
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Monday, August 15, 2022

Where We Left the Issue of Homelessness and the BCC's $4.1 Million Funding to Address this Issue


There is an issue in our county that continues to create problems for citizens.  

 Many view it as a crisis.

Homelessness creates many problematic spin offs in our community and many residents are concerned about the problem for various reasons.  Some for compassionate reasons (i.e. they want more social assistance, support and wrap-around services provided for our homeless community--as some in this camp refer to as the "un-housed")  Others are concerned about an erosion in the quality of life for citizens that live in our community and pay taxes (e.g.--these folks are concerned about the campgrounds in the woods, fires, illegal behavior, public urination/defecation, crime, panhandling, drug use/needles, etc.)

Meanwhile, the county has a little over $4 Million from the American Rescue Plan specifically set aside for uses to assist the homeless.

Last week, we learned of very large ($3Billion) additional Federal monetary resources (grants) which may be available to us for this problem as well.

So now the question is, what do we as a county want to do with the money we have and any money we may get?

I attempted in vain to get a meeting scheduled with the city --a joint BCC/City Council workshop meeting to brainstorm ideas on this topic specifically.  That effort ran into resistance from the city and members of the BCC so I agendaed the conversation to two BCC meetings to find the pinch point--which I did find.

(Meanwhile, many with whom I have spoken do not agree with the approaches the city has taken with its $3 Million dollars for addressing homelessness.)

So, at the second meeting on the Homelessness topic last Thursday the BCC discussed what we wanted to do with the money--and the opinions were varied.

We settled on the approach of having staff create an application protocol for 501(c)3 organizations that are working in this space to seek board funding for assistance with this issue of homelessness in our county.  The good thing about spending the money this way is that it will 1.) Allow each commissioner to pursue initiatives/models to assist with this problem based upon our individual preferences and ideas.  2.) will require a full board vote for any successful applicant to receive funding.

I believe this approach will produce results and will enable initiatives to help homelessness in ways that are approved by the full board, measurable, sustainable and not "one big idea" or the "all the eggs in one basket approach."  

With this system, we can double down on programs that achieve objectives and solve problems while eliminating funding for programs that do not work or show little benefit.

And now, with this model as the way forward and based upon input I heard at Thursday's workshop---a joing BCC/City meeting will not be necessary--which in and of itself is a positive development in the eyes of many as it eliminates the need for yet another government meeting to "discuss" problems.


Melissa Pino said... could not reinvent the wheel and adopt the protocol that City staff put together months and months ago, which is why I was encouraging the joint meeting between the two boards. With Grover disinformationing left and right on what the City Council had actually voted on, and botching the process of the bridge moveout so badly, many people who have been advocating for better solutions to the increasing homelessness problem were just trying to get the message across of the *process* Council had voted on.

The rational suggestion that Commissioner Barry suggested at the COW was exactly what many of us have been advocating for all along. We weren't encouraging the Board to rubber stamp the particular organizations that the Council had voted through, but to explore that process for the fastest solutions on the ground for the County. The process took many months to get going. Why put County staff through creating something ab ovo, when City staff has already hammered it out?

If this problem is ever going to start being adequately addressed, it will take both County and municipal government pulling from the same end of the rope. The Task Force Grover put together is NOT City Council's Task Force. That was just set up so Grover could funnel the money to his pre-selected recipients. Thankfully homeless advocates were able to successfully advocate against his foregone conclusions, and Council did not take his recommendations to just hand the money over to the mayor's office and let him screw it up worse than he already has.

Anonymous said...

I don't know all about this at all, however I can tell Bender probably didn't want the meeting because of reelection and he would be put between the DIB, downtown businesss and the GLOBAL organization Food not Bombs.

Even though he just blew up,about the firefighter grant. Read between the lines.

The locals at candidate forums have absolutely ram rodded the retirement plan down our elected leads throats. Underhill sure has thrown chum on the waters as he promised to do, revealed in the transcripts of the shade meeting which probably not many even read.It even bled over to Walnut hill townhall with Escambia psycho.

But I digress. I see no,reason, staff and budget people can't coordinate spending with the city on these funds, bring it to an item for a vote.

I'm sure the DIB would like to move facilities out in the county but I agree .. fund the existing organizations.

You know Satoshi is set up on a different model outside the usual realm of being considered a government funded facility.

Also it is apparent when one of your other staff members, Meredith Reeves brings forth affordable housing project to the board, the board voted against them. Even May, he talks a game but doesn't seem to actually want more "projects".

Although the Foods not Bombs is a global, far left collective organization, they are providing a wonderful, service, all volunteer utilizing food that was about to be thrown away. Providing somewhat of a miracle. The Vegan food looks delicious. Reminds me of the Bible passage paraphrased.. when the pharasees had to admit Jesus was performing notable miracles.

People are being priced out of the American Dream.

But yes this budget cycle, if the money has to be spent, non profits and affordable housing seem worthy.

And benches and bathrooms downtown by the city and DIB. How hard is that?

The DIB could be dissolved by legislation, members removed by city council.

I'm sure everyone is kicking the can to see who is elected Mayor. Rich boy..or public servant.

Politics and government are two separate things.

"Homelessness is not a crime"

Anonymous said...

I watched the joint city county video meeting in Jan 2017. Nothing was accomplished. It was entertaining and sparked an interest in local government as the characters came to life and weren't simply names in a newspaper. I watched Ashton and Spencer eyeroll when Meyers spoke. You and May sat across from each other talking ideology. You've come a long way, Most everyone else sat there quietly waiting for it to end. One even nodded off. Head bobbling.

Also joint SRIA meetings don't seem to accomplish much either. It was fascinating for Chris Jones to point out the difference between revenue from the beach properties and county that still has not been addressed to this day.

But yes this budget cycle. Spend the ARP.

I think the infrastructure broadband is as a necessity because many at the time in rural areas could not work from home nor participate in remote school.

Keep on keeping on.


Anonymous said...

That Food not Bombs organization has strength and one can look up articles and they have hacked government accounts. They are anarchists. They've been around for decades and are on a global scale. The boycotts and productions they are circulating aren't backed by just a group of youngsters feeding people in the park. The FBI has them on their radar because of their tactics. I just noticed that after researching them.

Grover asked FNB 0to come to city hall and he would provide bathrooms but they will not. Same thing happened in I think Tampa and they hacked the city government.

It's bigger than I realized when hearing Kimbrel was arrested for cutting a lock so someone could go to the bathroom.

May be best to stay out of that.

I guess the city doesn't want vagrants sleeping and trashing up the park.

Perhaps a compromise with bathrooms open during park hours and benches and to fund shelters is in order.

I think the DIB would be the one to drop charges and should. Inweekly is providing a portapotty in the interim.

Anonymous said...

It was painful to watch that meeting. Not one presentation from staff on eligible use of funds, as some of the ideas promoted by the Board are not eligible. I don’t think one person over there has read the grant requirements.

Please don’t go after additional grant funds when you are sitting on multiple grants for homeless needs and you can’t even agree on how to spend those.

You criticize the City but at least they are doing something. How much of the County general ARPA funds are going for homeless/housing? Zero!

The homeless task force is not city or county appointees but made up of community members who want to see change. Why isn’t the County supporting this?

Terrible marks for the County doing anything to help affordable housing or homeless.

Anonymous said...

The FNB war was with Orlando. It's on Wikipedia. They must have deep pockets. Occupy Movement. So yes the county might not want to tangle in that.

Noticed WEAR did a fluff piece on the DIB.

They could have just provided port a potties in an open park. Not rocket science.

Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1