
I am one member of a five person board. The opinions I express on this forum are mine only, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Escambia County Staff, Administrators, Employees, or anyone else associated with Escambia County Florida. I am interested in establishing this blog as a means of additional transparency to the public, outreach to the community, and information dissemination to all who choose to look. Feedback is welcome, but because public participation is equally encouraged, appropriate language and decorum is mandatory. Although this is not my campaign site for re-election--sometimes campaign related information will be discussed, therefore in an abundance of caution I add the following : Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican, for Escambia County Commissioner District 1

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

I'll Be on "Real News with Rick Outzen" This Morning at 7:10 Discussing the Contractor Competency Board

I've been invited to appear on the area's #1, top rated, and most informative morning drive news radio program "Real News with Rick Outzen" this morning at 7:10.  The discussion will center on the efforts to reform our Contractor Competency Board an process for oversight and licensing of contractors by this board.

 I've been invited to appear a little later this morning on 1370 WCOA's "Real News with Rick Outzen" Radio program.

Rick has invited me on to discuss what the BCC's direction was after last Thursday's meeting with respect to the Contractor Competency Board.

At Thursday's meeting, the board gave staff direction and a number of initiatives were discussed for implementation going forward to hopefully prevent what we have seen recently with several contractors scamming citizens out of large sums of money and never doing the work that was proposed by such contractors.

It should be an interesting conversation--when Rick publishes the podcast, I will link it here.


Anonymous said...

The pod cast about the CCB is good. I hope in the future you can absolutely guide the public to the county website and the CMR to put out information. I think you as a board should revisit the commissioner social media policy and put one in place after a new board in sworn in. I know you like the blog, but maybe even just not allow comments because the cycle of conflict over all has been dysfunctional. I know with PNJ not reporting factually it is an issue. Direct people to the source. However even a low voter turnout demonstrates not all are plugged in.

People ARE busy and unfortunately, with Underhill using Facebook in a propaganda page we have had a problem. Group think is real. You have used this blog to try to counter that. A psychopath has no remorse nor empathy and not much capacity for self reflection and growth.

The pod cast updating the issue of the 401a needs to be heard. Underhill uing a VPN and passing that TO Ardini and Rogers on facebook then Marlette at the PNJ picking it up has been horrible. Even candidates have been put on the spot.

It will be good when Rick publish how much the clerks office is spending to defend herself under the guise of saving the taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

You need to revisit your social media policy for commissioners. Mike Kohler campaigns just crossed over to the dark side and is posting on that ECW site. Three vote will do it.

County employee Owens is posting. They are bullying and trashing Pino, in an arena she can't respond. When she came on they did that. Underhill is once again lying and twisting the truth, They are disrespecting the board.They are a bevel of bullies and the continual toxicity should end. Of course an indivual can just shut that out and turn it off but the poison continues to spread worse than a biological weapon in our county.

Lucifer even pretends to be an angel of light.

Shut it down.

Are they listening to Troy Rafferties podcast? No.

Just disgusting.

Anonymous said...

It's funny annon 9:19 that you're defending Pino from bullying yet she's notorious for spending her days and nights taking screenshots and mass emailing half the county. The majority of people she's trashing are blocked and can't defend themselves. See how this works.

Anonymous said...

That is why when elected the commissioners, in my opinion, should step up to the dais, use the PIO, Public Information Officer, Robert's rules of order, parliamentary procedures in chambers. Have a sanctioned County district office and use county website for info and step out of the drama triangle.

Look up Kampman drama triangle and Grahams pyramid of disagreement.

Every agenda used to say, something about the decisions being made, and the call for respect.

Then if citizens wish to stay in the drama triangle, that is their choice. They can go to public forum or write an email or call if they have real issues.

Of course the Jerry Springer types can get citizens email, block who they want, type all day, get wide in the ass if they want to and the little men can sniff up,their skirts all day too.

It's a choice.

As far as the CCB, I know you have to CYI, like you did EMS. At the county. Life is a learning curve. Don't add to the liability.

439, weren't you on the CCB.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well at least JAR seemed to have had a bit of an epiphany tonight. Yes the board and most everyone dispises the way she shelters one rude commissioner and his angry wife, blocks and removes people that dont agree with her and protects Escambia's most well known bully, liar and drama maker that ever sat the BCC .. twists the truth, sends it to McKay and Marlette.

That has been one constant in the dysfunction. For Underhill to run a director's resignation letter up the flag pole and misrepresent what happened at a meeting by Barry inquiring about spending and the wifi on the bus seems like a function of the board.

Underhill is not cognizant of decorum and normal human behavior and neither is she. Any one associated with them has sullied themselves for all to see.

Anonymous said...

When Underhill is removed or vacates his office he and his aide should be denied access to the county server.

Anonymous said...

LDj on the CCB = oxyMORON.

Anonymous said...

Releasing public information about participants in the FRS system was against the law.

Why does he still sit on the board.

Anonymous said...

Here is an idea. Retain a lawyer for the citizens that were defrauded and help bring a class action suit on the fraudulent contractors. Get them prosecuted under the statute and provide information for a remedy.

Check the state statute, it is even worse if fraud victims are under 18 or in many cases here, over 60 years old.

No doubt it was brought to the boards' attention under Gilleys administration and when Bender was chairman. It is on video. The first line of defense failed with the CCB.

No doubt.

Get in front of it. Get ahead of it.

It's not going away.

Anonymous said...

Really though, people should take personal responsibility. Would I give money ahead of time or assign insurance benefits to anyone. No.

May does bluster. The county can't reimburse people for falling for scams, not do they have arrest power. Pontificate.

All you can do is reset the board. And watch more closely if they get complaints.

The victims need to band together and hire a lawyer but unfortunately even if these guys are jailed, restitution is usually not a reality.

A fool and his money soon go separate ways.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are a trip with all that!!!! The way you folks are h& ling this mess really chaps my ass. "They could see the storms brewin?" Well shoot Commissioner I bet they could, they are the people that started a majority of these things. THe people you coming to rescue on are the same ones that let thes things happen. That Tolbert sure looked like a nervous nelly up there on that microphone st& ing tall before the man, even put on a neck tie & his sunday shoes & his knee pads & his chap stick coming up there. Up there telling those lies he needs to accept what he cannot take back. answer to his actions. Yall should have sent the man kicking rocks but what in the hell happens,. Yall thinking you need to retrain the board hah! & rede Salzman ain't got a chance in hatees to get all them folks back there money. & they ain't going to do a dang thing when the Feds roll up on the County. It is my opinion but if you gonna make a wall of shame for the contractors in town, you start it with Tolbert & his staff at those meetings & fielding those complaints. Then you put the attorneys, all of em, including the one you think should be giving lectures on being a honest person or reteaching any body. I mean really the wall of shame. goodness. & i dont see anything on the dbpr webbsites that have a wall of shame. you making a novelty out of it but best not do that. Commisioners you said on a meeting that just because someone sat on a different board it doesnt mean anything. You aint looking around on fb & all much, or else youd see several of them have been called out in ca'hoots & hey yall aint right gaslighting all these customers with a little old pat on the booty like I seen at the workshop & commission meetings. Everytime some dookie gets on your boots yall want to throw on a workshop. CB you probably dont even recall yall already done that in 2019. bethca dont even know that but go look at the annoucement from it. Acting like yall educating folks around here when yall dont have a clue whats going on. telling them what a deposit amount is supposed to be to, yall have lost your mind & the ways you going about making things right. Shoot that dog dont hunt. I didnt come on here to run my head, but to tell you that you *u $#(@ing up & you aint got your head screwed on straight if this is the way you h& ling this puppy. Yall sound smooth as glass on that radio show but that aint whats going on out here outside that bubble yall in. Those 30 folks at the workshop aint the voice of the townpeople. You say you want to own it, its your board. Well buddy when you gonig to start? CuZ you not started yet & you heading in the wrong direction. 'you come here to tell us lies. go home where you came from". No disrespect on here im just giving you some real good advice on these people living like near homeless & what information is being shared round here. You say we heard you. Nah. Nah you aint heard anything by the way you politicking. I seeing people here say b& together with a lawyer & someone else saying class actions on the contractors. Anyone saying that should not give advice like that. The only ones gonna ever even have a chance are the lacoste people. Jesse aint got a pot to piss in. hey but Flynn & Stevens got enough for all of them. they pulled out nice & quiet. Rick had a little mouse fart mention of them. but he aint going to report on it. the channel 3 aint reporting on anything but the circus. I commented on here because i figure maybe, this Chairman is a good man. a honest man. & maybe he can give it a possibility even if its a slim one that maybe he has been duped by his very own chiefs. How you going to roll out your big solution when you dont even have the truth out of it yet. All you have to do is stop placatin & ask the right questions. "give me 80 men, & ill ride through the whole Sioux nation".

Anonymous said...

Yes what was that on Ricks blog about ECUA Kevin Stephens D5 at the same address as LaCoste. I do see the CCB agenda is published and emailed out now.

Anonymous said...

Same address dont surprise. Kevin and Flynn [were] MGR @ Lacoste Construction since jump street. 'Round the time Lacoste's RG competency card was soiled they added flynns state cbc. lacoste was in like flynn if you know what i mean. the real issue is all those boys have there happyjack insulated deep where it would take feds to freeze. its all in wyominng and under shells. lots of em

Political Advertisement Paid For and Approved by Jeff Bergosh, Republican for Escambia Commission D1