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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Mayor Robinson on Rick Outzen's Podcast: Strong County Administrator Idea Won't Work

Mayor Grover Robinson gave an interesting take on the concept of a "Strong" Elected County Administrator on Rick's Podcast yesterday.  It was a very interesting interview and opinion.....revealing a somewhat unexpected position on the topic...

I listened to Real News With Rick Outzen's Podcast late yesterday afternoon and there were some very interesting comments from Mayor Grover Robinson.

After he was done speaking with Rick about several city issues--the topic of the pros and cons of the City Charter's Strong Mayor was discussed in depth.  And then the conversation naturally segued into the current discussions wafting around a few downtown offices about a "Strong County Administrator" type of governance structure.

As a guy who used to be a commissioner and who now wields incredible power as a strong mayor of Pensacola-- his vantage point on this topic is unique.  And I must admit I was somewhat surprised by his comments on this subject.  He said "he didn't think it would work."  Then he elaborated on his rationale for thinking this--discussing some of his current interactions with the city council  and also discussing and describing his time on the BCC and different administrators he worked with.  He also discussed our community's switch in 2020 from an elected to an appointed superintendent.

He then asked a seminal question that we should all ponder.  

"Tell me how that structure [elected county administrator] is better?"

It is a worthwhile interview to hear--for folks on both side of the issue.

Now, apparently, the current mayor of Pensacola has as well.

I wonder if John Peacock and the others heard the interview yet?


Anonymous said...

So we are hanging our opinion on the systems effectiveness on a guy that was a commissioner in a broken system for 12 years and the within 1 year of being a CEO of a strong mayor system realized he was unable or unqualified to do the job?

Jeff Bergosh said...

First of all, anonymous 8:29--You've stated your opinions as a fact and built a position on that bedrock of shifting sand. Your assumptions: Grover is incapable and the BCC (where he previously served) is a "broken system." Okay--so you start from that premise in order to taint and de-legitimize the opinion from Grover and you present that outcome as a fact. Got it. But that only works in junior high school debate club--the rest of us see it as feckless and illogical. I heard yesterday about another person who "attended" meetings about installing a "strong" elected administrator and had his name plastered in the media subsequently. According to this individual "I was invited to a meeting by John Peacock and said, yes, I'll come to it." Next, I see I'm a suppoerter of this?? No, Im not!" is what this guy said. It's called coalition building 101------but typically it helps to have an actual coalition of like minded people behind you--not a bunch of curious people who attended a couple meetings.......Strong elected "county-Executive" will not happenhere in Escambia because it's a disastrous idea and also a non-starter.....