect on the rapid growth and sprawl of more high-density, high impact residential construction.  It does this by only allowing residential as a component of a primarily commercial development (e.g. lofts over retail), and only by allowing up to 49% of a project to consist of residential components.

Now, those that push back will proclaim "But the FLU does not matter, if the local zoning does not permit residential!!!"   Well, here's where that argument falls apart.  If the underlying local designation does not permit apartments, applicants can easily navigate the process to rezone locally via the planning board to allow for apartments if --watch for it--IF the existing underlying FLU allows for apartments.  MU-U allows apartments.  COM does not.  Additionally---- there are several "local land use consultants" that help developers navigate the rezoning process locally all day every day.  They have it down to a precise science and they are very fast, efficient, and effective at getting it done.

So having more of the map red, or designated as a COM FLU, adds a second layer of protection against

massive building of giant residential apartments on the field.  This is not to say it can't happen--but the process will just get more difficult--as a buyer or developer would need to have the FLU changed--in addition to a local zoning designation change, which triggers two public hearings and a state review.

So my contention is and was that the majority of the OLF-8 parcel where commercial use is the focus now and in the future should be assigned a FLU of COM, not MU-U--to give us the appropriate time to develop these portions of the property as job creating business developments--- without the fear of a future board just changing the local underlying zoning at the whim of a residential developer and with very little public input.  Put a different way, my view is that ONLY those areas of the field where the board agreed to allow high-density residential or any stand alone residential, along with school, retail, amenities and park property--should carry the initial FLU designation of MU-U.  The upper-right map does this.

 And organizing this FLU map with a majority of the parcel carrying a COM FLU, as the picture in the upper right will do, will give residents MORE say into the future if residential expansion is contemplated by future boards and developers.  

Residential construction was not the reason the county spent $18 Million to acquire this land, It was never something I favored, and it is not something a majority of the Beulah community I represent wants on the field, either.

But we compromised, and this map meets the spirit of the compromise we made, whereas the other ones proposed by staff did not, in my estimation and for the reasons I have expressed here.

Hopefully----- these last modest, nuanced adjustments to the FLU map will be voted forward by the full board as the last public sausage-making in this long, drawn-out process.  This proposed map, upper right, will allow for all the amenities, the parks, the residential, the retial, the town-center, the "live-work" space, etc. etc to be developed on this field--------------WITH the added safeguard of a second requirement if MORE residential is pushed after only a few short years.

And if one thinks about it--there are many residents on the north side of the field that didn't want to see ANYTHING at all built on OLF-8.  Keeping that northern portion of the field with a red FLU of Commercial, knowing it may take years and years to fill that land with good job-producing businesses, should make such folks happy.  More time and more years with only a large green field on the north of OLF-8 should be something these residents favor----rather than a traffic exacerbating 4-story 60 unit per acre apartment complexes right out side in view from their front porches!

We will see how it goes at the next meeting, but I am optimistic.


Anonymous said...

D2 Candidate and Commissioner Bergosh’s Appointee Melissa Pino has been removed by Facebook. Her comments and posts were harassment and Facebook took the appropriate action and removed her profile and all of her posts and comments. This should tell you all what you need to know.

Eric Sharplin said...

Its very simple this person does not their rear end from a hole in the group.

Why dont they go promote they harassment services of posting screenshots of people phone

I cant believe this person is this stupid

Hahahaaaaaa said...

Anonymous 2:17 LMAO She made a post saying she was deactivating her profile to work on her house for a few days because it was too distracting. Facebook didn’t remove her. Your stalking issue is weird and your stupidity is scary.

Anonymous said...

You’re so far off base. MP temporarily deactivated her Facebook page for a couple days. She made a post about it last night and this morning. Your ridiculous assumptions tell us all what we need to know about you… don’t you have anyone else to harass stalk and bash on ECW?

Not Mel said...

Anonymous aka Alex,

How many times a day do you spy on her page mention her name or go by her house? Get some help for your twisted infatuation with her.

Anonymous said...

2:17, Wrong again Sherlock. It’s so weird how Alex Sean Jacqueline and Nancy are consumed with Melissa. You’ve given her so much power and publicity. You know the old saying about even bad publicity is good publicity? Bigger players are paying attention to her now because you all are spreading her name like wildfire. Look at Matt Gaetz and all the bad publicity he’s gotten over the years and guess what? He got elected and re-elected. The moral of that story is, she should probably thank her stalkers you’re all keeping her relevant. If she wasn’t a powerful player or a threat to some no one would ever mention her name.

Melissa, my hat is off to you. Well played.

Priceless said...

Pino took a Facebook break dummies. She made a post about it. Two actually. She said she’s working on her house. This shows how stupid her haters really are and the crazy stuff they make up about her.

I don’t know if her strategy is purposeful or was by accident, but it’s brilliant. She couldn’t of paid for the amount of publicity her stalkers give her. Look at the other 2 candidates. Do you even know their names? Not many can say they do. They know Mel’s name though. That’s real power. Her campaign song should be “say my name”.

Anonymous said...

False. Good try ECW person.

C. J. said...

They’re no better than street thugs. The only difference is they do their thuggin behind their computer. Losers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the detailed explanation. True, we don't want apartments there.
I'm interested in the results of the redistricting efforts from tomorrow's COW also.
Appreciate you keeping us informed.

Perhaps some of the wild comments will fizzle out.

On another note though, nationally the election fraud is coming out, I'm not sure what will happen. I also read more than 1M illegal immigrants have been brought in. The Dem/socialist certainly wanted power. I am outraged at the cheating and people who condone it.

Several things are happening tomorrow, I believe a deposition is being taking in one of the paramedic's cases tomorrow.

Really though, should government/politics be this hard overall? rhetorical

Anonymous said...

Other 2 D2 candidates so far are Steven Stoberger and Chance Walsh. I do not think a non Republican stands a chance.

Escambia Supervisor of Election is also advertising for for 2 IT persons. I hope they don't hire cheaters and liars.

Wont say cause I’ll probably get attacked said...

Commissioner Bergosh, Your anonymous commenters/readers think anyone who disagrees with You or Pino must be that Alex Arduini guy, Reality is you and Pino are highly disliked across the county by a lot of us, they aren’t all him, guaranteed. I don’t even know him but the way Pino attacks him he must be doing something right.

Eric Sharplin said...

Alex Arduini latest crying spell

Sir, I really don’t think you understand. Mrs Pino has been attacking me and my wife for a year and a half. She has said some really nasty things, told a lot of lies and has tried to ruin my reputation. I do not speak with her or interact with her, but she still attacks us. I get screen shots from other people when she attacks us, I don’t ever go looking and I don’t ever read Jeff’s blog unless you or someone else sends me a link. I rarely comment there and if I do it has my name. We have been her main target, like a few others (Doug, Dr Edler, Jacqueline. Etc), I don’t even think it’s a funny joke, she has tried to destroy my reputation and the way other people look at me in this community. She is the “evil” that she speaks of, she truly is. She may fool some people, but the majority aren’t fooled. Have a good night and as always I’m praying for you and our community.

Its time to get my violin and play this ghuy a tune.

I think play go cry me a river

Anonymous said...

OLF-8 was the topic but the Pino supporters want to trash citizens of EC and lather that Pino lefty--hope her house projects last a lifetime--we are all better with her gone

Anonymous said...

2 words: Con Artist

Melissa Pino said...


Good morning, I'm so grateful, and it has done my heart so much good, to read the words of support the last couple of weeks here. I would like to say it's just because it shows that there are a greater amount of people who have realized that ECW is an increasingly toxic place where some very bad actors have gravitated and self-selected. Although that's primarily my relief at it, and the most important thing, I wouldn't be human if the words of encouragement didn't impact me. They lifted me up during a critical time for community understanding on the EMS issue, and gave me inspiration--and I really hope, have given others inspiration--to do what can be done to continue to raise the level of public awareness so that some horrible wrongs can be righted. Our Public Safety can heal, thrive, and return to its stature as the number one, most kick butt band of first responder heroes acting in unified concert to achieve their calling and protect the public they serve. That's what the boots on the ground all want. It's time to heal the horrible divide and conquer.

Eric, I particularly appreciate your comments, as that was such a mean thing that Arduini did with taking photos of our texts, when we were sharing thoughts on what a difficult meeting that was for the commission on an interpersonal level. I'm used to that kind of invasion from these people, and am hardened to it. So while yes, it was a new low, it didn't surprise me, and it won't be the last low. But you didn't expect or deserve that. Remember, these are folks who, along with Underhill, helped orchestrate that invasion of privacy with Commissioner Barry's social. They would do worse if they have the means.

Here's the rub: these people will never quit with what they do, and they have been doing it for over a decade. Arduini is a special kind of head case, for sure, but Jacqueline is gaining apace in her disconnectedness from reality, and her forum is now drawing the worst types of random howlers who have forced away most of the more reasonable commentators on the site. Yesterday a woman I've never heard of claimed that I was part of a "mafia" with some of the other commissioners and vague patrons who were all taking kickbacks. The scary thing is, they used to just say that sort of thing as an intentional hit job. But they've lost control of their own tactics now, and have descended into an angry online mob. This has been escalating for a long time. And as far as Arduini goes, he has had his short list of people that he has been super-fixated on and targeting on the daily since he burst onto the scene with self-proclaimed relevance two years ago. (Thanks for helping that along, Studio 850.)

Alex: I can't hurt your good reputation in the community, because you don't have one. In our neighborhood alone, you are primarily remembered for selling people bad CBD oil that made them sick.

Melissa Pino said...


There are SO many positive things happening at the County right now, and as much as I have loved witnessing the outpouring here of people in a eureka moment on ECW, it would also be great to see the new, plugged-in voices commenting here turn focus to the really important policy matters that Commissioner Bergosh is posting about. Things such as EMS improvements, OLF8 and job projects, concurrency, and so much else are decisions that will impact this area for generations to come, long after anybody remembers who any of the particular names of the moment are. And the commission deserves firm and loud support, along with critical thinking, from right-headed people, as they are getting this done in the midst of a concerted effort from Downton/PNJ and lots of other corners who are trying to blow the Board up, stall their success, and take control of the state funding that comes in through the County.

It's apparent plenty of people posting are well aware now of the type of people that a *lot* of community advocates other than me have been pushing back on, and why we were fighting them so hard. So plenty will recognize this type feeds off this kind of narc juice--any attention is good attention, and they're grateful to have it in the moment that their venue has finally slid into irrelevance. It's super important--it matters--that people are using this forum now as a sounding board to call out their disinformation, as there is never any end to it, and it needs neutralizing. But I hope everybody will also stay equally attuned to the watershed policy matters that the Board is taking on, as many of these issues have been decades in the making. The current board is in a historical position where the decisions they make will have as their legacy what our community and area look like, and are, twenty, fifty, and a hundred years from now. They need to hear reasonable people's voices chime in with their best opinions and ideas on that, now that the political thugs who have monopolized the airwaves on these things for such a long time have finally been revealed for what they are, and stymied in their efforts. Particularly as we are facing another round of covid, a lot of this will have to happen online. It has been a big detriment to decision-making that the pandemic (and, let's be honest, the morning meetings) have quelled citizen participation. Maybe Commissioner Bergosh's forum could become a place where a bunch more smart people gravitate towards serious citizen discussion and input on these matters. In addition to a clinical take-apart of any continued disinformation efforts, as the last gasps are probably going to get pretty ugly. They'll try to drown out discussions of the issues at hand with their noise, as they can't stand to see the current commission make progress. The voices that have come on this board can really help off-set that program.

Anonymous said...

OLF-8 should be something these residents favor----rather than a traffic exacerbating 4-story 60 unit per acre apartment complexes right out side in view from their front porches!

Amen to that. Thanks for the explanation Jeff and for all you do.

Anonymous said...

“and her forum is now drawing the worst types of random howlers who have forced away most of the more reasonable commentators on the site. “

That’s true. People with real reputations and businesses to protect won’t participate on there anymore because it’s a hate group now. If you watch coffee with the commissioner sessions or read his fb page, rational people comment and ask questions. No attacks from his constituents. This post was hijacked with a stupid accusation by an obsessive nut case. 99. 9 percent of the community doesn’t care when someone takes a break from Facecrack. An easy fix to stop the nut case from hijacking every post is to stop publishing comments that aren’t on topic from now on.

Anonymous said...

Guess what?? Sane non obsessed people DON’T CARE. You infatuated psychos made the very first response on here to post more false information about her. WE DON’T CARE!!!! Take your crap back to the playground.

Anonymous said...

7/15 @9:17am then why are you anonymous

Melissa Pino said...

"An easy fix to stop the nut case from hijacking every post is to stop publishing comments that aren’t on topic from now on."

Anon 9:17, great idea and perhaps Commissioner Bergosh will consider it. I hope if he does everybody who has come on lately, and more, to talk about the other dynamics will stay to offer their thoughts on policy!

Anonymous said...

Rick covered the redistricting conversation. Readers glean what you wish.

I found it interesting that Underhill wants Pensacola Beach to be district 2. I also noted on Myescambia an article that Owens took a special class about being a county commissioner at the FAC.

I enjoy a recap or written so called transcripts of the morning meetings and have learned PNJ spins, WEAR is not always in the game. Rick seems to report facts, from what I can tell.

Also one can look at the minutes once they post them, or a video for info. However it is time consuming.

As far as measured comments and staying on topic there is a model called Grahams hierarchy of disagreement. It is a pyramid. Stay on the top. (note to self)

I know the topic of this post was the FLU however, this was on the agenda the COW also.

I know you can't discuss the shade meeting held prior, but I know what it was about.

Look forward to more blog posts.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The BOCC clowns are being lead around the 3 ring circus by the ring master. Laughing stock.

Citizen said...

Mr. Bergosh, I apologize for this being off topic. But does anyone else think it’s inappropriate for commissioner Underhill and especially his wife to instigate hate against the other commissioners? I don’t ever see the other commissioners wife’s encouraging hatred for other board members or other county employees they don’t like. I’ve never seen any other local or state politicians wife’s act that way in a public forum. Please don’t start the bashing, I just think it’s very inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

Watching the COW video, see the shade meeting took awhile and Underhill came in late. I wonder if he had to spill some beans. I see the redistricting discussion was done first.

I see, you Comm Bergosh have experience with redistricting from your prior experience.I smell a rat with Underhill wanting to push it through. When he says he doesn't want to make it political, it means..I'm making this political.

Anonymous said...

haha perdido key to d1

Anonymous said...

Mobility fee..

my advice

stay off facecrack

check agenda and links on myescambia

Anonymous said...

Some of my responses are off topic, I thought the FLU discussion would be at the COW.

Pretty good discussion about budget toward the end, For the first time in a long time it seemed you all were civil.

I hate they all seem to want to raise the MSBU AGAIN.

Noted some of these things should have been addressed in the spring, I note you have been trying to get people to be more creative with funding but other boards members seem resistant. How long did it take to get the fifth cent TDT?

I get really tired of all the negative comments on facebook and just hope people get smarter in the long run.

Just bringing up ideas is great but then the other commissions and staff seem to be slow in getting things implemented.

From where I sit, I don't want the Fire MSBU raised, it wasn't on the TRIM in time it looks like, so I don't know what is going on with that.

EVERYTHING is going up and yes the
$15 minimum wage will have an effect. I didn't vote for it myself.

For the most part voters and complainers don't see the big picture...

I wish the MSTU and others things were implemented YESTERDAY.

Anonymous said...

AN MSBU is a flat FEE ...lazy
A retired person on a fixed income in a property valued at say, 50K is charged the same as a property valued at 1 Million.

It is not fair.

Taxes assessed by value is more fair.

Shame on Commissioner Barry, Underhill and Bender.

Bender. It's not lipstick on a pig. I saw you wink at somebody.

Bergosh you should be more assertive about your knowledge of getting funding for municipal services, Please. The other four don't get it or don't care.

The growth is going on the the south end..

Barry just PO'd one more constituent.

COW video 7/15 near the end....

Not an Uncle Tom said...

Apartments and Working Class BAD, ONLY HIGH END HOMES TO BE BUILT IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD..!! Let"s call this what it really is, Systemic Segregation. You must stay up late at night giggling at the way Lumon May is so easily misled. When he reminded you that it was also working class black folks money that helped buy that piece of land, you convinced him that "it's not like that" and he bought it. Anyone with an eye for the obvious can see this is about keeping those pesky non white collar black folk out of your neighborhood. Lumon, you're being played by Barry and Bergosh plain and simple.

Eric Sharplin said...

Andy Marlette wow this at the PNJ shows how dumb he is.

Douglas Underhill
Well, We have been trying to tell you all how corrupt it is...people can now finally see under the tent. Start demanding the transcripts from the shade meetings. The county is playing fast and loose with our “privilege” to hide the truth from you under the shade meeting rules. The legal department does the bidding of “three commissioners”...they are not serving the people of this county.

Douglas Underhill shows he is coward he aint got the balls to say this his commissioners faces.

I wish they could put Douglas Underhill in a high chair and him sit through the whole if he throws temper tantrum lol

Sean Bullington he likes to scream at the yop of his vocal cords at meeting he is all talk no action

Jacqueline Aimee Rogers is just pure evil likes harassing churches

Anonymous said...

What is in Andy's hit piece. It's behind a paywall and I don't subscribe. I open an incognito tab and read for free on most of it or not at all.

Anonymous said...

Speaking about Navy Point, Pino was removed from Navy Point neighborhood on Nextdoor, Pino’s dogs are a constant problem for us neighbors and those walking on the Navy Point bike trail, Even the Warrington Revitalization Group has problems with Pino. Pino Talking about others problems in the neighborhood is awfully hypocritical.

I am a Navy Point resident but won’t give my name for fear of being the next target of Pino.

Melissa Pino said...

"The legal department does the bidding of “three commissioners”...they are not serving the people of this county." --Doug Underhill

Says the guys who misdeeds, bad actions, and illegality has the entire County Attorney's office conflicted out and ordered to recuse themselves by and ethical opinion of the State bar on David Bear's lawsuits.

Think on that. We have an official who is so corrupt that just the knowledge of his lack of ethics and illegalities forces our County Attorney to recuse herself from doing the work of serving the BOCC as a whole.

Bringing it back to the topic of Land Use categories and underlying zoning, Doug is the guy who claimed he didn't understand them well enough to know that he needed a land disturbance permit, that he shouldn't have thrown rock down on a sensitive barrier island without a permit, and claimed that his pay-to-play jet ski school was legally to operate out of his back yard, even though the County code department was forced to issue him a citation for running a commercial enterprise in an MDR neighborhood, because he actually advertised the $50 a head price for it online.

Why anyone should listen to him on anything concerning our Land Development Code on OLF8 or anything else is therefore beyond me.

It's so sad that Commissioner Barry had to request the Commissioner Bergosh talk with staff about this--not directing them, just talk with them--because Commissioners Bender and Underhill pressure the Planning staff so badly for their own political purposes that they feel threatened to bring things in this way. Just like the two of them did on Jim Reeve's tiny home venture so that they could try to keep them off the Key and the Beach. I really wish Commissioner Barry would realize that it might be time to bring the interference ordinance back into play.

Melissa Pino said...

--"Pino was removed from Navy Point neighborhood on Nextdoor"

No, I was not. I voluntarily deactivated my account again because the neighborhood is a much nicer place to be without a handful of people who hang on Nextdoor and try to sew divisions between neighbors. Again, plenty of people saw my post saying that I had hoped Nextdoor had become a nicer place when I reactivated. The post could still be up for all I know.

"Pino’s dogs"

--I have one dog, a yellow lab who has to wear leg braces to help his lameness due to progressive osteochondritis dessicans in his back hocks.

"Pino’s dogs are a constant problem for us neighbors and those walking on the Navy Point bike trail"

--Funny, that's not what the dozens of neighbors and trail users who checked in on how Amos was doing post pit bull attack have said, or what the notes they left with his care packages said, or their thoughts while shaking their heads on the small handful of people who try to drum up problems for me through disinformation about my sweet, peaceful dog. Nor has Animal Control ever found issue with him from the dozens of false reports that this small handful have put in on him over the years. (Shame on them for tying up those precious resources for their own political purposes.)

"Even the Warrington Revitalization Group has problems with Pino."

--I haven't been to a meeting in a long time--two years maybe?--because I would not attend a group that refused to follow Robert's Rules of Order on keeping minutes. That was under old leadership. I'd be happy to attend again, but Glenn Conrad is one of the officers, and since he and I sit the MAC together, and that group sometimes takes up marine issues, I'm not comfortable with putting us in a risky Sunshine issue on that.

"Talking about others problems in the neighborhood is awfully hypocritical."

--I'm not the one who sold the neighborhood bad CBD oil. Nor have I made being involved in domestic disturbances fueled by drugs and alcohol a long-time hobby of mine.

You don’t know what your talking about said...

I’m one of Pino’s neighbors and she has ONE DOG. He’s never been a problem. He’s a golden that just likes to walk and swim. You’re just a trouble maker.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:12 Sure thing Alex. You stalk Melissa Pino on every page she posts on. You are a psycho stalker.

Curious said...

Melissa, sorry if this is a dumb question but what does the interference ordinance do?

Anonymous said...

11:12 all I hear when reading that is. blah blah blah I’m a obsessed stalker that doesn’t really live in her neighborhood but I do stalk her online. Every where she goes. Every hour of the day.

Neighbors in D2 don’t come onto berhosh’s blog to complain about a dog in D2. Your stalking is going to ruin your life one day when charges are filed and IP numbers are subpoenaed and your electronics are confiscated. Fact.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of neighbors, try being the Underhill’s neighbors. Underhills are just like a pack of rabid dogs foaming at the mouth ready to attack everyone. While running their illegal jet ski school at the end of our piers.

Anonymous said...

The call logs are scary.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:12 Get help. For real. Even some of Pino’s other haters know your obsession has reached a weird level. The Pino show plays in your head 24/7

C.J. said...

Melissa, I’m sorry you’re being harassed by the mindless minions. Especially by the one that has waged an obsessive war on you. The abuse makes them look worse and it’s a black eye on Escambia. Him and his thugs don’t represent the useful
members of the county.

HIGHlarious said...

Watching the psycho stalker tell a very successful man that has a great reputation for his work, something psycho stalker knows nothing about, that he’s a clown and a GOB, is HIGHlarious..No successful career or a job, living with Mommy and mooching off wife and mommy so he can harass people and attack Jeff Bergosh on chat groups, compared to a successful career with GP and helped the community through many boards he’s been on, is like comparing a crackhead with a thug mentality, to a CEO. HIGHlarious. I hate to break it to you son, but you are the clown..

Anonymous said...

AA and JAR are savage bullies. They jump on anyone that doesn’t agree with whoever they’re hating on at the moment. That’s why most people are too intimidated to disagree with them. That’s what they want. They like to control the dialogue by force. Don’t ever say anything truthful about Douglas Underhill either that’s a big no. Jacqueline will do anything to protect her obsession. Like Annie Wilkes.

Helpful said...

Drug induced obsessive compulsive disorder. Obsessive-compulsive behavior is a group of seemingly uncontrollable and repetitive behaviors that are driven by obsessions.

Opiates and meth are substances that can trigger obsessive behaviors. Some of the the signs of Meth use and addiction:
* Rotting teeth (meth mouth)
* Thinning body
* Acne or sores
* Paranoia
* Irritability
* Obsessive behaviors
* Infatuation
* Thinking your invincible
* Euphoria


Melissa Pino said...

Curious 2:48 on the Interference Ordinance--hopefully Commissioner Bergosh will have time to answer better, because it was his ordinance. I'll just bullet in the meantime.

A couple of years ago (somebody remind me--has it been that long?), he researched other area policy boards that had apparently had trouble with their members directing staff around their executive/administrative boss, and brought an ordinance that would have seemed to work well for the Doug/Escambia situation (which now looks to be an increasing problem with Commissioner Bender, although he gets what he needs with cookies and candies rather than the back of his hand--his office's pressure on the Planning staff on multiple items could not be any more apparent).

The Board had a really good discussion about it, with some thoughtful commentary on the grey area between

--asking a question of staff ("Can you explain how this grant works"; "I'd like to understand your reasoning behind this decision"; ) and

--illegally "interfering" or directing staff ("Division lead, I need your staff to accomplish X by the end of the day." "Staff needs to swing this in X direction.")

Sort of separately, the statute allows commissioners to conduct investigations, which was of course Doug's big thing, because he's always conducting fake investigations to throw people off the scent of what's really going on, and treats every staff stand at the podium as if they are under oath answering to a military tribunal.

I don't think the discussion actually went to a vote? But Commissioner Barry did say that if it continued to be an issue, he would certainly be amenable to bringing it back. I doubt he could have ever dreamed, imagining a continuing problem in the future, that the Board would be in a scenario where Commissioner Bender was aligned with Doug in shilling for Downtown, running portions of his tired playbook, and punching at air. (Nobody of Robert's demeanor should ever take on the role of obstructionist, but he felt his way as he went along, and has lately latched onto out-of-left-field grousing as his particular flavor. Will this chairmanship never end.)

I've spoken with ex County staff that were huge losses, and in asking them if they would ever consider coming back, the answer was "how about that interference ordinance." Really doubt that's gonna happen with everything else going on, and it wouldn't have mattered the last couple of years anyway, as the previous administrator just would have allowed her two favorite commissioners all the leeway in the world, while lowering the hammer on any of the others for the slightest breech. So I guess that's how that sort of thing could go awry. If that's not the answer, maybe there's another.

CJ, thank you. Honestly, I'm used to it--this has been going on for years, with different people at bat for Doug and Jacqueline. What concerns me is that the tenor has shifted dramatically lately, and these people are quickly becoming detached from reality and putting a toe in the water of out-and-out conflict. I don't worry for myself, or that there will be a mob (yet), but I do worry about a lone nut job that might be inspired by their mutual hysteria, and that's what a type like Alex has been trained in his QAnon rooms to whip up. Jacqueline's too dull to grasp what's really going on. But the words "drowsy" and "QAnon" and "poet" should never be put together, and the recruiting photos of their meetings at various places are starting to take on a really disturbing flavor.

Eric Sharplin said...

Doug likes playing Little Miss Riding Hood

35 year county resident. said...

It’s the same handful of hateful people always commenting on every topic and attacking anyone that dares to disagree with their opinion. Not facts. Opinion. Commissioner Underhand is bent on destroying credibility of the board instead of helping his own district. Jacqueline Rogers, Sean Bullyton, and Alex Arduini are his faithful henchmen. They don’t have a hold on reality or a life. ECW is a weapon to them. It’s turned into a militia movement. They’re so far gone they can’t see how bad they look to the rest of county residents.

Anonymous said...

To Curious 248, to answer your question

you could type that word in the search on the blog

However here is a freebie

this is a link to part 2

signed not Melissa

Yet I can direct you to information.

The background is in 2019, Underhill caused a lot of damage when Jack Brown was no longer there, interfering with staff and directing them and causing problems.

The BOCC didn't take up the ordinance, they don't like to limit their own power apparently.

Maybe at times it is appropriate to maintain the power. I think the clear line between Barry and the other intelligent commissioners and Wes will pay off to straighten out the chaos. (If this one can stay away from being in the middle of it.)

Didn't you state on a Coffee with Commissioner that you had gone 60 days with out looking at facebook?

Try to fast again. It's garbage as far as ECW, Underhill and his political games.
It is useful to watch for an education to see if people can discern the political games and cons or not.

Water off a ducks back..get the work done.

Anonymous said...

TO Curious
part 1

Been observing for a long time said...

To “35 year resident”:
I see it too.
I agree it’s turning into a homegrown militia group now right before our eyes. Commissioner Bergosh is one of the main targets. It’s planned and plotted harassment. Joel Cotton posted a week old article today, to resurrect the topic of the paramedic and the DOH complaint. Minutes after it was posted commish Underhill responded telling everyone his usual “just wait until you see what they do in the shade meetings”…. Jacqueline and Sean Bullington posted minutes after to point fingers at Commisioner Bergosh. Another day another way to try and ruin. Same agenda. Every. Single. Day. Their premeditated game is becoming more transparent daily. Commissioner Underhill gave Alex Arduini the documents about the retirement stuff for him to post. It’s all so planned. People are catching on to them.

My opinion is shared by several other rational county and city residents that are opening their eyes to the smear campaign. It’s planned and calculated harassment. The ringleader is commissioner underhill. I feel like we are watching a homegrown militia group in the making. Jacqueline Rogers, Alex Arduini, Sean Bullington, Joel Cotton are weaponinzing their Facebook group to defame, promote hate, vilify, push their agenda. Their group attracts other miserable people to join in that don’t even know what’s really happening. Nancy Demlow for example. She doesn’t know the difference between county or city jurisdiction but she chimes in just to be part of the bullying crowd. To be mean. It’s gross. They’re gross. The ringleader and his 4 are the real scary ones though because they know exactly what they’re doing and it’s not to just be a bully like the ones that ride the coattails. Commissioner Underhill will get even more bold with his attacks in the following weeks and months because he knows he’s needed right now by the people who really run this town. When he’s not needed anymore their house of cards will fall. I’m going to bet it ends in arrests and lawsuits. Watch and see.

Anonymous said...


People are starting to see it. The con is getting more and more obvious. Hell hath no fury like a group of unsuccessful failures with sad lives. Only losers thrive on conflict.

Anonymous said...

“The politics here in Escambia County have been controlled by the special interest groups for far to long. It’s time for the people to start forcing their elected officials to listen to them! “ - Alex Arduini

“FORCING” them to listen?

I’m one of them said...

Melissa, when commissioner Underhill walks out the door for the very last time you’ll hear a loud collective sigh of relief for all of the county employees. The definition of corrupt doesn’t even cover it.

Anonymous said...

Redistricting info


"The U.S. Census Bureau announced that it would deliver redistricting data to the states by September 30, 2021. The original deadline for delivering these data sets was April 1, 2021"

"The following timeline was published by the Florida Senate Redistricting Committee, redistricting will begin on January 11, 2022"

That's state ^^^^ prior to the election.

Anonymous said...

To I'm one of them

I wonder if Underhill will try to run for D5 in a few years. He said he's getting property in D5. I see Owens has taken a course to be county commissioner with the FAC

Watching this redistricting effort will be telling. Can you imagine him trying to get all the waterfront for D2 then support his aide to run D2 then he goes to D5 for a vote. And still try to ruin the county organization and never give up his information warfare tactics on social media? Hopefully many have awakened to his games.

The five or six still commenting on ECW don't make up the majority opinion of the county but unchecked, newbies coming in may not be able to see what type of person he really is.

If Kevin Brown runs for D2, that might work.

We don't want a socialist/communist in power nor a complete yokel in any seat. I believe David Bear recognizes the abilities of some that put their name in the hat in any position.

It is amusing to watch the two people putting down clown emoticons on Bear's posts. on ECW HAHA. Do they know everybody is laughing at them? "Everybody sees it, Everybody knows it" Bear doesn't respond to them because it's not worth it.

Watch out D5, the Loud family from SNL is moving in.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous July 16, 2021 at 5:52 PM, Out of 8,000 members, only about 8 comment regularly to jump in on the hating. No one intelligent with a decent reputation participates or takes them seriously anymore. Their comments say much more about them than the people they attack. They're not exactly a successful bunch. They represent about 2 percent of Escambia county voters. In other words, don’t worry about it…

Anonymous said...

Wonder if any one in bitch and moan facecrack landia looked on the agenda for budget workshop on Tues and can find the proposal for raises.

Anonymous said...

We don’t care where they go as long as they go. There will be a neighborhood celebration from RR to Ono when we see the tail lights on the moving truck.

Melissa Pino said...

"Melissa, when commissioner Underhill walks out the door for the very last time you’ll hear a loud collective sigh of relief for all of the county employees. The definition of corrupt doesn’t even cover it."

I’m one of them,

I know. :( It's so awful what staff have been through under him. That's one reason the PNJ editorial team is such a scourge with valorizing him like they do. The cost he has visited on people's health and well-being is incalculable. It's little comfort, but there are MANY people who understand that. And there are far more people working behind the scenes to expose him for what he really is than just the people out front. While Downtown is scrambling to shore up his image, we are years ahead of them in laying out exactly what he has been up to in black and white. His time will come. I'm sorry the process hasn't moved more quickly...the wheels of justice grind slowly. But there will be a day that he will be revealed for what he really is.

Anonymous said...

The Bear family has done more for community than the tin foil hat gang combined. Some people hate anyone of wealth regardless of the good they do.