
I have established this blog as a means of transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory.

Monday, July 12, 2021

COVID-19 in our Area--What's the Current Status at the Hospitals?

Panic citizens and they will consume what you are selling and disregard the financial manipulations and machinations occurring in our capitol that will have massive negative economic consequences for our nation for generations to come....

With national news broadcasts stoking the flames of fear and worry by reporting daily about the "Delta Variant" of COVID-19---some in our area are rightly concerned about a resurgence here.

The sneaky way actual facts are portrayed by the national media are apparently designed to scare the average citizen into a state of continuous panic---a tactic that takes a lot of concern, worry, and attention off of the printing presses in Washington DC--- which are churning out more and more debt from thin air daily.  Trillions and Trillions and keep folks worried and paniked, maybe they'll disregard the slow motion train wreck our national budgeting/monetay policy is becomming?  Surprise--they will and they do----- it works!  😏  Oh, and also, just to put a button on that--the media disavow and completely delegitimize the recognized, rational concept of inflation. They do it by omission----ignoring any mention of it in their coverage.   Nifty, right?  

So here's how they make it happen--here's their cookbook recipe:  1.) Find a city or area that is having an uptick in COVID -19 Delta Variant cases, 2.) show exhausted, demoralized hospital workers describing the conditions in that particular area, carefully and only talking PERCENTAGE increases in hospitalizations in such local areas-- and for the "coup de gras"--3.) conflate the local nature of the story's topic by throwing in the TOTAL NUMBER of new cases daily NATIONALLY at the very end of the one minute, thirty second package piece---and BANG---you've created a crisis!

Some out of touch, confused citizens that watch David Muir daily are probably bamboozled and actually concerned we're having 18,000 cases daily here in Florida!!....

And some constituents  have asked me about it, too--as some of the reporting on numbers, testing, and positivity seems to have been diminished locally.

So what is happening, right now, in the hospitals of Escambia County?

To find out--I called someone in the know, a well positioned hopital executive with whom I speak from time to time.  I called this individual to get the truth and to cut through the drama and the spin our media churns out nonstop on this topic beause it's a ratings bonanza to keep it roiling......

"Jeff, we are seeing an uptick locally, but nothing like what we had back in January and February."  He went on to describe that the numbers of hospitalizations have increased--but "only in the single digits..."

"We are not out of the single digits with patients hospitalized with COVID right now."  he stated.

When I asked him his assessment of the situation overall, he was optimistic.  "The only people we are seeing now, coming in needing hospitalization and the smaller numbers who are dying--- are those who are not vaccinated....everyone can get the vaccination now so it is a totally different situation than we had before-----much more manageable."

Yes, COVID-19 is real.  YES we are having an uptick locally but it is NOTHING like what we had at the beginning of the year.  The key difference is the vaccines.  They work, and they are working.

But they don't work for those who choose to remain "unvaccinated."


Anonymous said...

I chose to get vaccinated although I understand the fears of those that don’t want it. If you don’t want the vaccine at least have some common courtesy this go around and don’t have tantrums about “my freedom my choice”, just wear a mask when out in public. Let’s encourage everyone to take all the measures possible to prevent another shutdown or unnecessary deaths. The people that complained the loudest about the shutdown helped cause the shutdown because they were negligent. Because “freedum”…

Anonymous said...

Commissioner, are you vaccinated?

Anonymous said...

Blah blah blah Do you support Pino voter fraud allowed. Do you support Biden. Or are you all about being weak.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where this is all going

For any one with the ability to enjoy .... A bit of creativity and positivity. I encourage you to..

Try to keep up.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Wouldn't it be nice to have a place people could discuss things and not be turned over to agencies like Jacqueline and Melissa do. I guess it will bleed over to here next. Thanks Edler. FU all. Why can you just do your job with the least conflict possible.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could all really talk to each other..I guess I could post a link, no one would actually click on and you would out me anyway.. Why try..

Scene from a movie.. Have you watched it yet? Across the Universe

Jeff Bergosh said...

Anonymous1:12--Of course I am! I was fully vaccinated back in February with the Moderna vaccine. I'm not an anti-vaxer--but hey, to each his own. But after watching one of my very best friends, a 30-year, very close friend die from COVID in a very short time period after getting sick, and it was a horrible death, I decided to take the vaccine. Believe in them or not, take them or not------they are working when administered. According to the hospital executive I quoted in my blogpost above--"The only patients we are seeing in the hospital now and the only ones dying are the unvaccinated."

Anonymous said...

this is now a pandemic of the un-vaccinated...

Anonymous said...

Great song.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That's why DeSantis is such a good governor. I'm glad he's not Fauci ing Florida. There is middle ground, I took the Moderna and still am careful and take the virus seriously but I don't have a business to run nor a school to attend etc. It's complicated.

It look s like all the usual suspects survived the past year, for the most part.

I never got it nor had the first test.. Hope I don't.

Anonymous said...

nice link

Anonymous said...

That’s the truth.